special « character « Java Data Type Q&A

1. How do I handle special characters in a Java PrepareStatement?    stackoverflow.com

In the following SQL query using the PreparedStatement class:

String query_descrip = "insert into timitemdescription (itemkey, languageid, longdesc, shortdesc) values (?, 1033, ?,?)";
PreparedStatement pstmt2 = con.prepareStatement(query_descrip); 
pstmt2.setInt(1, rs4);
pstmt2.setString(2, itemdescription);
pstmt2.setString(3, itemdescription.substring(0,39));
I sometimes get ...

2. Handling Special char such as ^ÛY, ^ÛR in java    stackoverflow.com

Has anybody encountered special char such as ^ÛY, ^ÛR ? Q1. How do I do an ftp of the files containing these chars? The chars are not seen once I do ...

3. assigning special characters such as " in java    stackoverflow.com

How can I assign this string in a Java String?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

4. Problem with special characters    stackoverflow.com

I am troubled by this typical problem with special characters. We have an mbean running in production tomcat server (installed on Linux) which picks up xml feeds and sends for further processing. ...

5. How can I represent in Java special characters    stackoverflow.com

I'm a beginner in Java programming language, and I have a problem that I don't know how to solve. I need to represent special characters like "?", "?", "?", "?", ",", ...

6. get Special Character    stackoverflow.com

I would like to intercept the arrow keys on the java command line to move a character inside the shell!

7. java code to store special web characters entered in a text area    stackoverflow.com

I have to store special chars entered in a text area to db2 (column as varchar). Vice versa, while retriving. These to be done using java code. Any Suggestions? Thanks,
Aswini Mahesh.

8. Problem when send a xmlHTTP request    stackoverflow.com

When I send a string with text = "Frédéric" via a xmlHttp request to my server side code then I get in my Action for the String the following text = ...

10. Why am I getting an incompatable types error when trying to see if a String ends with a specific character?    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a dinky code for java, in which I have to create a program that: 1) capitalizes the first word of the input sentence, 2) capitalizes the word "I", ...

11. Java Special Character Handling    stackoverflow.com

I need to send a string to server. That string is having some special characters. Example,

String abc = "ABC Farmacéutica Corporation";
When I am sending it, It is converted into, ABC Farmace@utica Corporation. I ...

12. Show special character in Jasper report xls    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Show Bullet in Jasper report (xls)
How can i show a special character in the generated Jasper report xls?

13. matching a string between special characters in JAVA    stackoverflow.com

I want to match n number of characters between a "<" and ">" characters. For example, I want to be able to match <a href = "image1.jpg"> or <a href = ...

14. Unable to process special character on command prompt    stackoverflow.com

I am unable to process special characters such as (–, ', £ etc) in a java file when i try executing them on windows command prompt. Example:

public class HelloWorld {

15. BUG YUICompressor with special chars    stackoverflow.com

I am using the newer version of YUICompressor (2.4.7) to compress my Javascript and CSS files, for a long time, everything was apparently fine...when I realized that the special characters "í" ...

16. how do i tokenize a string on the base of special characters such as ' and . ect?    bytes.com

I have used StringTokenizer class to make tokens of a string but my program tokenizes a string only on the basis of spaces but it does not tokenizes on the basis ...

17. detect special characters in a string    coderanch.com

Hi guys I have string .I am trying to to detect whether that string has special characters or not.I have gone through the java.util.regex.* package. Special characters can be !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ I have written the following code... String filename = "ravi@"; if(filename.matches("\\p{Punct}")); { SOP("file has special characters") } But I am not getting the output SOP line...I am doing the right thing.How ...

18. Problem with special characters    coderanch.com

Hi, Our applications supports different languages. When I am trying to print a String in Linux, I am getting a ? instead of a spanish special character.I should get "Aveo recibi distincin de Auto" but I am getting "Aveo recibi? distinci?n de Auto". I am using UTF-8 encoding. When i tried the same in Windows in eclipse it is printing correctly ...

