hex « bit « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Creating a ISO-8859-1 string from a HEX-string in Java, shifting bits    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to convert a HEX-sequence to a String encoded in either, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 or UTF-16BE. That is, I have a String looking like: "0422043504410442" this represents the characters: "Test" ...

2. setBit java method using bit shifting and hexadecimal code - question    stackoverflow.com

I am having trouble understanding what is happening in the two lines with the 0xFF7F and the one below it. There is a link here that explains it to some ...

3. Java: How to get high and low 16bit values from a 32bit HEX?    stackoverflow.com

Need a solution on how to perform the following: receive a decimal value, convert it to 32-bit Hex, then separate that 32-bit hex and get high 16-bit and low 16-bit values. ...

4. Pull out 64 bit number from Hex using Java    stackoverflow.com

I hope this makes sense. When I use a Hex editor and hover over a hex value you can see a 8, 16, 32 and 64 bit number (see screen shot ...

5. Java conversion HEX to IEEE 754 32 bit value...?    stackoverflow.com

Can any help me in converting a hex value to IEE 754 32 bit value... Thanks in advance

6. How to shift bits in a color (hex value)    stackoverflow.com

I have the following hex value store in a variable:

I want to convert the value to:
How can I accomplish this? I've tried to do this by the following operation:
int result = 0x04a8f5 ...

7. Hexadecimal how to isolate the blue value    stackoverflow.com

For red, I do pixel>>16, for green I do pixel>>8 & 0xff. For blue however, I cannot simply do pixel & 0xff. This is for an assignment, so the inputs can be ...

8. Converting a Hex String into 32 Bit Binary String    stackoverflow.com

How can I convert a Hex String into 32bit Binary String? I did

String binAddr = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(hexAddr, 16));
To get the Binary String, but I need to pad it with 0's to ...

9. How to Decode a 7bit encoded hex string    coderanch.com

Hi, I working on a application where input is 7bit encoded hex Strings(GSM 7-bit encoding). For example "C8329BFD06" is the 7-bit encoded string of "Hello" and "41F1980C" is the 7-bit encoded hex string of "Abcd" I need to decode this data into the original Ascii characters. For this i wrote a small script but it gives me junk characters. Is there ...