Split 2 « string « Java Data Type Q&A

as delimiter) but keep the and not ...

and trying to get the 1 out. Given where the String scraw I have code: int f = 1;int g=2; for(int i = 0 ; i<5; i++) ...

1. Splitting Strings    coderanch.com

2. Splitting a string to smaller strings.    coderanch.com

Hello, i have a big string with lots of words in it and i want to find a way to split this string into separate words.This probably means that whenever the program finds a space it means that this is a new word and should make a new string for that one until it meets a space again.Particularly i want to ...

3. Split and other String functions/methods    coderanch.com

i have these code but not work in myproc2 any advices why? import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; public class String1 { public static boolean IsXPartOfY(String X, String Y) { boolean found = false; int limit = (Y.length() - X.length() + 1); if (limit & gt; 0) { int i = 0; while ((i & lt; limit) && (!found)) { if (Y.regionMatches(true, i, ...

5. Splitting a string (newbie question)    coderanch.com

Hi there, i need some help with a verification system that i'm trying to do at the moment. The scenario is as follows: A user can login by entering a string that either consists of a: 2 alphabets and 8 digits (AB12345678) (old format) b: 10 digits (1234567891) (new format) My problem is verifying the first situation. I'm not sure as ...

7. String.split?    coderanch.com

This is for Eclipse 3.0; it might be a little different for a 3.1 stream build. On an Eclipse-wide basis, go to Window | Preferences | Java | Installed JREs. Make sure there's a 1.4 or later JDK on that list, and make sure that the appropriate checkbox is checked. Now go to Window | Preferences | Java | Compiler. Pick ...

8. split string    coderanch.com

The argument to split() is a regular expression, not just a plain old string. "|" is a special character in Java regular expressions; it represents "or", as in "this or that". Just an "|" alone ought to be an error, I'd think, but apparently it isn't; it seems to mean "nothing or nothing" in this context, so you're getting your string ...

9. Using split method with String    coderanch.com

10. problem in string's split method    coderanch.com

11. String.split() - new in 1.4.2?    coderanch.com

Well that's interesting. The reason I thought this is because WSAD complains over the call the String.split(). I'm using WSAD 5.1.2. I assumed that it was using the 1.4.1 JDK. Maybe I should move this thread over to the IBM/WebSphere area??? Compiling the same code from a command line with Java 1.5 works great. Why wouldn't WSAD like it?

12. Splitting String at "."    coderanch.com

13. String split    coderanch.com

My doubt is why do i get the length as 12 though the length of the string is 11,i see that there is no element at index 0 There are actually two things working here... The first is... you are using "nothing" as the split string -- or to be more specific, "nothing OR nothing" as the split string. This means ...

14. String split    coderanch.com

Originally posted by gaurav abbi: hi, i'm not able to understand the program when String bb = aa.replace(';',','); this happens, there is no such pattern as ';' in the string bb so how can we split it based on this String[] cc = bb.split(";"); and its working fine... any light on this.

15. Split a string    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

16. Splitting a string in 2 and turning it into hexadecimcal    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm trying to port some Perl code into Java for a web app which requires cookies for authentication. The code that I'm trying to port is: my ($e,$p) = split(/-/, $cookie); $info{email} = pack("H*",$e); #decode email address and turn into hex $p = pack("H*",$p); # decode password and turn into hex $info{password} = $p ^ chr(0xaa) x length $p; I'm ...

17. String splitting & tokenizing problem    coderanch.com

19. How to use String.split with "[" separator?    coderanch.com

Yes it does. The 1-argument split method links both to the 2-argument split method and Pattern. Moreover, the 2-argument split method not only links to Pattern, but to Pattern.compile in particular. On the first line there's a link to the regular expression summary. On that last page (part of Pattern), it is clearly mentioned that: a) [ is used with ] ...

20. splitting a string into two variable    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Selva Kumar Sundram: i manage to read a textfile with my program which is a string that looks like this: stuck in a hole in the backyard;60173317358 i want to save stuck in a hole in the backyard in variable x and 60173317358 in variable y. can anyone tell me how to do this? thanks in advance

21. string splitting    coderanch.com

public class SplitOnSecondLastDot { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] inputs = {"www.xyz.com", "test.xyz.com", "img1.test.xyz.com", "a.abc.com" }; String regex = "\\.(?=[^.]+\\.[^.]+$)"; for (String input : inputs) { String[] outputs = input.split(regex); for (String output : outputs) { System.out.println(output); } System.out.println(); } } } Regex explanation: a dot (quoted as it is a metacharacter in regex) with a non-capturing zero-width positive ...

