page « String « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Where should I escape HTML strings, JSP page or Servlets?

I would appreciate providing me with a set of clear guidelines or ruling for handling escaping strings. What I use for escaping strings is the apache commons-lang-x.x.jar library. Specifically the ...

2. How can i fetch any string value in JSP page

If any "ID" set with value in Servlet Class then How can i access that value on my jsp page. As i know there are several methods which helps to fetch ...

4. print string with breaks on web page

5. How to use List in JSP page?

<% List beerBrands = (List)request.getAttribute("styles"); Iterator it = beerBrands.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ out.print("try: " +; } %> When I compile the above JSP code in Eclipse 3.4 (using JBoss 4.2 as my Application Server), I get the following Warning. Type safety: Unchecked cast from Enumeration to Enumeration If I add the "@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")" to the code, Eclipse does not give any ...