19. Java build 1.4.2_07-b05, mixed mode - issues with special character    coderanch.com

I am having a hard time with special characters in a xml tag while submitting that via http url connection Ex:- The java version is Java build 1.4.2_07-b05, mixed mode under Linux. What will happen is , it will replace the special character with a Square Ex:- 0#1 DA changing to 0#1 DA (character ...

21. special characters    coderanch.com

Hi, In my web application I have to remove the special characters user may enter. If the user enters any special character I want to remove it. One way I can imagine is through javascript . But this will require changing all the jsp pages which is going to be a mess. That is why I am planning to write a ...

22. Handling special characters    coderanch.com

Please give more detail regarding your problem, if my following guess is not the problem you are seeing. I have successfully used Strings to contain binary data in a convenient (and Hash-able) form. I would not be able to use it in this manner if it was performing random substitutions. Perhaps you are using a FileReader/FileWriter when you should be using ...

23. Special characters    coderanch.com

I have a string that is passed at runtime. I need to parse it and massage the string to be in aceptable form to the database. If I have an apostrophe, I need to ad another in front of it. For example "King's royal duties" should be sent as "King''s royal duties". I have something like this.. [code] treatSpeicalChars(String s){ StringBuffer ...

24. Allow Special Characters.    coderanch.com

What validation framework are you using and what did you try, and why can't you do it? Does your code compile? If not, please post the error message that the compiler gives you. If it does compile but gives an error at runtime, please tell us what error message exactly you get. It's hard to help you because your question is ...

25. Embedding Special Character in a Java String    coderanch.com

This may be an easy one for someone here but is driving me crazy. I am trying to create a java String (note create not Print as in System.out.println(...)) which uses special characters. More specifically, I need to create a string which says 349 degrees where degrees should be replaced by that little circle symbol that appears to the right hand ...

26. special characters in a language    coderanch.com

27. Special Characters    coderanch.com

It is the character used as an escape character. Therefore if you want the system to understand that it should read it as a literal - you will have to put an escape character in front of it . As in "\\" will get interpreted as "\". This is true for any other character that is used as a part of ...

28. Encoding of special characters in the request parameter    coderanch.com

Let me explain the problem by giving an example. In a form, I have a text field, First Name. I enter a value . I submit the form. Upon the submit, the special characters in the first name is encoded to some weird value in the request parameter. This weird value is inserted in the database column. These encoded characters occupy ...

29. System.out.println Special Characters    coderanch.com

Hi, Does the command System.out.println have any special functions which enter tabs into the stream or anything like that? Features which would improve the formatting of the console output? For instance I have multiple lines and wish for the information to be displayed like so.. Report xyz calculates currency exchange -$ = $120 Report xyz calculates oil price rise to be ...

31. Handling Special Characters    coderanch.com

32. special characters    coderanch.com

If you want to write your own code, it would depend on the character set. For example if your character set were ASCII (ie values range from 0 to 255) you could create an 256 byte array with the contents of the array elements set according to whether or not the corresponding char is in the set of characters that you ...

33. should not contain any special characters    coderanch.com

Can someone please help as how to proceed ? I am performing a server side validation , and the Name should not contain any special characters like !#@$%^&*()-+ . except alphabets . What should be the coding part i should set inside the setter methods of a DTO public class User { String Name; public void setName(String Name) { // do ...

34. how to differntiate special characters and normal characters    coderanch.com

All characters have ascii code (including "special"), so you could you use them if you like, but I'm not sure why. Maybe you could put all yours "special" character in one array, and then compare every member of array with every character of your string. Or maybe combined method isLetter() and isDigit() of Character class (if you want only letters and ...

35. Special characters in Java    coderanch.com

36. String with Special Characters    coderanch.com

37. Special Characters    coderanch.com

I am trying to extract data from HTML file and write it to XML file. Everything is fine, just that special characters are creating an issue. < and > get converted to & lt; and & gt; However, I expect < and > instead of & lt; and & gt; Please help me resolve this. THE CODE: package com.drapl.importer; import java.io.*; ...