22. split method in string    coderanch.com

23. split string doesn't work    coderanch.com

Please check the below program It creates a text file and some text printed to it. Then it's read and split method is run on each line to separate the words and to store it as instance variable values. import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class RegDemo4 { public RegDemo4() { } public static void main(String[] args) { File f = new ...

24. How to use trim() with String.split(regx)?    coderanch.com

A necessary skill for any programmer to develop is to read errors well and think on those lines, in some cases assume probable causes and dwell in to troubleshooting. In this case the error is quite descriptive about the mistake you are making. Try to analyze the error message a bit harder. Try harder to figure out such errors by yourself.. ...

25. String Split problem    coderanch.com

26. String split() problems    coderanch.com

Hi I am splitting the following string input = "2008-11-06C6L.NABCDEFGH136002 10 2 6.5300 6.8900 6.0000 6.500021009 138101.910032 6.1100 6.540000 6.5600 6.0000209 1345.910031099NN" This is a tab "\t" seperated string. I am using String[] splitValues_1 = input.split("\t"); Size of the array comes out to be 23, whereas the total values in the string are 25. The following is a string with valid ...

27. String.split() ignores null fields    coderanch.com

28. splitting a string with multiple delimiters    coderanch.com

First I would replace String[] sep_list = { " ", "\n","[","]","{","}","(",")"}; with Character[] sep_list = { ' ', '\n', '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')' }; or not Then look at java.util.regex.Pattern class, it has static method called quote(String) and it returns "A literal string replacement" Now you call it like Pattern.quote(sep_list[someIndex].toString()) and add it to your pattern. Strings in pattern ...

29. Splitting string around "." ?    coderanch.com

30. how to split string using . operator    coderanch.com

31. String split()    coderanch.com

I'd prefer the character class [\s\W]. \s means whitespace ([ \t\n\x0B\f\r]), whereas \W is a synonym for [^\w] and \w is a synonym for [a-zA-Z_0-9]. Of course you can't use * since then all empty strings between all characters will match as well; the regex will be [\s\W]+. And because \W implies \s, \W+ will suffice. Of course, once you start ...

32. Alternative to String.split()    coderanch.com

Hi Folks, In my code, I am attempting to split a String. The String I have to split is huge and so this method returns very very big array causing heap space problems. I have considered first splitting the String into smaller managable Strings and then splitting them but it looks a little messy to me. Could you please suggest a ...

33. Split String Based On String Length issue    coderanch.com

Hello I am trying to split a string based on length(example length 5) of the string. But I am having a issues with this substring(start, end) method. I get all substring which are of length 5. But if the last substring is less than 5 then I am not getting that last substring. But I need the last substring even if ...

34. Split String Based On String Length    coderanch.com

Hello I am trying to split a string based on length(example length 5) of the string. But I am having a issues with this substring(start, end) method. I get all substring which are of length 5. But if the last substring is less than 5 then I am not getting that last substring. But I need the last substring even if ...

35. Splitting String Problems    coderanch.com

You can start by posting the actual code, because your code compiles and runs just fine for me (well, after I dropped the "extends Applet" and changed the init() method into a static main method). You have one major bug in your code though. You should never use == for comparing Strings; use equals instead: public class Test { public static ...

36. String.split()    coderanch.com

Hi all. I have used this, String[] spl=str.split("[your,YOUR]"); This working partially for me. It can split even if i give YOUR as your or Your or YouR. The problem is that it splits even is i give YOU (in any case). This is the drawback. Help me out a little please. Thanks and Regards

37. Splitting a string    coderanch.com

38. Split a string and add the contents    coderanch.com

39. String split method    coderanch.com

40. split the string    coderanch.com

I have one string which contain delimiter suppose "?". Now I want to print a string which is separated by "?" Suppose the String is String str = "My?Name?Is?Pramod?Deore"; Now I want output as 5 string which are 1)My 2)Name 3)Is 4)Pramod 5)Deore I had tried following program but it gives exception class StringSplit { public static void main(String[] args) { ...

41. Help required regarding splitting string in words in java    coderanch.com

Hi , I need to split a given string into words respectively, The string can be like "Hello Code Ranch ...!! Its So good to be here" So i want it to be split as Hello Code Ranch Its good to be here I am using String.split("[^a-zA-Z]") for the same but getting output as Hello Code Ranch its good to be ...

