seam « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Why EL gives me the wrong object as parameter between parenthesis?

Here's the situation: In a rich:dataTable in an a4j:form, i create a a4j:commandLink to select the values and pass it to the bean with the jboss el action syntax

This works without problem. ...

2. How to conditionally style a row in a rich:dataTable

How can I change the style of a particular row based on a condition? I can use JSF EL in rich:column style class attribute, but I have to write for each ...

3. How to set a define inside other define

I'm developing a web application in jboss, seam, richfaces. I'm using a template(xhtml) as master page of all others and there i set two insert tags. <ui:insert name="head"/> <ui:insert name="body"/> The problem is that ...

4. AJAX call clears values in unrelated controls

I'm using RichFaces' a4j:support to toggle the visibility of some controls on the page. However, when the h:selectOneRadio button rdoRequestType is changed, it clears the values of the txtLibraryServerNumber and other ...

5. How to clear the password / login id fields on load

When i try to create a new user, the following fields (loginId which is an inputText) and (password which is an inputSecret) come with pre-loaded values. How do we clear these ...

6. External Reference to Richfaces modal

I need to get a

<rich:modalPanel id="mod1" .../> 
component to load an external page on "show" action, defined as:
<a4j:commandButton value="link" id="l1" reRender="mod1" oncomplete="Richfaces.showModalPanel('mod1')">
    <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{mybean.someParam}" value="#{myOtherbean.someOtherparam}" />
. My ...

7. Assign a unique client ID to each row?

I'm relatively new to working with the UI in Seam, so I'm hoping there is something simple I can replace the three instances of UNIQUE_ID with in the following example. The goal ...

8. rich suggestions - why input is null? (seam framework)

I'm trying to build a rich suggestions and i do not understand WHY the input value is null... I mean, why inputText value is not taken when i enter something. The .xhtml code:

<h:inputText ...

9. rich:fileUpload -- Nothing happening?

I'm trying to use RichFaces <rich:fileUpload> component (with Seam as the overall framework) to upload a series of files. However, when I click the "Add" button nothing happens. Absolutely ...

10. How to fix extendedData selection change when not focused

We have a page in a seam application using richfaces that contains an extendedDataTable plus one or more list boxes. We've found that, once you select something in the extendedDataTable ...

11. Problem with interruption of ajax request in RichFaces

I use seam and RichFaces in the project. If user performs action to leave the page (i.e. clicks s:link) while a4j ajax request is still active then alert with error 599 ...

12. Seam and link caption

In one of my pages

<s:link value="/index.seam"><h:outputText value="#{messages.home}"/></s:link> 
renders as
<a href="/acm20/index.seam?cid=64" id="j_id9">/index.seamHome</a>
How can I get rid of the "/index.seam" in front of "Home" ?

13. How to use Richfaces 4(milestone 4) with maven

I have a query about how to use richfaces with maven. At the moment I am using seam 2.2.1 cr2, richfaces 3.3.3 with jsf2.0.2 with maven. Please advise how I can use ...

14. a4j:support and seam: Illegal Syntax for Set Operation

I'm usually resolve this problem using javascript, but i'm trying to use de a4j on a seam project + jsf + faces. I just want to create a simple mask input ...

15. Iteration-scoped variable in JSF / Richfaces iteration?

OK, this should be an interesting one I think. I want to minimize the number of invocations to my Seam component inside an iteration. I am using Seam 2.2.1.CR1, Richfaces 3.3.3.Final, ...

16. JSF - h:selectOneListbox - how to move items up and down

I have an <h:selectOneListbox> populated with an <s:selectItems>, which is just attached to a list property on my Seam object. Here's my (simplified) JSF code:

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true" id="valuesListPanel">
    <table ...

17. How to find the changes in the Bean

I have 3 tabs.Each of which contain a form with a save button.In Edit mode after making some changes,if i goto another tab i have to show one alert saying save ...

18. EJB-QL in Expression Language using Seam: Finding more than one value

I'm trying to come up with an Expression that will find two values within a column. I'm using JBoss 4.2.2, JSF 1.2, RichFaces 3.3. In these two single examples:


19. Can't login with Seam's Identity Management

I'm trying to create a login in Seam 2 with Seam's Identity Management. I'm using mysql 5.1 for RDB. I already created a login page and modified components.xml for authentication. But ...

20. @Factory and @DataModel in rich:dataScrollableTable reRendering but not updating its values

I populated my table using @Factory and @DataModel and updating its values on each rows. Afer made some changes i updated it it in the database but after reRendering the whole table ...

22. Custom JSF & Richfaces Component

23. JSF and Richfaces Documentation

25. RichFaces + Seam configuration