Calendar 3 « Calendar « Java Data Type Q&A

\n"); if(k1 == 0) stringbuffer.append("\n"); } if(j < 7) { for(; j < ...

1. Java Calendar UTC Hour

Hi, I would like to know how I can get the hour value from my Calendar cal object in UTC time as an integer. I keep getting 15 when I want to see 7 which is seen in the Date object. import java.util.*; public class Cal { public Cal() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), Locale.UK); cal.setTimeInMillis(15l * 3600l * 1000l); // ...

2. Calendar class

I guess it's better if you try it yourself. Try executing add() and roll() with the same arguments and you'll understand the difference. But for short, we can say that if you use add(), it will behave the way a person would normally expect it to do (e.g.: 40 days from this date, which will be the date; the exact moment ...

3. use of calendar class

4. Problem with Calendar in Java 5.

5. ActiveSync Client Calendar

6. java calendar

According to java calendar january month is 00 , feb is 01 and so on. Hence when you say to print from 04 to 05 it is actually printing the dates from may 1st to 31st instead of april 1st to 30th. Change the months of start cal and end calendar as 03 to 04, it will print the dates of ...

7. Calendar

8. Calendar Issue

currentSchoolYear = schoolYearsList.get(schoolYearsList.size()-1); } /** * Returns the start year for the current year. * For example: returns 2004 for the school year Sept. 2004- June 2005 * * @return An integer representing the start of the school year. */ private int getCurrentSchoolYearFallYear() { // Find the current school year int lastSchoolYearFallYear; Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentMonth = currentDate.get(Calendar.MONTH); if ...

9. Calendar difference adds extra 12 hours in java 6

Hi, I am using simple java calendar code to get the time difference between 2 sets of date/times with one date being an hour more than the first date but into the next day. The result is adding 12 hours instead - any help? Java is java version "1.6.0_07" //date-time = 12/1/2007 11:30:00 PM Calendar startDateTime = Calendar.getInstance(); startDateTime.clear(); startDateTime.set(2007, 12, ...

10. Help with Java Calendar class!

11. Problem with calendar

12. US Holidays Calendar

I have a requirement, given a date, I want X number of WORKING days from that starting date. So I want to ignore weekends and US holidays. Do you have any ideas? I want to see if there's any existing class out there that has this functionality instead of having to write one. Thanks

13. Calendar problem

14. How to write a CALENDAR program in Java?

Don`t be afraid. Let`s look at it. To tell the truth I haven`t ever have such kind of task (I mean calendar). But I seems to me not so complecated. In general it is just a frame with 2 JButton, 1 JLabel for output Month name and year. And JLabel for every day. So try to make just such part of ...

15. Unsmell my code? Calendar

16. How to display calendar

So I've been working on this problem but i am stuck in the formating of the days integers for each calendar month here is the problem Displaying calendars (filename: Design an algorithm and then write a Java program that prompts the user to enter the year and first day of the year, and displays the calendar table for the year ...

17. Java Calendar Help Needed :)

Yes, currently it displays the entire month, and the program allows switching between months. What i'm after is the ability to only display weeks of the months. To display only 7 days at a time for the month. With the ability to switch to the next/previous week in the month. A weekly calendar instead of a monthly calendar. Thanks

18. Problems with Calendar object

19. Calendar

20. Implementation of Calendar

There is a JSP page , a FORM is placed on it having a formid. I want to implement a Calendar on this FORM in JSF , such that there is a icon of Calendar in front of 1 textbox , whenever i click on the Calendar icon , calendar is popedup , when user selects the date , the corresponding ...

21. Calendar behavior question

22. Is this a Calendar bug?

If I set a day to 30th April 2008 and add one day, I obtain 31st April, which is a day that does not exist. Is this a bug?: import java.util.Calendar; public class DateTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Calendar myDay = Calendar.getInstance(); myDay.set(2008, 4, 30); // 30th April System.out.println("30th April: " + myDay.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + " " + myDay.get(Calendar.MONTH) ...

23. Why won't get(Calendar.MINUTE) work?????

I am a beginner programmer and am writing some code for my theater company to help our operations in the lighting booth. I want it to pop up a message box at a certain time, say 7:55 pm, that will tell the stage manager to give the actors their 10 minute call. I have tried the following: int a = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); ...

