error « float « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Floating Point errors in Colt Java matrix libraries

How do I avoid floating point errors in financial calculations performed with Colt matrix libraries?

2. Can I force java to throw an error when dividing by zero with floating point numbers?

I wrote a simulator that has some collision detection code and does a good bit of math on each object when it detects collisions. If these two objects are at the ...

3. Strange Java error- float getting set to Infinity

I'm new to Java, and I'm using Processing to make some data visualizations. I'm getting this strange error in my code though, was wondering if anyone could help me out. It ...

4. Precision error with floats in Java

I'm wondering what the best way to fix precision errors is in Java. As you can see in the following example, there are precision errors:

class FloatTest
  public static void main(String[] ...

5. float error

I'm new to Java, and have been working my way through _Java in 21 days_, when I wrote this simple program to help myself understand casting better: public class CastEx { public static void main(String[] arguments) { float k = 4.57; k = (int)k; System.out.println(k); } } I got the following error message: possible loss of precision found: double required: float, ...

6. Error : Square root a Float

7. incompatible types: found double required float error;

//The alignment of the features is assumed to be AVG, VAR, CSD, GABOR I'm hoping this is the right place for posting my question. This is the error I'm getting in my code... ani@ani-desktop:~/Desktop/executedfiles$ javac incompatible types found : double[] required: float[] query= new double[] {0.1544465f ,0.54298925f ,0.73340774f ,0.017640665f ,0.085013896f ,0.095653236f , 0.0 ,0.4047619f ,0.36394557f ,0.21768707f ,0.09863946f ,0.088435374f ,0.08163265f ...

8. Compile error when I try to use float, works if I change it to double..

Here's the first source code: package L5; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Paket { int langd; int bredd; int djup; double vikt; // I want to set "vikt" as float, but have to set as double, or else I get a compilation error, why? public void setLangd(int inLangd) { this.langd = inLangd; } public void setBredd(int inBredd) { this.bredd = inBredd; } ...

9. Error in float value

Hi, I am a newbie in JAVA. When I wrote the following code in java it gives me error: public class FloatTest { public static void main(String[] args) { float f=3.14; System.out.println(f); } } It gives me an error saying possible lose of precision. Aren't float value capable of storing values with decimal point? Thank you.

10. floating point errors

That document is quite lengthy if it's the one im assuming it is. However; it's worth at least looking through to pick up some knowledge about why floating point numbers aren't exact. There are also two posts, one here, one at which have people giving a short breakdown of some stuff the link explains.

12. Error in float value

Hi, I am a newbie in JAVA. When I wrote the following code in java it gives me error: public class FloatTest { public static void main(String[] args) { float f=3.14; System.out.println(f); } } It gives me an error saying possible lose of precision. Aren't float value capable of storing values with decimal point? Thank you.

13. Problem with Float - round down error

I have to save in database (MySql) amount which is passed by user. For instance user writes 99999999999. But Float.parseFloat(request.getParameter("amoUnit")) returns value 9.9999998E10 . When I save this value in database I receive 99999998000.00. I want to have in database exactly what the user has written. Should I use differen data type? Thanks in advance.

14. JDK 1.5 data type Float error

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\>javac possible loss of precision found : double required: float float x = 2.0; ^ possible loss of precision found : double required: float float y = 4.0; ^ possible loss of precision found : double required: float float sum = 0.0; ^ 3 errors

15. Floating point rounding error

You have given the error as epsilon, so you can't expect `fraction - 1.0/i >= 0` to give an exact answer. Given your error is +/- epsilon, this expression should be fraction - 1.0/i >= epsilon || fraction - 1.0/i >= -epsilon or just fraction - 1.0/i >= -epsilon If you change this you get 1/4 + 1/28 as the answer, ...