compiler « cast « Java Data Type Q&A

1. What does casting do at compiler/machine level?

I have often wondered what exactly does casting do at compiler or machine level. What does it do with the 0 and 1s in memory? Can anyone point me at some good ...

2. Using from a custom classloader?

It seems to be impossible to use from a custom classloader as required by Ant or Webstart: loads into a URLClassLoader whose parent is the system ...

3. Java casting: is the compiler wrong, or is the language spec wrong, or am I wrong?

I have been reading the Java Language Spec, 3rd edition, and have found what I think is a discrepancy between the spec and the javac compiler implementation. The same discrepancies exist ...

4. Java compilation question regarding casting

If I have two objects not related to each other. What will happen in the following cases: We have: Object A, Object B

A a = new A();
B b = new B();

5. Dynamic casting in java compiler error

I have 3 classes A, B, and C. The only thing they have in common is a getName() function, nothing else. I have an array of type Class which stores the above ...

6. Cast compiler error

The following example results in a compiler exception and needs a cast to execute. class Alien { String invade(short ships) { return "a few"; } String invade(short... ships) { return "many"; } } class Defender { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println(new Alien().invade(7)); } } [code=java] For primitives, I know that the result of arithmetic operations with byte and ...