JavaBean « Form « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Issues with JavaBeans Form

I have an assignment to use JavaBeans to create an online Banking application. I am trying to make the signup form but I am having some issues. When the form submits ...

2. Servlet, JSP, JavaBeans and HTML form

I'm working on a servlet that makes a connection to a database gets the information of one of the tables ans sends this information to a jsp file. This file will ...

3. Get information from JSP(form) to Java Bean

I have a JSP form. My requirement is to get this form's data and create a java beans object on the server side. Example: my form has fields like Name, SSN, EMAIL ...

4. binding form parameters to a bean using just Servlets and JSP - possible?

I am using Servlet and JSP without a framework to study for my SCWCD. I have a simple form that I want the parameters to bind to a bean automatically. ...

5. How to store usernames and passwords in a very simply registration form using servlet/jsp/javabeans?

I understand how to use session cookies to pass a username and password from servlet to servlet but I am baffled on how to store successful registrations so that when someone ...

6. How to Send a list of checkbox value?

in my jsp pageIi print the users in table , and the admin can select many users to delete I print them like that

 while (iter.hasNext()){


7. Form output using bean

Getting my feet wet with JSP/bean action. I'm getting An exception occurred processing JSP page /foo/output.jsp at line 14 on my output page. The java file compiles ok. input.jsp ...

8. javabeans and checkboxes

9. JSP form to javabean

I have the following JSP page for collecting bill information, the page validates the data itself but I want to then pass the entered details into a javabean so I can then store them for later use. My javabean just has simple get and set methods for storing the info. But how do I get the data into it??? I have ...

10. Hidden Field in JSP and Java Bean

11. Newbie help - forms and javabeans

I have been working as a student Web Developer at my college since January of last year. For having worked here for 17 months I feel I lack much of the skill I think I should have. I don't think my supervisor has worked much with JSP before but perhaps with Java. So now I have a new project and I ...

12. html form generation from java beans

13. Cannot pass checkbox array to Java bean

15. javabean in Form, retrieve in servlet gets java.lang.NullPointerException

Check your "request.getAttribute("eventb");" what is it returning. Also since you are using form's "GET" method to submit the form, all the form parameters are not getting passed to servlet. Only the parameters appended to URL are getting passed. Try using "POST" method while submitting the form. and then check the value of request.getAttribute("eventb") before casting it to EventBean