browser « URL « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How do I get an http session created by url in word document to be used when a link in the browser is clicked

I have a servlet based application that creates a session and stores some information the first time it is accessed. This information is used in subsequent pages. The process ...

2. Java HttpServletRequest get URL in browsers URL bar

So I'm trying to grab the current URL of the page using Java's request object. I've been using request.getRequestURI() to preform this, but I noticed that when a java class reroutes ...

3. URL redirection: Server side redirection to a directory/folder in IE

I'm implementing a URL shortener like For this, I have a Java servlet backend which does a response.redirect(targetURL) for every redirection request. This works fine for HTTP requests, but I'm having ...

4. How can an ISP append "index.jsp" to a URL I type in my browser

My ISP requires me to log in each day by redirecting me to a login page. Once I've logged in, they present me with an information page with a link ...

5. JSP Forward vs. Redirect and Browser URL

I have an issue with a JSP/Servlet set-up and what's getting displayed in the browser URL. page1.jsp submits to the servlet by a form with an action of "". ...

6. How to hide the extension in the web browser address bar url?

You can hide the data by using the POST rather than the GET method for sending data in HTTP. You can hide the file name by using the Model-View-Controller (or Model 2) architecture with a global controller. That way the same name is always shown but the actual page used to display the data (the 'view') gets decided on the server ...

7. Hide url in the titlebar of browser

8. get URL of browser in Scriplet

14. Invalidatig session when URL is copied on new browser window

Hello all, I am using url rewriting (for some technical reason not supposed to use cookies) mechanism in my application for session tracking mechanism. I am facing the below issue: 1) Launch the application - the url now has jsessionid appended to it and I come to some intermediate screen 2) Copy the url containing the jsessionid 3) Open a new ...