jboss « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Generic error pages in webapp under jboss    stackoverflow.com

Not a jsp/maven/java dev myself, i'm trying to configure error pages in a generic way, for a webapp, without touching jboss's configuration. Here's how i'm trying to do so: in my web.xml, i've ...

2. How to debug into response.addCookie(...)?    stackoverflow.com

i have a struts application in a jboss server. i would like to be able to debug into response.addCookie(...) when working from Eclipse. what do I have to do to be able ...

3. Java Remote kill user session    stackoverflow.com

How I can kill a user sessionId from a web administration panel? I mean, I have multiple users entering a website with jboss 4.2 and struts 1.3 and I want to ...

4. Action Servlet blocking jboss?    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com

Florian Reiser-2 Reply | Threaded Open this post in threaded view | Report Content as Inappropriate Action Servlet blocking jboss? Hello, I want to use struts-tiles for templating in following environment. Struts-1.3.8 Trinidad-1.0.1 Tomahawk-1.1.6 Sun RI-1.2 JBoss 4.2 When I start jboss-4.2 the last protocol line shown is: [Action Servlet] "Loading action chain ...