float 1 « float « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Does Java's floating point implementation still have the problems identified by Kahan?    stackoverflow.com

I've read a few papers from Kahan tonight, and his famous rant against Java. Before I dive into the JVM spec, did anything change since the initial rant ...

2. Java using Mod floats    stackoverflow.com

I am working on an exercise in Java. I am supposed to use / and % to extract digits from a number. The number would be something like 1349.9431. The output ...

3. fixed floating point calculations in Java    stackoverflow.com

In Java I need some hint to declare floating point variable that in all virtual machine run uniquely and show number unique float number in all machine ( mobile machine and ...

4. float[] behavior    stackoverflow.com

Im sure there is a simple answer to this and I will feel stupid in a few mins but here it goes, it's late and im tired.... So, can i ask, why ...

5. How to alter a float by its smallest increment in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I have a double value d and would like a way to nudge it very slightly larger (or smaller) to get a new value that will be as close as possible ...

6. Is it possible to create a float type with a min and max range?    stackoverflow.com

I know this can be done in Ada but I'm new to Java and don't know if I can do this. I would like to make a radian of float ...

7. Java float multiplication / addition fails    stackoverflow.com

I'm havin trouble with a totally ordinary floating point addition in my Java / JOGL (OpenGL for Java) program. In a draw method which is called each frame (at 60 frames per ...

8. Is there a use of free floating block inside a method in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I didn't know methods could have floating blocks like this:

class X { 
    public static void main( String [] args ) {

9. processing float in java    stackoverflow.com

in java, i have an array of floats, some of them are negative numbers, like :

3.04, 9.02, -4.2, -3.21, 0.02, -0.34
I only want to get the float numbers higher than 2, ...

10. Why do VisualVM float instances not seem to include floats inside other classes?    stackoverflow.com

I am looking at a java virtual machine that's running an application. VisualVM says that java.lang.Float only has 102 instances. Yet, there is also a class called Vector3 which has 80.000 instances. ...

11. What is float in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I wrote this code:

float b= 3.6;
and I get this:
Error:Unresolved compilation problem: 
    Type mismatch: cannot convert from double to float
Whats the definition of float? I searched but ...

12. float[] difference    stackoverflow.com

I'm wonder what's the most efficient way to find the the absolute value of the difference between two float arrays? Is it the following:

private float absDifference(float[] vector1, float[] vector2) {

13. how to handle large amount of float data?    stackoverflow.com

We have a binary file which contains a large amount of float data (about 80MB). we need to process it in our Java application. The data is from a medical scanner. ...

14. How do you call this kind of assignment : float aFloat = 4.f;    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to figure how do you call this, I thought of "implicit datatypes" but it seems this really isn't what I imagined. I also want to know all of the ...

15. Count set bits in float in Java    stackoverflow.com

This is an interview question: how to count set bits in float in Java ? I guess I should not know the bit representation of float to answer this question. Can ...

16. Is there any difference of the float point type between Java and C?    stackoverflow.com

I am importing a project from C to Java which involves a lot of float point arithmetic . Is there any special rules need to be taken care of about translating the ...

17. how to make the horizontal float between cross tab and subreport    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to java and jasper report. I'm working on the report using ireport which needs to use crosstab and subreport. From the crosstab no. of columns are generated dynamically, so I ...

18. Java: float[][] points    stackoverflow.com

I am using an open source program but I don't understand how I should write this class. Room

public Room(float[][] points)
Creates a room from its name and the given coordinates.
I guessed it was ...

19. Is it possible to ignore Float :: = HexFloat and only see numeric characters?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to parse the string value "87306E107" using hasNextDouble. This value is a string and should return false when using hasNextDouble but it returns true. I want know ...

20. interleaving floats and strings in java    stackoverflow.com

I need to interleave 2 array of floats , floats, strings and put them in a list.

float[] array1;
float[] array2;
float value1;
float value2;
string name1;
string name2;
at the output something like:
{array1[i], array2[i], "name1", value1, value2, ...

21. Odd result of a floating point computation in java    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Java floating point math - (conversion for feet/meters)
Java floating point arithmetic
I am running into the following problem in java. This computation ...

