popup « Session « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Session expires even doing operations on pop up Window (Window.open)    stackoverflow.com

On our Application , We have HyPer Links on our Grid .(Result Display) On click of that a new Pop Up Window is opened , using window.open pop up mechanism We can ...

2. IE6 losing sessions with javascript popups    coderanch.com

Yeah, I read few posts about the issue from this forum, but didn't quite figure out how to fix this annoyance. I'm building a e-commerce site with shopping carts etc and if user wants to have some additional info about some product he/she can open a popup which contains pictures etc and "add to shopping cart"-button. UserID is kept in a ...

3. Session in a popup window    coderanch.com

If I create a session in a main window inside which it will create a new popup window, will the popup window have the access to the same session variable. The reason for such application is that I am building a survey application. The session will be created once a user has logged in. Then he will press a button to ...

4. HttpSession issue with Popups    coderanch.com

Hi all I have an application which has many popups . But i am encountering a weird scenario while working with this I logged in to my system (which uses a HttpSession) and then i opened a popup . I submitted the data in the popup and operation in the popup is expected to take some time . In the mean ...

5. Losing session in pop up window    coderanch.com