load « Database « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. my jsp page never loads    stackoverflow.com

I have a J2EE web application, that runs on a shared Tomcat on a server. Sometimes the website never loads, takes almost 5-10 minutes! It never loads or show any error during ...

2. Database Loading batch job Java    stackoverflow.com

Have a batch job written in Java which truncates and then loads certain table in Oracle database every few minutes. There are reports generated on web pages based on the data ...

5. JSP database LOADING & Refreshing    coderanch.com

I have a JSP page(PurchasesMain.jsp) in a inventory project. It contains details such as docno(autogenerated only 1 for an invoice),recieveddate,invoicedate,invoiceno etc. These will remain the same for a particular bill or product that has been recieved. Now the contents will vary. i.e 10 books , 20 erasers,40 pencils in a invoice. So i am using JSP: include. I have 3 buttons. ...

6. JSP load time database updation..    coderanch.com

Hi! I am displaying a page to the user, which contains his/her personal information. I want to update a field in the database that indicates that the user has been presented the page. The requirement is NOT to update that field until the info is presented to the user on the browser. It's a MVC architecture. I could have written the ...

7. Retrieving unicode stuff from MySQL... get load of mess...    coderanch.com

Hey! Im trying to make it so that my clients could use different languages when entering stuff into my froms. What I am doing right now is: All my pages have <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" at the top When I retrieve parameters I use the following procedure: String text = request.getParameter("text"); text = new String(text.getBytes("8859_1"),"UTF8"); This seems to work perfectly ...

8. Database load problem    coderanch.com

Hi all Can anyone help me with the following problem. I have a jsp which will check a directory for files and if present and named correctly will upload them into a database. This works fine, all files in the directory are loaded. However now I want to enhance this to allow users to select which files are loaded. I have ...

9. Rendering JSP loaded from the database.    coderanch.com

I have a JSP (consisting of custom tags) stored as a CLOB in the database. (don't ask why it is this way). I need to load that fragment at runtime and render it. Basically I need the equivalent of an "eval" operation that is present in Javascript but it applies to JSPs.. I have noticed that it does not work (using ...

10. Load Balancing for RMI transactions    coderanch.com

12. How to load dynamic data from the DB...and the answer is not JSP!!!    forums.oracle.com

So somehow i have to be able to display all the fields and there data on a JSP. The motive behind this is that there will be something like a common template which many modules can use and there will be a single jsp file which will display the contents as per the event... The template will be prepared in the ...