Arabic « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. String concatenation containing Arabic and Western characters

I'm trying to concatenate several strings containing both arabic and western characters (mixed in the same string). The problem is that the result is a String that is, most likely, semantically ...

2. Question about Arabic character

Hey all, our site need to suppot multiple language including Arabic. we save the value to database and write it to XML file both using UTF-8 encoding. As known, the habit of arabic is from right to left. We can retrieve the value from database and use CSS style "direction:rtl" to show it in correct order on the HTML page. But ...

5. Problem parsing chinese, arabic characters

My xml file contains the following lines. I am parsing the xml file and rewriting it to another file, following is the code for creating the Document class object public void intializeDocument(String file) throws Exception { InputSource is = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(file)); is.setEncoding("UTF-8"); doc = parserXML(is); ...

6. Arabic character encoding issue

Hi, Our JMS plugin receives xml text messages encoded in ISO-8859-1. Messages are originally in ISO-8859-6 and converted to ISO-8859-1 before put in the queue. I convert the message to ISO-8859-6 on receipt as below. For some unknown reason, some of the arabic characters show ? marks but some gets properly converted. original ? after conversion Our ...

7. Reading an Arabic Punctuation character

Hi. I am writing a program that reads a list of words from a text file. The words are either english or Arabis. Moreover, some words are punctuation marks like ? or :. The problem I have is with reading Arabic punctuation marks like the Arabic comma or the Arabic question mark it seems that when java reads them ...

8. Arabic Unicode Character

Dear ChuckBing, Sincerly thank you for your reply. God Bless. However, I really do not understand why my query is not java related. I tried other unicode character regarding other languages and it displays correctly but when I have tried the arabic unicode character it did not. That is why I am asking my query. Thanks a lot.

9. Source Jammer + Arabic Character Problem

Hi Friends!! I ve used source jammer for source version control tool but its working well if check in english character xml file.if using arabic character file it's not working well. is anybody met this problem plz help me.. or plz guys tell other java based good version controll tool. Thankx joswaa