ascii « hexadecimal « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Convert A String (like testing123) To Binary In Java

I would like to be able to convert a String (with words/letters) to other forms, like binary. How would I go about doing this. I am coding in BLUEJ (Java). Thanks

2. Hex to Ascii? Java

I'm looking for a way to convert hex to ascii in Java. An example:

               byte temps[] = ...

3. Converting a string of text into alternate representations (binary, hex, ascii)

In Java, is there a simple method to convert the format of a given string? For example, I have the string "test22". I'd like the binary value and hex ...

4. How to convert ASCII to hexadecimal values in java

How to convert ASCII to hexadecimal values in java. For example:

ASCII: 31 32 2E 30 31 33 Hex: 12.013

5. How to convert Hexadecimal to ASCII values in java?

Thanks for your answer... I have 31 32 2E 30 31 33 6byte hexadecimal number. I want to convert 31 32 2E 30 31 33 this 6 byte hexadecimal number into ...

6. Covert a String of Hex into ASCII in Java

I hope this isn't too much of of a stupid questions, I have tired looking on 5 different pages of Google results but haven't been able to find anything on this. What ...

7. Converting between ASCII, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal

Are there any libraries and/or built-in utilities that can facilitate the conversion of data between ASCII, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal? Currently, I primarily need to convert ASCII to Binary, Octal, or ...

8. How to Convert ASCII to Hex

How can I convert ASCII values to hexadecimal and binary values (not their string representation in ASCII)? For example, how can I convert the decimal value 26 to 0x1A? So far, ...

9. Ascii to Hex

Something like this? I admit, I had to look in a textbook for that, since the API doesn't really talk about primitive conversions too much. I remember how to do this in C++ with sprintf. public class HexChar { public static void main(String args[]) { HexChar app = new HexChar(); app.doIt(); } public void doIt() { char theChars[] = {'A', 'B', ...

12. Ascii to hex converter

13. help - Ascii to hex and hex to ascii conversion

Hi friends, I need to convert the hex data to ascii java.. commonly, the Hex values are 0 (00) to 127 (7F) are converted and printed correctly, i need to print the value from 128 (80) - 255 (FF).. How to convert the value.. I tried lot.. any one can help me..

14. negative ASCII to hex

I am reading a file (Its DICOM binary file..let it be)...i get ASCII value can be easily converted to its hex value 20 using numerous java programes that convert "ASCII to hex"... but sometimes i get following values in input file -32 -116 the problem is how to convert these type of(-ve) ASCII to hex...hex Value of dec -32 is ...

15. string of hex numbers to ascii equivalent

System.out.println(sc.hasNextInt(16)); This printed out false. However, it was true if I changed hex to "1 2 3." I think this will only work for integers. This is what I'm trying to do: char charVal = (char) 0x21; This compiles and does exactly what I need it to do. However, it only works if I manually type in 0x21.. I don't know ...

17. Hex string to ASCII

I have a hex string... String commandOff = "02 62 11 3F FE 05 11 00"; I'm trying to convert this string to ASCII to send via telnet to an Insteon device. I thought I could do... int bytes = Integer.parseInt(commandOff.replace(" ", ""), 16); to conver to ASCII but I get a number format exception. How can I convert this hes ...

18. Hex Ascii conversion Problem

$71$00$00$00 $71$40 (hex code) the second line works fine when i convert that to ascii text to send, but the first line does not. I am having trouble with the 00. I have tried strings such as NULL, NUL, null, nul, and others to no avail. Anyone have any ideas to what I can try next? Thanks for the help.