42. String split is not working properly    coderanch.com

Hello All, I have a string "US $2,000.00" in a string money. I want to pull out "2,000.00" from the string. I am using string split to achieve that. String money = "US $2,000.00"; String[] parts = money.split("$"); System.out.println(parts); But of parts contains only one element with full string. It doesnt split the string in two parts one before the "$" ...

43. Writing a faster String split.    coderanch.com

I wrote a simple split method to save time. public static String[] fastSplit(String line, char split){ String[] temp = new String[line.length()/2]; int wordCount = 0; int i = 0; int j = line.indexOf(split); // First substring while( j >= 0){ temp[wordCount++] = line.substring(i,j); i = j + 1; j = line.indexOf(split, i); // Rest of substrings } temp[wordCount++] = line.substring(i); // ...

44. Splitting a String    coderanch.com

Hello everyone, long time no see. I am writing a method that is supposed to check whether or not someone is over 35. The method is given a birth date as a String (DD.MM.YYYY). This is exported from a different program, so I can't change that part. The method should return true, if the date given represents someone over 35 I ...

45. String.split() question    coderanch.com

I have a String that is delimited by commas Value1, value2 , value3 However i want to be able to allow a value that has a comma. So it would have to be escaped.....perahps value1, value2, value3, value4\,HasAComma Is there a way to use String.split() to parse this such that the returned values are value1 value2 value3 value4,HasAComma Thanks for any ...

46. how to split the string in java    coderanch.com

If you can split the name and email address which are seperated by "<"- You will get an array of 2 elements- Name and Email(with a ">" at the end, you would have to delete it). Then in the first element- Name- You can split- using " " and then except the first element- You can concetenate the other elements of ...

47. String split    coderanch.com

The limit parameter controls the number of times the pattern is applied and therefore affects the length of the resulting array. If the limit n is greater than zero then the pattern will be applied at most n - 1 times, the array's length will be no greater than n, and the array's last entry will contain all input beyond the ...

48. How to split a string    coderanch.com

49. Splitting a String    coderanch.com

Hi , I want to split the following string : 'String st = 12&45&&56&7&&' And I want the output as : 12 45 <----- white space 56 7 <---- white space However, when I put st.split("&",-1) I get the following 12 45 <------- white space 56 7 <------- white space <------- white space That is I'm getting an additional white space ...

50. String.split() : Runtime Error in program !    coderanch.com

Matthew already said it - you have to escape it twice. A single backslash is "\\" in Java. That's what you had. But backslash is a special character for regular expressions as well. So you need to escape it in your regular expression as well. The regular expression then becomes \\ (two backslashes), but because you need to escape these two ...

51. Splitting a String problem    coderanch.com

52. How to split string but keep all delimiters    coderanch.com

Hi All, I need your regular expression skill to help with finetuning this Java String.split("(?=\\b[\\d{1,4}/?-?|\\$\\d{1,3},\\d{1,3}(,\\d{1,3})?])" that is not retaining all the delimiter correctly. Below is the type of input string used: Los Angeles 9/31-33 Rose St 7 br h $350,000 J M&C Bunker Hill Current output gives: Los Angeles 9 / 31- 33 Rose St 7 br u $ 350 , ...

53. doubt in string.split method    coderanch.com

54. String.split    coderanch.com

For some reason, I can't seem to get String.split to work for me. What am I doing wrong? // TestingStuff // Used to test various subjects public class TestingStuff { public static void main( String[] args ) { String string = "setDiceNum help methods"; String first = null; String second = null; String third = null; String[] input = string.split("\\s+"); if ...

55. I wish to split a string xxx/yyyy/zzz so that ...    java-forums.org

public class TestString { public void doit() { String str = "xxx/yyyy/zzzz"; String [] temp = null; temp = str.split("/"); dump(temp); } public void dump(String []s) { for (int i = 0 ; i < s.length ; i++) { System.out.println(s[i]); String x = s[i]; } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ TestString ss = new TestString(); ss.doit(); } } ...

56. String Splitting    java-forums.org

Hi, I have a text file and I read it by buffered reader .. but when I split each line by split() method I face a problem that it doesn't split the line as I want, here's an example : *let the last line of the text above is read and stored in a string named "A". String [] words = ...

57. string split    java-forums.org

58. String Split    java-forums.org

Isn't that what I was trying to do? Input is defined as a String and scanner sc.next(); returns a string. However in this case if I input '-10 10' it stops reading after '-10'. If someone can tell me where the problem was I'd really appreciate it. On a side note I was able to fix the problem by not using ...