24. 12 noon behavior in Calendar - Java 5

Thanks for replying. No, I am talking about the Calendar class. Why is the Calendar converting the hour to 00 instead of retaining a military time hour of 12 that I am setting? As I stated, I have tried setting HOUR_OF_DAY, and I have also tried setting HOUR to 0 and then cal.set(Calendar.AM_PM,Calendar.PM). This does not work. No matter what I ...

25. Question about initializing Calendar attributes manually

Hi. I am setting up a Calendar object by initializing it's attributes like this: Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year.intValue()); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, month.intValue()); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day.intValue()); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, hour.intValue()); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute.intValue()); The problem is that when I run a test case where I create 2 calendar instances with the same attributes ie - both of them set to 2008, 02, 25, 10, ...

26. Calendar.set() should not return void

The current API is the way it is, because Date should be seen as an export type, and not as the main reason for Calendar being around. You need to understand the fact that the operations are around for modifying a Calendar instance and that maybe somewhere down the line someone willl want a Date object.

27. Negative values from Calendar.getTimeInMillis()

Hi, I have written a piece of code like this. Calendar expiryDateCal = CommonMethods.getCalendar(); SimpleDateFormat formatter= new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy"); formatter.setLenient (false); expiryDateCal.setTime(formatter.parse(expiryDate)); expiryDateCal.getTimeInMillis() when i pass expiryDate date value 11-Mar-28 it is giving negative values it is happening when i give value vales greater than 11-Mar-28. Please any work around suggest for this. Thanks, Ramesh.

28. Using Calendar

29. Calendar Program Question

30. To create a Java Calendar

Hi, I have a doubt about how can I do to implement a Calendar with Java. I searched on Internet but I didn't find related information. Someone can help me please? I want to know if exists manuals, tutorials, etc, to do that task. I wait for an answer please, to know if I can implement that calendar or not. Thanks. ...

31. Calendar problem

32. Calendar in java ??

I want to display a calendar based on month and year selected by the user. The arcitecture is like I have 2 combo boxes in HTML having years and months. When I select year and month from the combo box the values will get passed to a jsp/java page and the calendar should get genrated according to the month and year. ...

33. Calendar in java ??

stringbuffer.append("?date=" + stringDate(gregoriancalendar)); else stringbuffer.append("&date=" + stringDate(gregoriancalendar)); } else { stringbuffer.append("javascript:" + s + "('" + stringDate(gregoriancalendar) + "');"); } stringbuffer.append("\""); if((s = (String)cnf.get(j1 + "target")) != null) stringbuffer.append(" target=\"" + s + "\""); stringbuffer.append(">"); stringbuffer.append(gregoriancalendar.get(5)); stringbuffer.append("\n"); } else { stringbuffer.append(j1 + ""); } if(sFont != null) stringbuffer.append(""); //stringbuffer.append("

34. What's the matter with my calendar?

I have a bunch of events that I'm returning that have enddates. I want to only show the events that are still going on. My problem is this code is returning all my records. Even the ones that ended already. Enddate is a string of the date. Such as 2008-01-31. Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance(); int c2year=Integer.parseInt(Enddate.substring(0,4)); int ...

35. calendar problem

I'm writing this calendar application where employees can schedule their vacations. Every employee has their own calendar start date based on their hire date. I called it showCal(hireDate). So I'm drawing the calendar and all days in the past cannot be scheduled for vacation, only today or in the future, so I have this code: if(showCal.getTimeInMillis() < todayCal.getTimeInMillis()){ //show days in ...

36. Customized calendar JCombo

I've already done it..but a minor problem..when I load the same in a Jtable's cell, once I click the date in that calendar, the focus goes back to the cell(Just think the case when you select a value in an ordinary combo). I need the combo to lose the focus, only when I desire to ie; after i select DD YY ...

37. Calendar program

Hi I'm a newbie. I wrote a program to display a calendar for the entire year given as input a year and day of the week. The day is given as 0-6 for Sun-Sat for the first day of the year. Thereafter all other months should follow correctly. My problem is that I don't know how to get the next month ...

38. Calendar component

40. Java Calendar Class Confusion Again...

What I'm confused about is what happens when I create a calendar object and I call calendar.get(Calendar.APRIL) and print it to the console, I get 51 for the month, when in the API the constant APRIL is listed a static final int. If it's the fourth month of the year, how am I getting 51?

41. calendar confusion

Hello Can someone explain and instruct why this does not work as expected Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar newDate = new GregorianCalendar(cal.YEAR+1, cal.MONTH, cal.DAY_OF_MONTH); I just want another calendar object one year in the future. I thought Calendar.getInstance() gets the current date/time for the default locale. That is what I get if I do a cal.getTime(). However that is not what ...

