image « JFreeChart « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Find image file in JSP

I have search thoroughly through the forums for an answer to this question, but have not found what it is I am looking for. What is the temporary location of the file that is generated by ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(...)? I am running Tomcat and using Struts. I am in no need of any image map or anything - just a basic pie chart ...

2. error saving image from servlet

3. Image does not update immediately in my JSP

Hello: I has an J2EE application in Bea WebLogic an I used JFreeChart to create charts and show it in a JSP Page. I generate my chart in a Java Class with a code like this: String series1 = "Sales"; Iterator alIt = data.iterator(); DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); VO item = new VO(); while (alIt.hasNext()) { item = (VO); ...

4. Background image file location for servlets

Background image file location for servlets by rif6894 Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:45 pm I am developing a simple (one point) XY chart, with a background image that is static. I am assigining the image to be used using Code: Select all Image im = new ImageIcon("/images/mosaic.jpg").getImage(); plot.setBackgroundPaint(null); plot.setBackgroundImage(im); I wish to define a consistent location for the images/mosaic.jpg file ...