59. Need help with Assignment. [String splitting] [Full code provided]]    java-forums.org

Hi, I need help with an Assignment that requires me to continue(inheritance) on an existing assignment that I previously did. When I compile them there are no syntax errors, but when I try to run the code it says "PatternSyntaxExeption: null(in java.util.regex.Pattern)". Do I need to use regex? #This is the main code that uses all the methods. XML Code: import ...

60. Using an asterisk to split a string.    java-forums.org

You indeed have to escape the meaning of that metacharacter with a backslash; so you get \* for your regular expression; sadly enough the Javac compiler also uses backslashes in its String literals and the above isn't a legal java escape sequence; the solution is simple (but a bit ugly though): escape the special meaning of the backslash by adding yet ...

61. Using String Split    java-forums.org

62. String split    java-forums.org

63. Split string help    java-forums.org

Hi everyone, I think I need to use the split string function in Java but if there's a better way then I'm happy to change :-) I'll start my pasting a packet that I've captured and work from there: ______________________ SDG 0 373 Routing: 1.0 To: 1:emailaddress1@hotmail.com From: 1:emailaddress2@live.co.uk;epid={27dd8fb5-c46b-41c6-85dc-916069a526f7} Service-Channel: IM/Online Reliability: 1.0 Messaging: 2.0 Message-Type: Text Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; ...

64. String split method    java-forums.org

65. Split a String with split()--Help    java-forums.org

Hi everyone, I am taking an array from a webpage and I am putting all its html code in a string (k). Now I want to split that string so that I will only have the info in a table (each line in a seperate cell). I want to split it (using

66. String split method    java-forums.org

Hi guys, I'm trying to write a method to convert a mathematical expression into a function using Java I'm starting with really basic functions, i.e. x^2 + x + 2 now as a starting point, I'm hoping to split the String i.e. "x^2 + x + 2" using the split method of the String class, now given I was to split ...

67. String split help    java-forums.org

Hey all I need help using the split method on a file that is input through the buffered reader. I have tried using the Tokenizer class but it has just made things more complicated, and I was recommended the split method. So I've got the input file stuff figured out, now I'm just struggling to use the split method to refer ...

68. Help needed with String.split()    java-forums.org

Hi I'd like to split a String with the following rule : Parse everything between a "( )" parenthesis besides nested parenthesis, meaning: String s = "(example) (ex) (am (p (k) t) le)" needs to be parsed into : example ex am (p (k) t) le I tried to work with split() and regular expressions but couldn't find the right one. ...

69. String split help    java-forums.org

Hi Everyone, I am trying to parse a HTML table down to the contents I want. i.e.

United States
Hopper - Cray XE6 12-core 2.1 GHz / 2010
Cray Inc.

70. Problem splitting a string    java-forums.org

71. Split string and remove    java-forums.org

72. Using the split() method in the string class    java-forums.org

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; public class Assignment { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ File file = new File ("data.csv"); Scanner inputFile = new Scanner (file); inputFile.nextLine(); ArrayList firstLine = new ArrayList (); String str = inputFile.nextLine(); System.out.print(str); //firstLine.add(); String [] first = new String [50]; first [0] = new str.split(",",1); } } I am trying tom ...

73. Splitting Strings    java-forums.org

Please help me split the following string into tokens, I tried using stringtokenizer and split function but couldn't get the correct output. The strings are not constant, I mean the strings are of variable length. Below is one of the string - "2004-10-27 09:37:21" . The output that I got is - "2004-10-27 ----------------- (Problem Lies Here) ...

74. Split string    java-forums.org

import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class Words { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("words.txt")); while (input.hasNext()) { String[] words = input.nextLine().split("\\s*[|:]\\s*"); System.out.println(words[0]); // Prints ok System.out.println(words[1]); // Prints ok User user = new User(words[0], words[1]); user.printDetails(); // Prints wrong. e.g. Word1: null } } } public class User { private String word1, word2; public User(String ...

75. OUt of memery error while using string split operation    java-forums.org

Hi, I am beginner in Java.I am stucked in Out of memory error. What I am trying to do is : There are string separated by backslash. I am trying to split the string and concatenating the individual string in an arraylist. The code is : ArrayList pathParts = new ArrayList(); for (String fparts : filePath.split("/")) { pathParts.add(fparts); } Note: where ...

76. splitting strings.    java-forums.org

Ive been looking on the internet but i dont understand how to use the split string for what im doing. I have a string value which would look something like this "5 + 3" depending on the user's input. That string is then outputted into a JTextField. When i press a button the equation should solve itself, so then once the ...

