string 1 « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. What's the best way to check to see if a String represents an integer in Java?

I normally use the following idiom to check if a String can be converted to an integer.

public boolean isInteger( String input ) {
    try {

2. String equality vs equality of location

String s1 = "BloodParrot is the man";  
String s2 = "BloodParrot is the man";  
String s3 = new String("BloodParrot is the man");  

System.out.println(s1 == s2);
System.out.println(s1 == s3);
// output

3. Use of hasNextLine in Java, won't read NextLine after NextInt

I am trying to get this to work

 System.out.println("Please enter what SOCKET NUMBER you" + 
"wish to connect to");   

4. Java Strings to Int

I'm just stuck with a problem (maybe Simple). But I can't figure out how to solve it, maybe someone of you can help me. I receive as input an string with this ...

5. Java: Why can String equality be proven with ==?

I learned that it is from the devil to test String equality with == instead of String.equals(), because every String was a reference to its own object. But if i use something ...

6. Basic Java question: String equality

public class A {

    static String s1 = "I am A";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String ...

7. Possible to store string and integers in one object

Is it possible to store a string and 11 integers in the same object. Thanks, Alex

8. how to read and extract an integer from a string in java

Given a string

7 + 45 * 65
How to check whether a given character of this string is an integer and then store the whole integer value in an integer variable? E.g. for ...

9. How to check the equality of strings in clojure without invoking java.lang.String?

Is there any way in clojure to check the equality of strings? i.e. I need to know, whether their contents is equal, not location. thanks.

10. Get int from String, also containing letters, in Java

How can I get the int value from a string such as 423e - i.e. a string that contains a number but also maybe a letter? Integer.parseInt() fails since the string must ...

11. How do i change this method to get strings instead of ints

here is the original code:

public static int getInt () 
    Scanner in = new Scanner ( ; 
    if (in.hasNextInt())

12. How can I get the last integer "56" from String like ra12ke43sh56?

How can I get the last integer "56" from String like ra12ke43sh56? I have to modify the next value as ra12ke43sh57 so I want to get the last the integer value.

13. Best way to get integer part of the string "600sp"?

I have a string, say "600sp" from which I wish to obtain the integer part (600). If I do Integer.valueOf("600sp") I get an exception due to the non-numeric value "s" which is ...

14. Why is Java "String" type written in capital letter while "int" is not?

I am curious. Why do I have to type String myStr with a capital letter whereas I type int aNumba with a lower-case letter?

15. How to find of if a string contains and integer or not?

Say you have a string that you want to test to make sure that it contains an integer before you proceed with other the rest of the code. What would you ...

16. String equality in Java

I have seen both of these when checking the equality of two Java String's:

// Method A
String string1;
// ...
if("MyString".equals(string1)) {
    // ...
// Method B
String string1;
// ...
if(string1.equals("MyString")) {

17. How can I do this int to String transformation?

I want to transform an int to a String such that:

0 -> "a"
1 -> "b"
2 -> "c"
and so on...
How can I do this? ...

18. Java throws NumberFormatException

I have a text file where first two lines are integers m and n, then there are m lines that each has n pipe-delimited values. I wrote a program that reads ...

19. Integer increment and concat with string

I'm in the process of creating a method to generate a unique id, of type Integer, and was wondering how to do the following. In my Object I want to call the ...

20. How do I put an int in a string (java)

Here's my problem:

public class Sum {

  private int sum;
  private String sequence = " ";

  public int getSum() {
    return sum;

  public ...

21. Determine if a String is an Integer in Java

Kind of a weird question to phrase, but what I'm trying to do is determine if a particular item in an Array of strings is an integer or not. Basically what is ...

22. String to int in Java

I have a string named string1 that I read from a file. It's actually a number that I'm reading from the file. I now need to use that number in a ...

23. String to int gives nullpointerexception

When I run this code the conversion of a string to int is printing out NULL ? When I print out the string it gives me a string number, but when ...

24. "Incompatible operand types int and string"

I just started learning code (Java specifically), and i'm testing out a password system where when you type the password it becomes the variable "password" and it checks to see if ...

25. How to save strings

I am creating a board game and i have pretty much everything working fine. When i click the roll dice button everything works fine but then when i click it again ...

26. How to get all the integers present in the string?

I am using the following code, to get the integers present in a string. But this will give the first occurrence of an integer. Just print 14. I need to get ...

27. Java int return string

I have an int variable and I want to create a String method to return that int variable, how do I go about it? Example below... and set the getAge() method ...

