websphere « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Struts/JSP/J2EE performance and memory profiling and issues    stackoverflow.com

We are using Struts and having performance issues. And making heavy use of jsp includes, tiles, EL expressions. I am sure this is eating up a lot of memory and processing ...

2. WebSphere Commerce - How does ReLogonFormView / Session Expiration Work?    stackoverflow.com

Sorry for the broad topic. Basically, WSC is supposed to have out-of-the-box session timeout handling by forwarding the user to the ReLogonFormView, which the user can presumably configure (through Struts) ...

3. Migrate Struts 1.0 app from WebSphere 5.1 to 6.1 - JSP container failed to load the TagExtraInfo    struts.1045723.n5.nabble.com

The same code (EAR) did not throw the above exceptions in WebSphere 5.1 server. Migrating Struts 1.0 application from WebSphere 5.1 to WebSphere 6.1 in z/OS. After successfully deploying Struts 1.0 app in WebSphere 6.1 server, I start the application. As the application starts up, I get the following error in server log as: Trace: 2009/05/11 15:57:57.713 01 t=9CCC68 c=UNK key=P8 ...