response « Tomcat « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Tomcat doFilter() invoked with committed response

I have a Tomcat Filter that delegates requests to the a handling object depending on the URL. This is the only filter in the FilterChain. I have an Ajax app that ...

2. Disable all default HTTP error response content in Tomcat

By default, Tomcat sends some HTML content back to the client if it encounters something like an HTTP 404. I know that via web.xml an <error-page> can be configured ...

3. Getting Response.End() behavior in JSP

Thanks to everyone in advance - I am aware of closing the jspwriter/outputstream and returning as a method to stop further execution in the main context. Has anyone found a way to ...

4. How to add response headers based on Content-type; getting Content-type before the response is committed

I want to set the Expires header for all image/* and text/css. I'm doing this in a Filter. However:

  • before calling chain.doFilter(..) the Content-type is not yet "realized"
  • after calling chain.doFilter(..) the Content-type ...

5. View response headers before they are sent to the client?

I am writing a project for school. I want to be able to display, on a web page, the response headers that the web server sent to the client. ...

6. Servlet buffering response despite calls to flush()

We have a system where a client makes an HTTP GET request, the system does some processing on the backend, zips the results, and sends it to the client. Since the ...

7. Recieving empty response from servlet

I have an ajax web application requesting data to servlet deployed on Tomcat 5.5. I am conneting to Tomcat using HTTPS protocol. I wrote one servlet which is called from ajax page ...