22. Floating Confusion    coderanch.com

23. floats and Float objects    coderanch.com

Hi there. Just a quick question on floats and Float objects. I am trying to insert into a Properties object a String and a float. Code is as follows Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(String value, float value); //this gives the error Error(61,18): method put(java.lang.String, float) not found in class java.util.Properties I know there is the idea of the Float object ...

24. java.lang.Float intBitsToFloat    coderanch.com

Hi, As per the method definition provided in sdk, In all other cases, let s, e, and m be three values that can be computed from the argument: int s = ((bits >> 31) == 0) ? 1 : -1; int e = ((bits >> 23) & 0xff); int m = (e == 0) ? (bits & 0x7fffff) << 1 : ...

25. float 15 is displayed as 15.000001 help    coderanch.com

hi, i have a problem, when i am trying to covert float 15 i am using the follwoing float f = (float) 0.15 *100F; when i print it i get 15.000001 instead of 15.0 . can any one help me out regarding this or state the reason for this i tried to print the values of that below 100 float f=0; ...

26. exponential to float    coderanch.com

Most definitely not what? I'm not sure which part of Jeanne's statement you're responding to. In general I'd write some utility methods: public static double absoluteError(double x, double y) { return Math.abs(x - y); } public static double relativeError(double x, double y) { double diff = x - y; return (diff == 0) ? 0 : (x == 0) ? Math.abs(diff ...

27. Issue with the Parse Float    coderanch.com

Hi, I am using the following code to find a difference between two floating integers in string format and returns a string as well. public String floatDifference(String value1, String value2) { float diffValue = 0.0f; String retVal = ""; diffValue = Float.parseFloat(value1) - Float.parseFloat(value2); retVal = Float.toString(diffValue); return retVal; } This method is giving me a precision of 4 digits in ...

28. Sinking in float    coderanch.com

29. String to Float    coderanch.com

30. float f=1/3;    coderanch.com

I think this is because of the math promotion rules in Java. You have float f = 1/3; When Java divides 1/3 it treats it as one integer divided by another integer. Because of the math promotion rules, an int/int = int. In this case, the int is 0, because Java truncates ints when they are fractional. So you have an ...

31. help with FLOATS..    coderanch.com

32. Floating point    coderanch.com

Internal float and double number representations and operations are not exact, and this is not a property of Java but of the way such numbers are internally represented in the hardware. You do float and double arithmetic just as you do in your code, taking into account the fact above. Notice that if instead of float you use double as the ...

33. Float    coderanch.com

34. Float    coderanch.com

There might be a round() method in the Float class, but you can also easily create your own: public float round(float f, int decimals) { int i = (int)(f * Math.pow(10, decimals) + 0.5); return (float)i / Math.pow(10, decimals); } I'm coding this from memory, so I hope it's correct. First I multiply the number by a power of 10 to ...

35. The workings of floats    coderanch.com

I don't know whether the exact details given by either answer are the way it actually happens. In fact, I'd bet it depends on the environment you run this in. Two different machines may give two different answers. The moral of the story is that you should NEVER compare floating point numbers with the == operator. As the above discussions illustrate, ...

36. Float to string n String to Float ex    coderanch.com

37. floating point caculation problem    coderanch.com

The result is not wrong. Computers use binary numbers which don't always EXACTLY represent decimal numbers. Using decimal numbers, we cannot exactly represent 1/3. The decimal equivalent is 1.333333333 where the 3 repeats forever. The same thing happens with binary numbers. We can accurately represent 1/2 decimal as 0.1 binary. However, 0.2 decimal is represented as 0.0011001100110011 where the 0011 repeats ...

38. Float    coderanch.com

39. Simple Program For Finding Largest Float    coderanch.com

OK! So I am a beginner in a beginner class. I just started learning primitive Data Types and Operations and I am writing a program to receive 4 float values input from a popup window (showInputDialog method). I have to find things like average, product, sum, and (heres the biggy) largest/smallest (and display in Output = showMessageDialog method). I can do ...

40. float cannot be dereferenced    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

41. float representation    coderanch.com

hullo, float f = 30.0; a compilation error results; float f = 30; there's no error, when i print this out it is 30.0; why is this so? i thought float is a floating-point number? does floating-point number come with decimal places? and... this is ok, float f = 30.0f; what is the f behind it and why can it be ...

