buffer « byte « Java Data Type Q&A

1. What is the best resizable circular byte buffer available in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I need a byte buffer class in Java for single-threaded use. I should be able to insert data at the back of the buffer and read data at the front, with ...

2. Buffers and bytes?    stackoverflow.com

Could someone explain to me the uses of using buffers, and perhaps some simple (documented) examples of a buffer in use. Thanks. I lack much knowledge in this area of Java programming, ...

3. Expanding Java Memory-Mapped Byte Buffer    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to expand the Java memory-mapped byte buffer such that the new size is reflected back to the mapped file on disk?

4. What is the best resizable byte buffer available in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I need a byte buffer class in Java for single-threaded use. The buffer should resize when it's full, rather than throw an exception or something. Very important issue for me is ...

5. byte[] buffer or byte buffer[]    coderanch.com

In the "C++" language -- whose syntax Java borrows from, heavily -- the brackets always follow the variable name. int counts[]; The problem with this notation is that it doesn't read well. "int counts array -- oh, an array of int named counts." Java introduced a variation: int[] counts; which reads better -- "int array counts". The two words that describe ...

6. Should I use a temp buffer to gunzip bytes to bytes?    forums.oracle.com

I would question the design at both ends. (a) Why does the zipped data have to be in memory in a byte array? why not process an InputStream? and (b) why does the unzipped data have to be returned as a byte array? why not as another InputStream? That way you don't ever have to have all the data either zipped ...

7. java Byte Buffer    forums.oracle.com

Hi, well i am new to java and i dont know much, well i am facing problem with ByteBuffer class in java and from java documentaion i came to know that when ever a call to allocate() happens ByteBuffer will be a alocated with native byte ordering as BIG_ENDIAN, but some times a call to allocate()/allocateDirect() is giving byte ordering as ...

8. quick way to copy byte buffer to string    forums.oracle.com

Ok, my bad. Yes this was the CharBuffer. Actually I screwed up in utf encoding while sending all this **** over the sockets. But this piece just slowed everything down in addition. Still, let me formulate it as a general question. I encode a String into utf8 byte[] array. Then I write it to socket using ByteBuffer. Then I read it ...