form « validation « JSF Q&A

1. A beginner's JSF question about form validation

I am having a form and many input elements in that. I want certain fields to be validated, so i keep validateLenth etc on those. And i want some fields to ...

2. best approach to do jsf form validation

If I have many input controls in a form (There are separate validators for each of these input controls - like required,length and so on ) , there is a command ...

3. JSF validation. can this be simplified?

I have a simple form with a bunch of fields. each of them is required, and each has a different name:

  • city
  • state
when the form is submitted i check if each field is ...

4. restore form data after validation error in jsf

I have a combo box(drop down list) and a text field on the page. Both of them has required set to true. When I select a value in the drop down ...

5. JSF - Prevent validationFailed when raising a WARN ValidatorException

I have a form which uses validators for its fields. These validators can send back either Severity.SEVERITY_ERROR or Severity.SEVERITY_WARN messages, as illustrated:

if (!isInMainFamily) {
    FacesMessage message = new ...

6. Canceling form edition but not triggering form validators

is it possible to cancel a form, redirecting to the previous page, and preventing the form validators to be triggered?

7. How to validate form when I open jr:reportLink in the new window

I use JasperReports JSF Plugin. If I use jr:report and click the button then report opens in the same window. But I want to save its in the file or open ...

10. Validation for included forms.

11. validation of entire form

hi I'm using a form in a panelGrid. I'm having two text feilds t1, t2 I have to validate the following condition t2 becomes a required feild if and only if t1 is entered otherwise t2 can be empty.. so i cant put a required=true for the inputText t2. I wrote a custom validator and binded it to the feild t2 ...

13. dynamic JSF forms, ajax, validation, etc

Hi- I have a problem creating a dynamic form in jsf. I will try to explain the issue here while being as generic as possible. Apologizing in advance for the length of the question, but I am running into many walls and time is running out on my project. Say there is an application in which a user can select which ...

14. JSF FORM Validation

15. Validation not working after clearing the form

Hi, I have a form that I use for creating and editing users. So the form fields are all getting their values from #{users.user.*}. When I want to create a user I set user = new User(); and when I want to edit a user I simple fetch the db ans set user to the user on the db. All of ...

16. Saving form without validation

17. Multiple Form Validation

Hi all, I am developing an app with IceFaces and am facing the following problem. If I have a page with several forms, is there any way of selectively deciding which form validates when?. I neet to stick to a scenario with multiple forms and a kindof "SaveAll" command button which fires a last overall validation, before finally saving the data. ...

18. Multiple Form Validation Quest