42. JVM and Float    coderanch.com

43. floating point anomaly?    coderanch.com

In floating point arithmetic, most decimals are rounded - simply because it is impossible to define it in binary. Where arithmetic has problems with 1/3, floating point arithmetic has problems with many other numbers as well, like 1/10. In binary, this leads to a repetition similar to 1/3 or 1/9. Therefore, in any programming language, floating point comparison should be one ...

44. Float f = 5;?    coderanch.com

Hi everyone, Java 5 introduced the concept of autoboxing which is helpful in some cases. However, if you try to do the following it won't work Float f = 5; Does any one know why? In the primitive counterpart example float f = 5; is legally perfect while the autoboxing version is not!!! Is it a bug or what? Alqtn

45. Why is "float f4 = 42e7" not considered a valid declaration of a float in Java?    coderanch.com

Hi Friends, I was reading the Java Sun Certification Book and one of the sample questions in the first chapter is: " Which 3 are valid declarations of a float? (Choose 3) A. float f1 = -343; B. float f2 = 3.14; C. float f3 = 0x12345; D. float f4 = 42e7; E. float f5 = 2001.0D; F. float f6 = ...

46. float confusion    coderanch.com

Please explain why float y =( 32 / 10 * 3 )- gives me a 9.0, not 32 as i thought that by default it computes the value as integer since no f is specified.... public class question { public static void main (String args[]) { float x = 10*3; float y =( 32 / 10 * 3 );// why does ...

47. Question regarding floats, resp. IEE 754 standard    coderanch.com

Hi. I am preparing for the Sun Java Programmer Certification at the moment and am struggeling with the floating-point-numbers right now. A question arose regarding the IEE 754 standard: Why in hell are there 8(!) bits reserved for the exponent? It makes absolutely no sense for me, the more I am thinking about it. The 8 bits lead to a range ...

48. Free floating in java    coderanch.com

49. float methods    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Jacob Steingart: Thank you very much. That can be applied to a readLine() method as well, right? So if your keyboard was called kb, you could say float g = parseFloat(kb.readLine()); Is that how that would work? Or would you do it like a parseInt() and say: float g = Float parseFloat(kb.readLine());

50. Floats in Java    coderanch.com

51. float query    coderanch.com

hi , although this question has been asked many times earlier also and i went through all the discussions in those threads but still i'm not able to figure it out exactly . a long is 8 byte in size which means that its range is -2^63 to (+2^63)-1 a float is 4 byte long but i really do not understand ...

52. How do you treat a Real data type as a float    coderanch.com

I have an assignment for school in which I had to make a program that would calculate shipping fee's based on weight (in kilograms). The problem now is that numbers are being rounded down, and the program is failing a JUnitTest... java.lang.AssertionError: Parcel Weight: 0.20000000298023224 Expected: is <2.5> got: <4.0> I will post my code below if it helps.. /** * ...

53. To know more about float data type    coderanch.com

Hello, I have a variable of the data type float, into which assigning a value from the DB column. If the value in DB is 19.00 is assigned to the float variable and if its printed in the JSP page, its printing only 19.0. But I need the value as 19.00. This problem is not occuring when the value in DB ...

54. How do I change a string into a float?    coderanch.com

56. java Floating body    coderanch.com

57. floating point innacuracy in Java    coderanch.com

Hi, Been doing programming for quite a while J2EE and now started working on Core Java. To my surprise, floating points in java are not exact (float and double). Suppose i want to create a calculator and provide trigonometry functionality, the problem comes when doing something like; Math.sin(30); results to 0.49999999999999994 instead of 0.5. Is there any simple way to fix ...

58. how to sum floats    coderanch.com

I'm bit puzzled..I should compare one double value with a sum of other double values double mydouble=0.2; mydouble=mydouble+mydouble+mydouble; System.out.println(mydouble==0.6); //results IN FALSE //bigdecimals for the rescue?....Still No.. BigDecimal bigOne=new BigDecimal(0.2); bigOne=bigOne.add(bigOne).add(bigOne); BigDecimal dotSix=new BigDecimal(0.6); System.out.println(bigOne.equals(dotSix)); //false System.out.println(bigOne.compareTo(dotSix)); //1 I've read it is because of rounding inaccuracy. To my understanding this is because of how numbers are stored (as binary values) However, ...