38. Special character handling    coderanch.com

[7/20/10 15:11:44:109 IST] 99d2bb5 SystemErr R COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0302N The value of a host variable in the EXECUTE or OPEN statement is too large for its corresponding use. SQLSTATE=22001 [7/20/10 15:11:44:109 IST] 99d2bb5 SystemErr R at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.SQLExceptionGenerator.throw_SQLException(Unknown Source) [7/20/10 15:11:44:109 IST] 99d2bb5 SystemErr R at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.SQLExceptionGenerator.throw_SQLException(Unknown Source) [7/20/10 15:11:44:109 IST] 99d2bb5 SystemErr R at COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.SQLExceptionGenerator.check_return_code(Unknown Source) [7/20/10 15:11:44:109 IST] 99d2bb5 ...

39. non-printable special characters    coderanch.com

40. Adding special characters to a String    coderanch.com

41. processing of Special character    coderanch.com

42. special character \    coderanch.com

44. How to use special characters in Java?    go4expert.com

45. Help - special characters producing 404 errors    java-forums.org

Hi all, Am a complete Java novice / HTML rookie, but somehow managed to set up the below redirect on my blog so it routes page to page. I have managed to set up a re-direct from old to new blog with javascript, so that it works page by page. Only problem is that the posts that have special characters in ...

46. HSSF POI - Lack of special chars in Excel    forums.oracle.com

47. special character list? - Mike Myatt    forums.oracle.com

48. In cluding special character #    forums.oracle.com

I face a problem when i include a special character like # inside a string.Like i want the header name of my table constructed using swings to look like WIC #. But in the program if i include the character # inside quotes like "WIC #".there will be error in opening the file. My question is should i use an escape ...

49. Detect special character from a String    forums.oracle.com

Hello guys, Some of the files in unix box contain special characters . I need to strip these special character in the filename to underscore. however, I do not want to strip off special character like _ - ^ . @ Pattern escaper = Pattern.compile("([^a-zA-z0-9_-^.@])"); I couldn't strip off the caret. Appreciate any advice please. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Mark

50. Special Characters    forums.oracle.com

Now, I am parsing a HTML file and using the data. The problem I am facing is that if the data/String has special characters. Like < or > or #, how do I handle the situation? I observer that If the data/String contains < or > it is automatically getting converted to & lt; and & gt; How do I convert ...

53. Special character in CMD prompt    forums.oracle.com

This will help a lot. When I run chcp I can noticed my console was using cp850 that allow me see the most of the chacacters I need. But still remains one doubt: could I change Java's encoding to make it compatible to console? Please, if my English is hard to understand, correct me. I will appreciate your hints. Thank you! ...

54. Disappearing special chars on filewrite    forums.oracle.com

import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Vector; public class testCase { public static void main(String[] args) { Vector outputBuf = new Vector(); String wrkBuf = ""; outputBuf.insertElementAt("simple Text ending with special chars: ", 0); try { OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("testCase.xml"); wrkBuf = outputBuf.elementAt(0).toString(); if(wrkBuf.contains("simple Text ending with special chars: ")) System.out.println("Bingo, found a match"); os.write(wrkBuf.getBytes(), 0, wrkBuf.length()); System.out.println(wrkBuf); os.write('\n'); ...

55. Help with special characters - ampersand and backslash    forums.oracle.com

Hello, My company uses an application (coded with java) that includes a document search feature. How this works: The user enters the search string in a text box and then presses a "search" button. Documents are searched, and returned if they include the string. Problem: Search strings containing the ampersand & and backslash \ characters do not return any results. I ...

56. special characters problem    forums.oracle.com

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\032"); Matcher m = p.matcher(""); java.util.regex.Matcher; java.util.regex.Pattern; I went through api doc but not able to understand. Could you plz explain the pattern meaning of compile("\032") ?? Whether it is simply thrity two or it has some meaning of octagonal or hexagonal character values ?? For which pattern it will search ?? I believe that code is for ...