28. Jackson JSON converts integers into strings

I am using the object mapper to map into an object that has String variables. This works a little too well, because even integers and booleans from the JSON are converted ...

29. How to check for an integer or a string and if not ask again [Java]

There are a bunch of threads throughout the internet on this but I can't make heads or tails of any of them. As an assignment for an intro to Java course we ...

30. Can you store a string in a int in java?

I'm reading a line of text from an external file, i have it set as a string so that the output will look like the same as it did inside the ...

31. operater % cannot be applied to

The problem is that, you're performing %, and / operations on a String. try this... import javax.swing.*; class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { int str; String s; int ...

32. int to string conversions threadsafe?

Hi Phil, The point I am not clear on, is whether local variables work in static methods the same way they work in non-static methods. I've read that local variables are created on a stack that is assigned by the JVM to each thread. You seem to be saying that this is true regardless of whether the method is static or ...

33. concatenating string and Integer

34. Change a String to an int

35. how to get non-null from Integer.getInteger(String propertyName)

[George]: Well. Since you already know that there is a documentation you can check it fo method getInteger(String) and see that there is Since 1.5 mark. As you can guess it is out of scope of SCJP 1.4 Ummmm... no. There is no "since 1.5" on this method. Integer.getInteger() methods have been in the Integer class since the beginning. They are ...

36. How to change an integer search method to look for strings - any help

Hi, I'm writing a class, which currently includes a search method for finding integer variables within a text file. I need to change this to find strings in the same text file. I've tried changing this method, but have had no luck so far. The current code for the search method is as follows, public Title lookUp2(String requiredDetails) { boolean found ...

37. why integer method is choosed and why string is choosed?

here i am writing 2 programs with overloaded methods class AA { public void sample(long s) { System.out.println("long: "); } public void sample(int s) { System.out.println("int: "); } } public class MyString { public static void main(String str[]) { AA a = new AA(); a.sample(1111111111); } } here is the string problem class AA { public void sample(long s) { System.out.println("Object: ...

38. an int and a string.

Hello all, I had one query. When you append an int to a string, doesn't the variable get assigned a string. For instance I am having a hard time with the following code. import java.util.*; public class BitStat { public static void main(String [] args){ char one ='1'; char zero ='0'; String str; String str2 =""; //boolean b = true; int ...

39. Trunning an integer to a String

40. Equality of String objects

41. Determing equality of String

Wow, talk about confusing. Is strPrimaryClass a real class or just a String? If it is a real class you could put the check for valid range into that class. To check for valid range you would want to do something like Cindy posted. Than if the class made it past that valid range check you would know that it was ...

42. String equality

The method String.equals(String) returns a boolean. So, if you have String1 and String2, it returns true if String1 equals String2, false if not. So, to do String1 not equal to String2, you could do: String1.equals(String2) == false For the OR: if ((String1.equals(String2)) | | (String2.equals(String3))) [This message has been edited by Matt Senecal (edited September 14, 2001).]

43. From String to int

44. converts integer into string

45. String to Int

46. string to int

Thanks for the help Marilyn, I looked up the method indexOf() and am a little confused by what index means: "Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the specified character. " And when you say, "You can check for indexOf( '-' ) and deal with the negative input if you find one. " deal with it how? ...

47. string to int

48. String to int

49. integer palindrome 'no strings'

howdee there, i'm a rookie and stuck on a problem. I need to write a program without the use of strings or arrays that works out if a number is a palindrome or not. I've got the number to reverse by % and / but need to reconstruct it so I can compare the two numbers, what i've been trying to ...

50. parseLong(String s, int radix) - What is a radix ?

Does knowing that radix means base help to better understand these examples (which were taken from the Long class documentation)? To review a couple of the examples briefly, parseLong("99", 8) throws a NumberFormatException because a base 8 numbering system was specified. In such a system, only 8 different digits would be used, presumably 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and ...

52. Storing integer 1 as a string "00001"

54. Assign int to String

You can use this: valueOf: public static String valueOf(int i)Returns the string representation of the int argument. The representation is exactly the one returned by the Integer.toString method of one argument. Parameters: i - an int. Returns: a string representation of the int argument. See Also: Integer.toString(int, int) Note the method is static.

55. int vs Strings

I'm trying to create a simple program that uses a text file to randomly generate a sequence of letters. Where I stuck is how to use the info in the file to choose the letters. Heres the file 10 a 50 b 100 c I roll a random number from 1-100 and then pick the letter that matches the number. I ...