59. Float a=3 doesn't compile but Short a=3 does. Why ?    coderanch.com

In fact the first reaction of JVM is correct, it should not widen and and then box. However the fact that it can wrap to short is a bit unclear to me. But my guess is that when you write "3", it implicitly casts it to short, thus there is no widening. Page 254 from K&B book : As we can ...

60. Float Validation    coderanch.com

61. float    coderanch.com

import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.*; public class AB123 { public static void main (String[]args)throws FileNotFoundException { char orderCode = 0; double quantityOrdered; float retailerCode; String Orange; String Pte; String Ltd; Scanner infile = new Scanner(new FileReader("AB123_data.txt")); PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter("AB123_report.txt"); if (infile.hasNextFloat()) retailerCode = infile.nextFloat(); orderCode = infile.next().charAt(0); quantityOrdered = infile.nextDouble(); Orange = infile.next(); Pte = infile.next(); ...

63. Working with float    java-forums.org

64. string to float    java-forums.org

Exceptions don't need to stop a function ("method" in java terminology). Most exceptions can be recovered from. Infact, they let you write cleaner code because you aren't inserting little checks and thus the purpose of a code block is clearer. Instead you can wrap problem code in a "try catch" block and handle the exceptions at the end. I have included ...

65. FloatBuffer and 'put( float[] src )'    java-forums.org

Hi All, I am trying to use FloatBuffer created on top of ByteBuffer and having problems with using 'put ( float[] src )' method. 'put' for individual values seems to be working fine. Heres is the sample code: Java Code: import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; public class TestFloatBuffer { private static final int COUNT = 3; private static FloatBuffer _fbb ...

66. Float question    java-forums.org

It appears that you want to scan the String: "ABA" and use the letter to get a value. A Map will allow you to do this. For the key = the letter, the value is the class object (your class) with a String representing the value and the numberic value. Get the letters one by one and get the object from ...

67. How to get a float out of an for loop?    java-forums.org

It's not just one float value but it's one for every loop iteration. Please rethink your question and ask again ... possible answers could be a List of floats, one of the added to the List per loop iteration. At the end the entire List could be returned; but that is just guessing ... kind regards, Jos

68. i want to float the answer    java-forums.org

69. [Q] - pi as a float    java-forums.org

70. Float DataType in Java    forums.oracle.com

71. Best way to input a Float?    forums.oracle.com

Why shouldn't we bring up doubles when doubles are what you should be using? If someone went to some baseball forums and said "how do I hit home runs with this banana", would it be wrong to tell them to use a bat instead of a banana? Perhaps the example is a bit exaggerated, but you get the point. That is, ...

72. Best way to input a Float?    forums.oracle.com

73. Subtract two float    forums.oracle.com

74. New to scripts and a couple of questions for floating slideshows    forums.oracle.com

I have installed a floating slideshow into my website but am having a couple of coding problems...... 1. when I used Jalbum with Bananalbum I could set the x/y co-ordinates to sh/2 (screen height) so the show was always centred regardless of the viewers screen size. 2. also the fade transitions I have got seem a little harsh and am wondering ...

75. Ellipse2D.Float public fields    forums.oracle.com

Just a quick question. I have just noticed that the Ellipse2D.Float class fields x, y, width and height are all defined as public. Get methods have been defined but no set method. I thought class data should be private and get and set methods should be provided (if appropriate). How come this is different.

76. Question about float    forums.oracle.com

77. Problem with float    forums.oracle.com

Because it is the correct result. You may have heard that computers work with binary numbers with digits of zeroes and ones, instead of decimal numbers with digits 0 to 9. An unfortunate consequence of this is that computers can't represent exactly most decimal numbers that have a fractional part, such as 7.7, just like a number like 1/3 cannot be ...