42. Calendar - clarification required

JRE version : 1.5.0_11 Code : ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Calendar testCal = Calendar.getInstance(); testCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2007); testCal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 01); testCal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 35); // expecting exception - invalid day System.out.println("Date : " + testCal.getTime()); ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Expected output : Invalid day of the month Actual Output : Date : Wed Mar 07 11:38:50 MST 2007 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The application logic expects this as invalid day, as 35 can not ...

43. Calendar confusion

44. Error while working with Calendar component

Hello there, I am receiving the following error whenever I want to modify data via a web form created with VWP and Netbeans 6.0. (The error text is as follows form1:printEingDruck: An error occurred when processing your submitted information.) The error seems to be caused by the Calendar components placed on the form. They are bound to date-Fields in a MySQL ...

45. Calendar funny results

46. Problem with Calendar class..

47. Calendar printing problem

48. Can anyone explain this Calendar beheaviour?

So i'm basically doing twice the same, but the second time without the sysouts. But the output is: Thu Nov 08 18:18:43 CET 2007 Fri Nov 09 11:18:43 CET 2007 Fri Nov 09 11:59:43 CET 2007 Fri Nov 09 11:59:59 CET 2007 Fri Nov 09 11:59:59 CET 2007 Thu Nov 01 11:59:59 CET 2007 Wed Oct 31 11:59:59 CET 2007

50. Calendar WeekOfYear calculation issue

Hi , I am getting problem in calculating exact week of year from day & month. I had posted my issue earlier also and got response which worked for a month but again it failed. I am not able to get actual answer for my issue. Someone please help. Sample code given below public static void main(String[] argc) throws Exception{ String ...

51. Java Calendar Object

52. Calendar Problem

So, how can I just access the month, day, or second? EDIT: Well, I see what you mean, but, I want the program to know what month it is. I can get all the information from ".getTime()" which returns a date, but, when I looked into how to grab the month from a date, it says that the "getMonth()" was deprecated ...

53. Utilising calendar class

54. does Calendar play with seconds?

You are using the field HOUR, which is supposed to be used in 12-hour clocks (in conjunction with the AM_PM field.) Its values therefore range between 0 and 11. You seem to be working with a 24-hour clock (as you set WORKDAY_END_TIME to 16.) Therefore, you should use the HOUR_OF_DAY field instead of the HOUR one.

55. java calendar gmt help

hi guys. i am writing an application that involves with java calendar and i need to use "GMT". however, i think the gettime and get(hour) comes out different. does anyone know why and how to solve this bug?? i copy and paste my little sample program and output src import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.TimeZone; public class Timetest { public Timetest() ...

56. Calendar properties

57. Calendar Query

58. it's a bug of calendar?

The first day of every month is the 1st. I'm pretty certain that each month in the Gregorian calendar starts at day #1. You may have meant something else, of course, but if you can't even describe your goal precisely then it's unlikely that you can describe errors in your program's output, and it's even less likely that you'd be correct ...

59. Building a calendar

Hey..not totally sure where to post this, and I couldn't really find anything like it in searches, but I'm trying to find the best approach to build a 2 Dimension String array (String[ ] [ ]) with calendar data. I'm also aiming to keep it locale/timezone sensitive. Does anybody know what the best approach for this is? Thanks!

60. Can not set Calendar to UTC / GMT

61. Odd behaviour in Calendar object

Here i am trying to get the monday of week for a given day, for example the day is 20th July 2007, so the result should be 16th July 2007. see the following code import java.util.*; public class GetMonday { public static void main(String[] args) { int lStartDay = 20; int lStartMonth = 6; int lStartYear = 2007; Calendar lCalendar = ...

62. About Calendar.setTimeInMillis()

63. Calendar - funky results

System.out.println("c.YEAR: " + c.YEAR + " Calendar.YEAR: " + Calendar.YEAR); } } It prints out c.YEAR: 1 Calendar.YEAR: 1. I tried the month as well and it is printing out as 2, and the other fields are producing the same bogus results. I tried to run the tzupdate to see if that'd help and it didn't. I am running on Windows ...

64. Help with Calendar format

65. problems with Calendar

The 2 for the month isn't an anomaly, it's just the value of the Calendar.MARCH constant. Some genius decided to number the months starting with zero instead of 1 when designing the Calendar class. As for the off by 1 hour, sounds like you aren't using a JRE that has the current timezone information in it. Or you didn't update your ...