56. String to Integer

Guys, I need to work out the best way of handling the below conversion of a string to an int, the example works fine but occassionally the string i'm converting contains non numerical charachter and i naturally get an exception error. Basically i really need to carry the conversion but want to know how best to deal with the odd occurance ...

57. String to Int

58. easier way to extract int from string?

i have a string that a user enters like 1235432 and then i need it to extract the integer values from the string..... String snum1 = input.substring(0,1); String snum2 = input.substring(1,2); String snum3 = input.substring(2,3); String snum4 = input.substring(3,4); String snum5 = input.substring(4,5); String snum6 = input.substring(5,6); String snum7 = input.substring(6,7); String snum8 = input.substring(7,8); String snum9 = input.substring(9,10); int num1 ...

59. int to string??

60. String to int

I am requesting some user input which is received as a String. I wish to convert this to an int value. //Request number of students user will enter //This will be received as a String input1=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(message1); //Change the String into an int variable numberOfStudents = Integer.parseInt(input1); System.out.println("\nYou entered "+input1 +" for the number of students to enter"); No problems so far. ...

61. How do I check if a String is an int

The fastest way I know of is simply to loop through the string and see if each character is in the range '0'-'9'. Having tested this before, I know that this is about a thousand times faster than trying and catching a NumberFormatException. (I haven't tested it against regex, however...) Doing it one or two or ten at a time, it ...

62. String > Integer

hello. this is another question about strings (not another by me but another from yet another newbie). i have three strings (one,two,three) which have values between one and nine. have do i get the average for them, as anytime i try to divide by 3 it wont run. ive tried messing around with integers and floats. my code is as follows: ...

63. Turning an Int into a String

64. Strings & Tokens vs Integers

I am at a stage where I have a text file and a program that is reading it. The text file contains a series of numbers seperated by a space. I want to read these numbers into my program and possibly store them into an array. Having limited knowledge and not seeimg to be able to find any documentation on the ...

65. integer to string

it does not work may be i have aproblem with my program here is the program _______________________ import javax.swing.*; public class Calculator { public static void main(String[]args) { while(true) { System.out.println("Enter (1) for addition"); System.out.println("Enter (2) for substraction"); System.out.println("Enter (3) for multiplication"); System.out.println("Enter (4) for division"); System.out.println("Enter (5) for mod"); System.out.println("Enter (6) for binary"); System.out.println("Enter (7) for exit"); } int choice=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter ...

66. Changing Strings to Integers

I'm pretty new to programming and I'm a highschool student. I have a math class this semester. I want to make a few simple programs, or maybe one program that take a couple input values and spits out some other values. Let's say i enter: %java Pythagorean 3 4 i would like it to print: The third side is 5. I ...

67. Turning String into int

I'm trying to have 4 integer values that will be x1, x2, y1, y2 that I will later on use to calculate distance. They will be read in from the user as a single String and then convert into a numerical value using a wrapper class. The problem i am having is actually getting them converted into int. So far, with ...

68. Int to String

Thanx very simple and uncomplicated...., what exactly is it that you did there? The + operator is overloaded for String, hence you are concatenating String objects, the + operator converts the other operand to an String too. You have to be very careful when you use that technique. Look at this examples: int age = 28; String jedi = " Obi-wan ...

69. lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) in Strings

A string is a sequence of characters. You can point to any of the characters using an index. The first character of the string is at index 0. The last character is at myString.length() - 1. You call this method on a String object, and it looks for the specified character in the string. It searches backwards, which means it starts ...

70. String to Int

Hi, Welcome to JavaRanch! Casting, in general, only tells the compiler to interpret a variable in a certain way, without actually changing the bits themselves. You can't cast a String to an int because a String is an object containing characters that represent some text, whereas an int is a binary representation of a number. The compiler can't just "pretend" that ...

71. String int

The convention is for class names to start with a capital letter, primitive types do not. In your example, "String" is the simple class name for "java.lang.String" whereas "int" is a primitive type (i.e. not a class name). If you were to use the "java.lang.Integer" class, which is different from the primitive type "int" then you would (have to) capitalize the ...

72. Regarding String, int

73. Java String & int

74. Turning an int into a String

75. find integer index in string

Originally posted by ramesh kancherla: Hi Campbell Ritchie , yes i have read tutorial. I can write sequence of integers and characters. but how can I find that numbers with characters not sequence can you please tell me. Thanks & Regards Ramesh K [ September 10, 2008: Message edited by: ramesh kancherla ] Hey Ramesh, I will give you a free ...