57. Strings and special chars    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I'm attempting to retrieve data from an RSS feed (XML file) and display it on a web site (using a servlet) but I have come across a slight problem. The data inside one of the XML elements contains the "degree" character (the one that looks like a superscript o). In the XML it is represented as "°". This is fine. ...

58. innerHtml special character    forums.oracle.com

i want to assign a string to td so just created td by using DOM and assigning the string by using innerHtml as newItemTitleTD.innerHTML = 'The object model must be represented in UML. Only the classes and attributes that are exposed as part of the system's API must be modeled. Internal or implementation-specific classes need not be modeled.'; problem is .. ...

59. special character    forums.oracle.com

hello , I am trying to make an arabic texteditor , forn that i want to "draw" the arabic characters , what is the best class to use, I was trying to use jpanel with paintcomponent method for each character wich it will be displayed on a jframe according to the user input (keyboard event), but i have a lot of ...

60. special char issue with java string    forums.oracle.com

61. get rid of special characters "^@"    forums.oracle.com

hi, i used method tostring to convert a double into string and have written in a file, while i try to open the file in shell(unix), it shows some special characters as follows, ^@0^@.^@0^@4^@3^@7^@4^@0^@7^@ ^@0^@.^@0^@3^@1^@3^@1^@9^@2^@ ^@0^@.^@0^@1^@6^@5^@0^@2^@9^@ ^@0^@.^@0^@0^@3^@1^@8^@5^@5^@1^@ in between each numbers, when i open the same file in textedit it shows as follows, 0

62. Problem with getParameter if parameter contains special characters.    forums.oracle.com

I cannot switch to %23 since I don't know the contents before hand... what it it contains other special characters? THe thing is that when the url is written (through the alert command), I can see that the parameter is correct and complete.... but it contains one #. Now, when the other page is loaded and when I try to get ...

63. String/Char Problem with Special Char    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I've made an encryption which is a copy of the caeser encryption... but am having a problem when it tries to encrypt special characters like ?$[, etc.. java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unclosed character class near index 0. What it does it get teh string and split it up into characters and then put the char value into a string, as it does a ...

65. special chars    forums.oracle.com

I am having an issue with passing XML in and out of database via a servlet. When the xml is pulled of the servlet I convert any specials chars (ie > as >) and its converted and sent to the database as the > When I try to retrieve the row from the database I use java.net.URLEncoder.encode To bring back my ...

66. Again Special Characters    forums.oracle.com

text= getText(msg); getText(Part p) throws MessagingException, IOException { boolean textIsHtml = false; if (p.isMimeType("text/*")) { String s = (String)p.getContent(); textIsHtml = p.isMimeType("text/html"); return s; } if (p.isMimeType("multipart/alternative")) { // prefer html text over plain text Multipart mp = (Multipart)p.getContent(); String text = null; for (int i = 0; i < mp.getCount(); i++) { Part bp = mp.getBodyPart(i); if (bp.isMimeType("text/plain")) { if ...

67. Regarding special characters    forums.oracle.com

Hi , I am sending a message with swedish characters.I am using public String getMessageBody (InputStream in) throws IOException { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); byte[] b = new byte[1024]; for (int n; (n = in.read(b)) != -1;) { out.append(new String(b, 0, n)); } String message_= out.toString(); String utfmsg=new String(out.toString().getBytes("ISO8859_1"),"UTF-8"); Still i am not getting swedish the characters correctly Can any ...

68. Java Fetch Website Special Character Problem.    forums.oracle.com

I am using the code below to fetch a 3rd party site in my Servlet as String lsSite and I am passing it as Attribute to my jsp page, then use <%= lsSite %> to display it on my jsp page. The problem I am facing is that for the word "Don't" on the 3rd party site, when I fetch it ...