66. Calendar conversions act strange

67. Calendar problem

68. Language Support For A Simple Calendar

There's nothing wrong with what you described there (BufferedReaders and so on). Saying that StringTokenizer is slow and uses unnecessary memory is an unnecessary micro-optimization. Don't change anything unless (a) it is too slow in practice and (b) there is a faster method available. However I don't know what "language support" means so I can't say much beyond that.

69. Calendar great problem.

Hello everybody. I have a gregorianCalendar instance with a date, for instance thursday first of march 2007. I am creating a service which alerts you every two means, it should alert thursday 15th of march, and thursday 29th, and thursday 12th of april and so on. Well, in my method I receive a date (current date) and I need to ...

70. Bizarre Calendar results

71. avoiding weekends in calendar

What I am trying to do is when a superuser posts a entry and assigns it to a user he can also set the number of days for the user to respond. The problem is I have to avoid the weekends and just count the business days. Not a problem if it is a holiday for now I just need to ...

72. Calendar bug?

Your initial assessment with the 53rd week of the year is the problem because it exceeds the actualMaximum. If I set the WEEK_OF_YEAR to 52 and then add 7 days to get to Sunday December 31, 2006 it works. Not sure why it gave the correct shiftStart date... I will check the week of the year to be within the maximum ...

73. There is a Java Calendar?

74. Calendar variable = null

75. Calendar class

Calendar.APRIL is simply an alias for the value 3, ie the fourth month of the year. There is nothing wrong in using chart.getStartMonth() to specify the month used by a Calendar, providing your Chart has got the value of the start/end months in a sensible way (eg, using the same type of Calendar). Beware!! Month numbering starts at 0 in Java ...

76. using Calendar class

Hi all, can anybody help me for developing a program using Calendar class.what i am trying to do is I have javascript calendar file. daily working hours in perticular project (user give input). when i am selecting whole week days can i get total of weekly working hours and total in the next page or same page. please help me. I ...

77. Java Calendar eats hours!!

78. calendar question!!!!

Well, do you know how to create a JComboBox with a list of anything? If not learn that first. Then uses your calendar object and add a day(or whatever), format that string >add it to a list or an array. Keep going till you create whatever days you want >and then use that list to create the JComboBox yes i can ...

79. how efficiently initialize Calendar object

How can we efficiently initialize a Calendar object to a specific date, using a java.util.Date object? If I use: // assume dMyDate is a java.util.Date object. cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(dMyDate); it seems inefficient, because the getInstance() method does unnecessary work initializing the calendar to the current date-time. The same happens with: cal = new GregorianCalendar(); What we need is: cal = ...

80. Calendar project

if (year<1582) { System.out.println("Year must be greater than 1582"); } else { //tells if year is a leapyear System.out.println(year + leapYear + "a leap year." ); //determines month and day of year if (month.equalsIgnoreCase("January")) { if (day<1||day>31) System.out.println("Invalid number of days for " + month); else System.out.println(month + " " + day + " is day " + day); } else ...

81. Calendar behaving in awkward way.

jverd wrote: We don't use 1 for Sunday or Monday. And it might be that some of the internal math is clearer if it doesn't always have to account for an offset of 1. Zero-based calculations are the norm and are generally simpler in many programming contexts. I don't care about the 1 value of January. I want to refer to ...

83. Java Calendar problem

Java Calendar problem Posted: Jun 17, 2011 5:27 AM Reply Hello I have problems with Java Calendar class: Problem 1: I try to set Java calendar to specific date, but an exception is thrown. Problematic dates are 19210501 and 19420403 (yyyymmdd) at midnight (hour of day = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0, milliseconds = 0). ...

84. Calendar bug?

This happens every time on my computer running Java build 1.6.0_26-b03 under tomcat 7. This computer is set to run as UTC. Does this make any sense to anyone? //set the from date from the calendar, which will be midnight DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); fromDate = new GregorianCalendar(); log.debug("Timezone:" + fromDate.getTimeZone().getDisplayName()); fromDate.setTime(calendarFrom.getDate()); //set the time fromDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, selectFromHours.getSelectedIndex()); fromDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, selectFromMins.getSelectedIndex()); //do the ...

85. UNDECIMBER in Calendar

At what situation one have to use UNDECIMBER constant in Calendar class. In the docs it has been specified that it will have the value of month as 13. But when I used it I get the month as 12. On what occasion it has to be used and what is it's purpose. Explanation with code will be of great use. ...