validation « Form « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How would you easily validate a JSP option pick list?

I need to validate this simple pick list:

<select name="<%= key %>">
    <option value="ETC" SELECTED>Select an option...</option>
    <option value="ONE">Lorem ipsum</option>
    <option value="TWO">dolor sit ...

2. How to create a jsp Form with validation and mail form details to administrator?

I am new to JSP and related technologies. I need to write a JSP form with some required fields (including Captcha), the form will require validation. Upon successful submission of the ...

3. Validating JSP's and HTML Forms, Server-side or Client-side, or both?

I am aware that I can Google "HTML Form Validation" and would get a billion tutorials. I am well aware that I can use simple JavaScript to validate form input, but ...

4. Form filling validation in Java

I do check in with a servlet, it works. How validation of form filling? For example, re-send the user to .jsp-file, if a username is already registered? Sorry for bad english.

5. How to re-populate form fields on a jsp page after failed server validation

I have a very simple Java MVC web application and am using a servlet to handle form validation. If the form is validated, the request is forwarded to the appropriate ...

6. Design question: Serverside form validation using ajax and Servlet

Currently coding a very simple web application where I am building the framework from scratch ( MVC design) . I do not have issues with the code, my questions is related to ...

7. Check Box Validation Problem - JSP (NetUI framework)

I have created two checkbox in my JSP form using the NETUI framework as below. It is successfully getting displayed in the front end as I desire. The problem is with its selection ...

8. validating html form data in JSP

hi, i have created a form in html, with several input boxes where they enter numbers (currency). I then, get these results, and print them out in a jsp page. However, atm, they can enter strings into the html text boxes, and i only want them to be able to enter numbers. how can i go about performing a server-side validation ...

10. JSP Form Validation

11. Managibility, Propagation, Form Validation, and getting rid of js

We have several pages with several forms on them, some are unique and some aren't. The problem with our current implimentation of JSP and Javascript is that there is a massive amount of code within each page and in order to make a common change you must edit every single page. We want to move to a model where the front ...

12. Best Way to Validate the JSP form by using Java

Dear geeks, I have some design questions regarding to the web form. My form has a lot of fields like Customer Name 1, Customer Password 1, Confirm Customer Password 1. I call those as a group. I have around 20 groups of that on my web form because of the user requirement. I feel so annoying that if I have to ...

13. form validation

hi all, I am developping an application and I want to validate a form as the user go through and fill it. I want when the user moves to another (textfield ) for example, the previous one is validated and in case of errors highlight this field. Is there any tag that can let you know when the user has left ...

14. serverside validation of check box

16. validation in servlet for jsp form

Hi Nitin, If you want to suggestion for business logic then use same way as Ankit Garg says. But make another POJO Class for your business logic. Make object of that class and call method which contains all your business logic. So, that is good practice for development and you are using MVC architect for development. Then don't use HTML code ...

17. Checkbox validation

Hello, I have a requirement where a JSP will be populated by rows in a Java Bean.Now each row has a checkbox.The checkbox is grayed out based on a value of one of the properties in the bean.Now earlier I used to write a simple loop to check the value of the property in the Jsp itself.Instead of writing this piece ...

18. JSP form validation

Well im new to jsp... I wanted to know what is the best way to validate a jsp form at client side, like checking if any mandatory field is left empty or having invalid data. For example i have an input type=file and on hitting the submit button i want to validate the file input field is left empty. Then should ...

19. check box validation

I have a checkbox and one label field status like below.

so whenever I click ...

21. Java Form Validation

22. How do I set a validation for the street number on the JSP form?

For server side validation it is an ordinary request parameter access and its value check in the action executable resource specified in your said FORM. For client side validation, it is a task of a function for onChange event on the HTML element, or for onSubmit event on the


23. servlet form validation

24. JSP form validation?

I have well over 15 text feilds in a form tag on a jsp page that when you hit submit, if none of those text feilds are empty then do something. I was taught (as we are just learning jsp) - if (inputFieldName != null && inputFieldName.equals("")){out.println("error");} there has to be an easier way to do this if I have 15 ...