session « Filter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Why session.invalidate doesn't work in IE browser?

I implemented a sevlet filter in my application, and within the filter, if I find some specific url pattern, I will use request.getSession().invalidate() to logout and clear the session, then redirect ...

2. Passing session variables from jsp to servlet filter

I just wrote my first servlet filter and am already ahving problems. What I wanted to do was to make the filter handle authentication so that if a protected page was ...

3. get a session seam variable from servlet filter

I get the same thing. Generally in a seam application it is recommended that you use the filter annotations, in my primary seam application this works perfectly... I have another war file with an old spring project that I am integrating with seam. It uses acegi for security and although I have gotten it to bootstrap, I get the same error ...

4. Outjecting session-scope object from servlet filter

I'm hoping someone with expertise in this particular area can assist me in getting over this hurdle. Please note that we have been successfully using seam for the past 4 months developing this application and I suspect that my problem stems from a lack of understanding of how Seam's framework was designed to deal with Servlet Filters.

5. storing password into session with filters

Hi, Let's say i have the following filter for some jsp pages I have: public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain){ HttpServletRequest htRequest = (HttpServletRequest)request; HttpServletResponse htResponse = (HttpServletResponse)response; HttpSession session = htRequest.getSession(); if (session.getAttribute("username")!= null){ this.validateUser(session.getAttribute("username")); } } This code I intend to use to validate the pages so that the user won't enter any page without a password. ...

7. How Do I Use Servlet Filter To Check Session Time-out?

I have lots of servlets in my application. Right now, I am checking if the session has timed out in each of my servlet. People say that if I use a servlet filter, all my servlets may remain intact. I would like to see an example of using servlet filter to check session time-out.