tab « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Richfaces:same trees in separate windows (or tabs) being in sync?

I have a newbie question in JSF, and particular in Richfaces. I need my JSF application to have two pages showing the same tree, meaning that:

  • The two trees should be showing the ...

2. How to inactive the Tabs in Richfaces

I am using jsf with Richfaces. I've created a tabpanel using <rich:tabpanel>. I have taken 4 tabs like tab1, tab2, tab3 and tab4. if I run the application tab1 is default ...

3. Is there a way to create dynamically elements?

Let say that I want to create a variable set of <rich:tab> elements within a <rich:tabPanel> component. So I tried to do that way:

<rich:tabPanel switchType="client" ...>
    <ui:repeat value="#{myBean.myTabs}" ...

4. Is it possible to implement vertical tabs using richfaces?

HI I would like to create vertical tabs using the rich faces tab controls. Is it possible to do it ? Are there any other jsf implementations that offer the same ? ...

5. Problem with numberOfViewsInSession and multiple tabs

I have a big problem with my application and the memory. The application (java with jsf/richfaces/facelet) is used by some 7000 users simultaneously. By default, the variable com.sun.faces.numberOfViewsInSession is set to 15 ...

6. Making Tabbed contents Scrollable

I using Richfaces 3.3 and Jsf 2. I have a tab panel with a number of tabs inside a modal popup. Id like to set the contents of each tab to a fixed ...

7. Rich pick list tab order

I am using rich:picklist. It has to two list boxes as it has and four buttons in between for moving one or all . I need to give tab order to ...

8. Rich calendar input text box tab out is not happening?

In my page i have used rich calendar tag but it is not tab out from the input text box.Earlier it was worked fine.Now in my page where ever i have ...

9. Dynamically creating richfaces tabs

10. rich:tab

Hi venkat, actually i have four tabs and the first tab is home tab. when the application is loaded the home tab will be enabled by default. Under the home tab(which includes many pages) i have many links which will navigate me to other pages. Once i navigate to other page(by clicking on one of the link) and want to come ...

13. Rich Faces Tab

14. rich tab

15. RichFaces Tabs: switch dynamically

I wanted to click a userfrom tab the and do couple things. 1. Pass the user id so db 2. Display user information in next rich:tab when i click user form tab i get user information and set in user information bean but when i go on user information page i get all values null that i set first.............. can any ...

16. double click in RichFaces Tab

17. About JSF