validation « Integer « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Validating an integer or String without try-catch

Ok, I'm lost. I am required to figure out how to validate an integer, but for some stupid reason, I can't use the Try-Catch method. I know this is the easiest ...

2. Easy way to see if an input is an integer?

Is there a simple way to see if an input is an integer in Java?

3. Validate a user's integer input?

I need to ensure that a user enters a number between 10 and 100. If they do not, I want them to enter a new number. In between the asterisks is ...

4. how can I validate if what a user types is an integer or not

Have a look at the 'static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException' method in the Integer class. It throws an exception when the String doesn't represent a valid int value. kind regards, ...

5. How to Validate the Integers doesnot allow the string values using java

Hi all i have one bean that bean contains string and integer values setter and getter method i am writen the validations integer variables and string variables sucessfully. but i am entered the values in jsp form integer place string values entered that time 500 error is retrived. how to write the Integer text boxes allow the strings the time does ...

6. validate int

Hi! Humm..i can't seem to figure out what can be used for validating an integer value of 00, 01 ,02...(and so on) to 59 instead of 1 to 59? (i.e for the use of time in minutes) e.g if the user input 4 would be unaccepted unless a user enters 04.. thanks a lot..

7. Validation: check to see whether it is all integers

I am receiving an account number which is integers. If it is not entered as an integer I wish to state not valid and re-enter account number. If it is all ok I wish to convert all the integer values to a String. Is it possible to say if accountNumber not equal to an integer? //check that newAccNo is all integers ...

8. Validate Integer Length

I want to verify that the user entered a string value of length of 3 for delivery number and string value of 2 for month. I have tried delvryNumString.length() == 3 but it's not working. [CODE] import javax.swing.*; public class CreateDelivery { public static void main(String[] args) { // Declare variables int yearEntry; int mthEntry; int delvryNum; double packageWt; int distanceCd; ...

9. validate between int and double

11. Integer Validation

Hi to All, We have new requirement in our project, we have a quantity with type Integer and the validation is it should allow values only between 0 to 9999 could you please suggest how this can be done. i have tried writting logic checking for values between 0 to 9999 and raising an exception but if you try to give ...

12. How to validate empty string to be passed into method accepting integer?

I have a struts application. I have struts form. All form's fields are int. I have a following code: String s = form.empNum(); vo.setEmpNum(Integer.parseInt(s)) setEmpNum () method accept int. That's why I have an error. How to code, so if s is an empty string or null, no exception is thrown. Instead, the program lets it go. The purpose of me ...