browser « Client « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How can I get client infomation such as OS and browser

I'm using JSP, Servlet to develop my web application. I want to get client information such as: operation system, browser, resolution, ... whenever a client is using my website.

2. How to open new browser window on a client, rather than a server

This question has been asked before, but does not have an answer yet: I'm trying to use "java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop().browse(;" in a client/server application. I want the default browser to open on the client side ...

3. Using JSP to redirect a client browser

Hi all, I've seen many examples of JSP pages being used to process data from an html form. Most of my book examples process the data received in some way and then compose a new web page with the results and fire it back to the web browser. I'm quite comfortable with how this works. In my new situation I need ...

5. Compressing JSP on web server and Uncompressing at client browser

Problems Encountered: Due to the network constraints on our North America users side, they frequently complaint the slowness of our system page loading. But the challenge is of our existing users have already got used to existing UI page, and then we try not to change existing ones to achieve the usability. Possible Solutions: We get to know some J2EE web-applications ...

7. Client browser type and platform detection thru Servlets

Hi, Thanks for the responses. I've already tried with request.getHeader("user-agent"; but this doesn't seem like a method which can be relied upon for all types of platforms and browser types. The values in user-agent are as: Netscape Navigator 4.75: user-agent : Mozilla/4.75 [en] (WinNT; U) Internet Explorer 5.5: user-agent : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) If any one has ...