78. How do you get the square root of java.lang.Float?    forums.oracle.com

I have a requirement to simply do simple math functions on java.lang.Float and I have no idea how to do Math.sqrt(Double d) when I have a Float and not a Double. How do I turn a Float into a Double to use Math.sqrt(Double d), or, is there something else out there that can do a square root of a float? Thanx ...

79. Print float digits at the given place(7th)    forums.oracle.com

80. float and Float    forums.oracle.com

81. Floating Point Problem    forums.oracle.com

83. floats wont compile?    forums.oracle.com

Are you saying that you're getting unexpected results using whole numbers? There are whole numbers that can be represented by int but not by float. Simple logic will tell you this--int uses all of its 32 bits for whole numbers, but float uses some of its bits for fractions, so obviously it can't represent as many wholen numbers as int can. ...

84. product license or floating implementation    forums.oracle.com

85. Issues with Float    forums.oracle.com

This is really more of a computer science question than a java question as all computers have this issue. Floats sacrifice precision for the ability to freely move the decimal point around. Because of this on a 32 bit processor they can have 7 places held pricisely, any more than 7 (as with the 9 you have) and things go crazy. ...

86. float type    forums.oracle.com

87. Float problem    forums.oracle.com

88. Decompiled JAR want to add more Floats and Recompile    forums.oracle.com

I have a Java application we use to input Advertisement Sales for a yearbook class and there are currently 8 floats for the price and type of advertisement but we need 20. I extracted the files from the JAR file with Winrar. I want to change the AdvertiseType.class file like I did here so it will allow for 20 floats and ...

89. Simple question about the float    forums.oracle.com

91. Float[] vs List ?    forums.oracle.com

I'd suggest Double or double, rather than Float or float. If you're doing lots of math and don't need to use them in a context where objects are required, you'll probably want to use a primitive rather than the object wrappers. If you do that, you'll have to go with an array, rather than a collection. In general, I tend to ...

92. How to Set Length of a Float    forums.oracle.com

93. Time and float masks    forums.oracle.com

Hi everyone, I got a question, is there anyway to use a mask to time and float values using CSS or maybe another way?.......what i mean is that i wolud like to show time in a outputtext like 10:20:09(hh:mm:ss) but this value stored in a db like a String 102009, and the same thing with floats like 120,000,000.89 but stored like ...

94. Strange behavior with floats!    forums.oracle.com

95. Float to hex    forums.oracle.com

I want pure Hex. For example: A number float = -1,5 In scientific notation is: -1,5*2^0 In binary: 1 01111111 10000000000000000000000 In HEX as I want: 3FF80000000000000 because it is necessary to convert the "Float" to "Binary" then to "HEX" Edited by: FrankLucas on Mar 26, 2009 4:53 PM Edited by: FrankLucas on Mar 26, 2009 4:55 PM

96. f suffix for floating point.    forums.oracle.com

Okay, I'm a proficient c++ programmer and have been learning Java for only a few weeks now. I have a question about the f suffix for floating point varibles such as float f = 3.14f; The f suffix casts this as float right? which is the same as float f = (float) 3.14; Correct? Why do we have to add the ...

97. How do i make a list of floats?    forums.oracle.com

I'm new to java, so please bare with me. I want to make a list of floating point numbers so this is how I implemented it: List number = new ArrayList; but java give me this error "dimensions expected after this token" looking online and reading my book has proved too useful so I figured i'd ask here. Thanks!

98. float operations giving incorrect answers    forums.oracle.com

It is doing the correct thing. You just need to learn how floating point numbers work in computers. [SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FLOATING-POINT ARITHMETIC|http://java.sun.com/developer/JDCTechTips/2003/tt0204.html#2|No, it's not a bug in Java. C/C++ does the same thing, and it's not a bug there either.] [What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic|http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html|Seriously, it's not a bug. Get over it.] [Another ...

99. read/write Java float[]    forums.oracle.com

I'm looking for the quickest and most effecient way to read/write a float array (float[]) to file in a raw binary fashion. In C I would do... float *fp = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nfloats); // ... populate fp int file = open("filename.bin", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC); write(file, (void *)fp, sizeof(float)*nfloats); close(file); (forgive the lack of error checking etc. - for explanation purposes only) So if in ...

100. rfc: floating point arithmatic    forums.oracle.com