redirect « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. JSF PrimeFaces p:commandLink won't redirect to new page?

I'm using JSF2 and GlassFish, PrimeFaces 2.1. This works, showCreateProfile() method gets hit, and the method returns "profileForm" and the browser redirects to that page:

<h:commandLink action="#{profileHandler.showCreateProfile}" value="#{msg.menu_createNewProfile}" />
However, this doesn't work, showCreateProfile() ...

2. How to redirect to another page when i click on an item, in my navigation bar

I use a navigation tool called dock, from primefaces. I need to redirect to another page when i click on one of the items. The problem is that i ...

3. JSF 2 redirection problem

I have following two methods in my backing bean -

public String validateUser() {
    FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    if(userName.equals("user1") && password.equals("pass1")) {

4. JSF2.0 PrimeFaces Navigation Problem

I have a problem with navigation too right now. I have 2 dataTables, one is located within a regular facelets-page, the other one is located in a dialog. Both have the same ...

5. primefaces p:commandButton action not redirecting when in a p:dialog

I have a command button with an action that returns a new URL to redirect to. When this command button is not inside the p:dialog all works as I would ...

6. p:growl and faces redirection, is it possible?

18 May 2011, 03:29 by tiagoperes p:growl and faces redirection, is it possible? Hello everyone, I have some p:growl in my system to show messages related to the method called in ...

7. Redirect to itself, but for the first time only

18 May 2011, 21:58 by honyk Redirect to itself, but for the first time only Hello Everyone, I am trying to accomplish redirection to the same page after it is initially ...

8. Problem with redirection pages

07 Jun 2011, 14:53 by Erickfm8 Problem with redirection pages PrimeFaces Version: 3.0 Good morning everyone, I have a problem with primeFaces, lately I'm having several problems with it. The problem ...

9. PrimeFaces Mobile redirect not working

10. Failed to redirect implicitly when click TreeNode.

>> << dluisbr Posts: 11 Joined: 19 Jul 2011, 20:41 22 Jul 2011, 16:35 by dluisbr Failed to redirect implicitly when click TreeNode. In my application when a TreeNode is selected ...

11. No redirection with single selection in datatable


12. Redirecting the page after adding a new user

public String redirectUserList(){ return "list_user.xhtml"; } public void newuser(User var){ ...

13. JSF2: Standard Ajax redirection doesn't work

public void doRedirect(ActionEvent event) { FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ExternalContext ectx ...

14. p:commandButton redirect via actionListener

19 Sep 2011, 21:32 by kookee p:commandButton redirect via actionListener hi. im new to prime faces and am currently playing around with some simple stuff but have an issue i cant ...

15. Redirect to specific page on p:tab click

Hi. I would like to utilize p:tabView for horizontal site menu. When tab is clicked,that user should be redirected in non-ajax style to the specific page. Is it possible to inject ...

16. Redirect Page on p:dataTable Row Select

Hello Everyone. I'm having some trouble here. I have an application running on primefaces 2.2.1. On this application i have a p:dataTable with a rowSelectListener, this listener redirect to another page, ...

17. pm:commandButton not working after redirect or refresh

28 Oct 2011, 13:17 by __geo__ pm:commandButton not working after redirect or refresh Hi. I have a webapp that contains some pm:commandButton on the main page that are not rendering after ...

18. Primefaces CommandButton ajax=false not redirecting

01 Nov 2011, 18:14 by mprabhat Primefaces CommandButton ajax=false not redirecting Hi, I have just started with JSF and Primefaces, was trying out a very basic functionality of redirecting user to ...

19. Ajax and redirect, is there a simple solution?

Hello, How do you deal with ajax request that receive a 302 redirect status? (happens when you use spring security and your session expires) I have read many entries on that ...

20. How do i use ajax redirect in primefaces 2.0.1?

Hello Cagatay, You mentioned Ajax redirect is now included in primefaces 2.0.1. But, how do i use it? Which tag is there for it? There is no documentation related to it. ...

21. Ajax Redirect: NullPointerExceptions

Code: public class SecurityPhaseListener implements PhaseListener { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SecurityPhaseListener.class); public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) { ...

22. ajax ppr redirect on error

I 've written a single page app with only navigation from login page through app and vice versa. The only problem I faced is the view expired exception (session timeout). When ...

23. ?faces-redirect=true on navigation action doesn't work

Hello, I'm facing a weired problem with "?faces-redirect=true" , when added to any of my actions this one stop to work ! this is the stacktrace : Code: java.lang.NullPointerException ...

24. Showcase redirect

25. How to redirect to home page (/) in p:menuitem

It works with "/index.jsf" (I tried return "/" and it didn't work). Thanks. Another, rather minor thing - the browser's URL stays at last page rather than redirected to "/index.xhtml", or ...

26. Can't redirect to another page from the menu

23 Jul 2010, 00:42 by Crystal Can't redirect to another page from the menu Hi! I am using a template with a menu. When the user clicks 'Create New Box' I ...

27. Commandbutton with ajax = false does not redirect

I have the following page: login.xhtml Code: ...

28. Redirect to different page via p:schedule onEventSelect

String pagePath="my_page.xhtml" FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String path = context.getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath(); ...

29. Message from retain when redirect to next page


30. How to Extend the login sample to redirect to a page

What needs to be done to extend the login example, to redirect when the values are added correctly to a different page? I dont wish to you face-config for navigation.

31. Redirection Problem

>> << grenadadoc Posts: 31 Joined: 23 Mar 2010, 15:58 17 Oct 2010, 23:53 by grenadadoc Redirection Problem I am trying to migrate to an edit form from a datatable. The ...

33. The redirect works, but the url doesn't change

34. Messages show twice when using growl and redirect

Hi, I have a page that calls an action which adds a message and then does a redirect to the same page. It's your standard POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern. When implementing this pattern ...

35. inplace always being updated on page refresh/redirection

Hi, I am using the "inplace" editor to manage the values/updates for some fields, it al works a treat - when the user clicks the field it turns to "edit mode", ...

36. primefaces and redirection to error page

the exception is thrown (i see that on glassfish log) but the redirection to the customized error page is not working : iam staying on the form page.

37. Calling a function with link and redirect

20 Jan 2011, 13:16 by f2pro Calling a function with link and redirect Hello, I have a menu that when I click in there he redirects me to the page but, ...

38. Redirect - CommandLink

20 Jan 2011, 20:28 by edudebom Re: Redirect - CommandLink ...

39. Tabview redirecting to different files

40. Redirect in Controller doesn't work

org.primefaces.optimus.navigationhandler.ViewIdBasedNavigationHandler com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler

41. redirect displays resource

hi, maybe removing security for your css files will fix the pb so the request to you main page index page will be used by security and after successful login, you ...

42. Bean action with redirection

43. Logout + message + redirect

44. p:commandButton doesn't redirect now (only in SNAPSHOT ?)

Hi there, My p:commandButton doesn't redirect to new page when controller returns "redirect:newpage". It was working well with 1.0.0-RC but don't work anymore when I switch to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT version of Primefaces. ...