jodatime « TimeZone « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Joda Time gives wrong time zone

I'm using the Joda time (1.6) libraries and it keeps returning DateTime objects with the wrong time zone, British Summer Time instead of GMT. My Windows workstation (running JDK 1.6.0_16) ...

2. Migrate TimeZone to DateTimeZone

I am experimenting to Joda time.

    final String string_from_3rd_party = "GMT+08:00";
    // Works for standard Java TimeZone!
    // ...

3. Creating a user-friendly list of timezones for user-preferences

Below is a snippet of the list of timezones returned from java (I've printed the timezone offset, timezone ID, and long name, using JodaTime).

(GMT-10:00) HST, Hawaii Standard Time    ...

4. Getting timezone offset with Joda Time

I got hopelessly stuck on this task. I get other-than-UTC future date input from user > I need to persist it as UTC time. I tried various ways, but it ...

5. JodaTime: How do I get the human-readable name of a DateTimeZone

The method org.joda.time.getName(long instant) requires a long, I don't understand what this "instant" is and the documentation doesn't address the question. I have a DateTimeZone that I generated from a timezone ID, ...

6. How to handle jodatime Illegal instant due to time zone offset transition

I want to setup joda DateTime to today at 2 AM (see sample code below). But I've getting exception :

Exception in thread "main" org.joda.time.IllegalFieldValueException: Value 2 for hourOfDay is not supported: ...

7. Joda Time problem with timezone offsets

I have a problem with timezone offsets in Joda Time. I think it is simply a problem uf understanding. I have the following parser and printer:

// The formatter for the timezone

8. JavaScript Date object always printed in America/New_York timezone?

I have a time-stamp in milliseconds (Unix time / time from Epoch) sent from my server, which uses Joda-time and always the constant timezone "America/New_York". On my client, ...

9. Joda time zone calculation

Been playing around with Joda timezones and found the following which seemed odd. I ran the following code

    DateTimeZone gmt = DateTimeZone.forID( "Etc/GMT" );
    DateTimeZone gmtPlusOne ...