format « bigdecimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How to print formatted BigDecimal values?

I have a BigDecimal field amount which represents money. And I need to print its value in the browser in format like $123.00, $15.50, $0.33. How can I do that? (?he only simple ...

2. Formatting of BigDecimal number

Thanks for your help Peter but i want it in different way every time i fetch data from different database i don't know how the numbers would be for 15432.234 it works fine if in some other database i fetch 1532343.435 then at that time also i need to display it as 15.32 can anyone help out for this. thanks in ...

3. Formatting BigDecimal

I need to format big decimal mumber in a required format For eg If we have number precision like(4,2) and we have munber like 12344.20000 then the output should be 1234.20 But if we have number like 12344.0000 then the ouput should be 1234.00 i can't use strip traillingZero method as it will strip all the decimal digits me Guys... ...