76. int to String

77. What does this do? request.getParameter("string" + int)

I assume that it is supposed to append the integer to the end of the string, but I do not believe this assumption is correct. The following is the code: int seqNum = num + 1; String code = null; log.debug("\n\n(TEST1)" + (request.getParameter("Sic" + num)); if (request.getParameter("Sic" + num).trim().length() > 0) { code = request.getParameter("Sic" + num).trim(); log.debug("\n\n(lTEST2)" ); } String ...

78. Check for the given String is a integer

79. having an string need to take out the integer!

The extraction is a bit harder than that. First you need to find the @. Then you would need to go back to find the first character of the number. Using a simple for-loop combined with String.charAt and Character.isDigit will help you out there. If you then have the index of the first character create a substring for the number, then ...

80. how to replace integer in agiven string

81. String as key to look up an Integer

82. plotting String as a label on the graph- error msg: 'the function getString(int,int) does not exist

Hi, I'm trying to plot a String of names on a graph using a .tsv file, but I'm having a problem with my for loop. I first plotted the numbers- each number refers to the city (col 0)- this is the code. for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++) { if (nos[row] % noInterval == 0) { float x ...

83. Strings "equality"

make String numberTwo = new String("ordinary string"); now == produces false. Create another String numberThree = new String("ordinary string"); numberTwo==numberThree results in false. Never use the "new" keyword when hardcoding the string contents. you are unnecessarily creating too many objects on the heap and wasting memory. Understanding the concept of String Pool in java lets you know the reason

84. Extracting integers from a string.

package my.scan; import java.util.*; //importing some java classes import java.lang.*; import*; class ReadFile { void getFile () { int count = 0; int i; try { Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new FileReader("C:/marks.txt")); // This file contains first line as- "I have scored 98 on 100, 55 on 70.". Scanner lineScanner; String line; while (fileScanner.hasNextLine()) { line = fileScanner.nextLine(); if (line.contains("I ...

85. How to check String confirmation with integer

Eh? If the column in the db is a string (varchar or whatever) then you should be reading it out as a string (getString()). Database columns do not consist of different data types, so what you're actually saying is that you have a column which is varchar2 (to use Oracle), but that contains numbers (shoot the designer). ETA: In fact, since ...

86. checking for ints in a String

87. String to int *not allowed to use Integer

I am trying to convert a binary number that enters the method as a string, I have to do the actual conversion within the same method, and it returns as an int. Right now I was thinking of running a loop and pulling out each character one by one as a character, but seeing as I have been away from java ...

88. Int to String Issues

89. switch case with integers and strings...

Hi, I'm new here on these forums, and fairly new to Java. In my programming class at University, we are asked for our assignment to: "Write a Java application that prompts the user for an integer. Once the integer is received, use a switch statement to create a String variable to contain the number received followed by the appropriate suffix: st ...

90. Accessing int's, String's by methods.

91. getting integers from a string

I need some help trying to figure out the best approach to getting all the integers out of a string. The string has an undetermined number of integers, each separated by a single space. I am basically readingl in a file, and i need to put the integers into a 2 dimensional array, based on what line they are in. For ...

92. Java String to Int

I know, the title sounds like I'm asking for "Integer.parseInt(str);" but, that's not what I'm asking for! I don't understand how this isn't working, but here's my problem.. I've got this code to get the 'version' of my program from my website, which works perfectly fine and returns 2. It's supposed to check if 'str' which is my String of what's ...

93. Detecting if string or int

How are you reading the input? Do you understand what a character set is? Each character has an int value. Considering single byte characters, For ASCII there are about 120 different values (about the same as what you can enter from the keyboard). The digits are in one range of values. Letters are in other ranges of values for upper case ...

94. Way to get a String AND an int, from an int

Hello! I'm currently writing a game, where I'm implementing dialogues. I found that it's easiest if each dialogue link to the next dialogue in the chain, with an ID. Therefore, they all have ID's. Now, when I get to a dialogue where the player needs to select different options, it gets a little hard. I need to have a list of ...

95. String to Int: Roman Numeral Class

96. Transfer int to string type problem!

97. String to int troubles

Hello forums, I am new here, so hopefully you get what i am trying to ask. I am currently creating a program that simulates a simple computer. It does this by having the user input pseudo-assembly code. I am using the Scanner to catch this input. The input needs to be formatted like this. 00 ? +1007 What I need to ...

99. int to string

100. Weird Result (String vs. Integer)

When you attempt to print an object it calls the toString method of that class. If your class does not have a toString method, then it inherits the toString method of the Object class. If you read the API for Object class you will see that it explains exactly what your see in the output.