convert « Seam « JSF Q&A

1. Is there a built in converter for Y/N and boolean in JSF and/or SEAM to use with h:selectBooleanCheckbox?

If an entity has the property defined as

private String noWstManagedFlg;
and the database is constraint is set to enforce a 'Y' or 'N'. Is there a built in Y N to ...

2. Cannot convert date type YY correctly to YYYY (Y2K problems)

I have a Seam/JSF application that has a date field. When the user types in 01.01.11, it interprets it to 01.01.0011 which is obviously incorrect. The correct value should have been 01.01.2011 Anyone ...

3. Converting jsf project to a seam project

I am trying to convert a prior jsf project into a seam project. I have switched alot of my code over to annotations. I also named my beans using the @Name annotation. When I try to use the intellisense from Eclipse Platform (Ganymede version), it does not locate the beans. It still sees the beans that are in the faces-config.xml but ...

4. JSF Converter and null

6. converting jsf project into a seam project (GANYMEDE)

I am trying to convert a prior jsf project into a seam project. I have switched alot of my code over to annotations. I also named my beans using the @Name annotation. When I try to use the intellisense from Eclipse Platform (Ganymede version), it does not locate the beans. It still sees the beans that are in the faces-config.xml but ...