variable « Bean « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. jsp create scripting variable like jsp:usebean does

I would like to do something like <test:di id="someService" /`>
<% someService.methodCall(); %> where <test:di

2. i have Bean class with setter() and getter() methods for fname and lname property. how to use that bean variable in jsp for checking if condition and...

i want to use "if condition and while loop" in struts1 framework. i have Bean class with setter() and getter() methods for fname and lname property. how to use that bean ...

3. Values into variables, from beans or Session Attributes ?

(A post from Winston worked for what I am trying to do... The suggestion was to use <% thisUser=(String)session.getAttribute("username"); %> I realize this may not be the best way to do this, or even a good way, but like any other eager greenhorn, I'm here to get ideas and learn. I'm creating a small JDBC JSP app. An initial login screen ...

4. How to set from variables to Bean?

whatever it is you should be using usebean tag any of the two ways you are thinking will go for same target of simplification or complication which ever way you are thinking of. And also you be a bit clear and fluent in making the question reflecting your confusion. I am a bit confused with your question as where did ...

5. accesss to indexed variable in bean

7. Why should an array variable be declared as a Bean

I am not really familiar with the JSTL SQL tags. Its a drawback of sticking with the good application architecture or in this case particularly, MVC. However, after looking at your code and using a bit of programming experience, it looks like in the former snippet it is expecting the record as an array. The elements would be in the same ...

10. passing a variable to a Bean's method

I have these two methods in a Bean: public void testQ() { InquireRecord irec = new InquireRecord(); String qs="INSERT INTO inquiries (submitter) VALUES ('Monkey Man')"; irec.sendToDb(qs); } public void sendToDb(String queryString){ try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); String filename = "C:/Development/tomcat/webapps/inquire/inquire.mdb"; String database = "jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="; database+= filename.trim() + ";DriverID=22;READONLY=true}"; Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( database ,"",""); Statement s = con.createStatement(); s.execute (queryString); ...

11. accessing bean variable dynamically

12. Making a Variable value in a Servlet visable to a bean

If I declare a variable in my servlet: public static String drawingString2; Then also in my servlet I have: Drawing drawingString = Drawing.getDrawing(rdrawingnumber.drawingNumber); String drawingString2 = drawingString.getDwgName().toString(); Now in my bean I have: String fileDrawingString = DrawingInquiryServlet.drawingString2; System.out.println(fileDrawingString); The console displays either a null or empty value depending if I have the .toString() added or not. Note: the servlet will output ...

13. use of variable inside jsp:useBean