convert 2 « decimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Convert decimal to hexadecimal.

I need a function that change an array of bytes in decimal to an array of bytes in hexadecimal for the school. I can't use any function of java, I have to find an algorithm that do this. Only i can manage bytes or integer. That can't be done. I have already told you that a byte is a byte. You ...

2. Converting a 9 digit number to packed decimal digit S9(15)-COMP3

user12273111 wrote: My query is that i have a nine digit number.I need to convert it to packed decimal digit S9(15)-COMP3 format. Is there any java function availabe for the same?If yes,please provide it or some other helpful link. Not that I'm aware of, but a Google of "java conversion to packed decimal" threw up lots of attempts by others. The ...

3. Regarding Double Conversion & Decimal Precision

Thanks for the response...But the actual problem is to show the the 2 numbers after decimal. Doesn't matter it's in exponential form or not. I'm passing string there so to convert it into decimal I'm trying to parse it first & obviously that is needed. Please anymore solution to parse the string so that I can restrict the precision upto 2 ...