schedule « Date Time « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to handle time in Java

I'm working on a functionality related to job scheduling in Java, where I'm required to schedule jobs based on days, weeks, or hours. I'm running into 2 problems:

  • What is a good representation/library ...

2. How to "make something" in a specific time and day of the week in java?

I have an application that needs to play some specifics audios(mp3) periodically. Let me give one example: Every Monday at 8:00am -> hello.mp3. How can I do that in Java?? I´m trying using ...

3. Schedule notation (time ranges)

I have some code which needs to do things based on a schedule: e.g. during business hours do X, after hours do Y. The schedule will be defined by ...

4. Dead code warning

        if(Calendar.DATE == X){

5. Schedule a Timer for (starting Date, No of times, no of days) problem

Hi guys, I have a TimerTask which need to be scheduled for conditions such as 1) Start Date and Time 2) Frequency (no of times it needs to be run) 3) Day/Month/Year No 3 is actually a combo box in the UI. If Day is selected then and Frequency is 5 means - Start from the Starting date and run for ...

6. Schedule a Timer for (starting Date, No of times, no of days) problem

Hi guys, I have a TimerTask which need to be scheduled for conditions such as 1) Start Date and Time 2) Frequency (no of times it needs to be run) 3) Day/Month/Year No 3 is actually a combo box in the UI. If Day is selected then and Frequency is 5 means - Start from the Starting date and run for ...

7. How can I query with date criteria for schedule with Recurrance date

Please give me your kindly suggestions. I'm working on a project that each profile account has it's own schedule for service being provided for this account. The schedule object has the following field as "Schedule start date" "how often it recurs"(user enters the number of weeks), saved as integer "Monday, Tuesday....Friday"(user selects from a dropdown list) service should be provided on ...