77. Java string splitting and concatination    java-forums.org

Please help! Begin by asking the user to enter a date in the form of month/day/year. Store this date in a String variable. Next, use the appropriate String methods to swap the month and day parts of the date, and replace the slash marks with periods. Print the revised String to the screen. I have wrote the beginning of the program, ...

78. Split Strings    forums.oracle.com

Hello All, Could some one help me with this My input is : String str = "KKK \t 'aaa''ooo eee\mooo' ggg 'fff iii'\nkkk xxx''ooo"; My Output is: String[] str = { "kkk", "'aaa''ooo eee\mooo'", "ggg", "'fff iii'", "kkk", "xxx''ooo"}; Rules are: Any text within apostrophes would not be changed (including whitespace) - Double apostrophes would allow for an apostrophe within a ...

79. split strings    forums.oracle.com

81. Helping on splitting Strings    forums.oracle.com

Oh sorry for the open for loop thats just something I was trying. Okay well basically my data file for example looks like this : 1 How should one access an object?s data?*b* a Directly b Via the object?s methods c Via a local variable d Via public field 2 The comparable interface is defined in which Java package? b a. ...

82. Splitting strings and setText()    forums.oracle.com

Thanks for your quick reply! For the splitting part; it works like a charm (although the string 'naam' had to be 'zoekResultaat', minor detail). Thanks But the problem is. How do I get each splitted string (substring?) in a seperate textfield? For example, I have this return: The White House_Pennsylvania Avenue NW _1600_20500_Washington D.C. With your split-method it neatly cuts this ...

83. Split a string into other strings    forums.oracle.com

I'm truly frustrated about that i cannot seem to find a simple command to split a string into several other strings and create new strings for the splitted remains. I making a simple calculator, and I want, for example, this string which is a keyboard input (55+46) to be become three new strings, one for 55, one for + and one ...

84. split string    forums.oracle.com

85. Need help using split string method for a calculator    forums.oracle.com

This is my first post, so hopefully I can give enough information. I am running windows xp, using jGrasp to write code. I need to make a calculator in which the user inputs 2 floating point numbers and an operation, with and output of the answer with the original equation. I think I need to use the split function, however I ...

86. Question about String split    forums.oracle.com

87. What's rong wiht String.split(".")?    forums.oracle.com

88. Padding a String using String.split    forums.oracle.com

Firstly I'll just state that this is a question from my uni course, as such I would really appreciate an explanation of any code used. Essentially I need to take a string in the form of a sentence (for instance): *** the character > represents a space *** This>is>a>test>string. And then give the ability to justify the words so that a ...

89. split string    forums.oracle.com

90. Splitting strings    forums.oracle.com

Say I have a string: " A B C D " with white spaces leading up to the first element in the string. If I were to split the string using the s.split("[ \t]+") method in the String class, how would I avoid having the first element of the new array being empty? Thanks in advanced.

91. split strings    forums.oracle.com

92. Vague behaviour of String.split ( ).... or not    forums.oracle.com

} The limiter does not work how i expected, i would say you limit the number of search patterns to be found. But in fact you always have to add 1 extra, so skipping 4 "a" in the inputstring means limit 5. Is this the formula i always can apply when figgering out what the value of limit should be? Thanks ...

93. how to split a string    forums.oracle.com

hi all, here i have a 10 digit number in string formate.now Multiply the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th digit in the number by 2 and 1 alternatively. For example if a PIN number is 640823-3234, then 6, 4, 0, 8, 2, 3, 3, 2 and 3 are to be multiplied by 2 and 1 alternately. ...

94. quick help on splitting a string    forums.oracle.com

95. how to split a string around "." expression    forums.oracle.com

return resourceName; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Test obj = new Test(); System.out.println(obj.removeExtn("myfile.xml.sample")); } But it doesn't split the string around "." and given the arraylength 0. But if I try to use any another character (e.g. "," or ";") it works perfectly fine. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Mansi

97. String split    forums.oracle.com

98. String Split ?    forums.oracle.com

99. splitting strings    forums.oracle.com

i have a list of information e.g. junction blue2 segment UniversityDrive University blue2 0.3 10 segment BluebellRd2 blue1 blue2 0.11 20 segment BluebellRd3 blue2 blue3 0.42 20 busline Line25 University blue2 blue3 colman2 Unthank busline Line26 University blue2 blue1 colman1 roundabout Earlham i want to be able to take certain information from certain lines e.g. i need all of the first ...

100. Problem splitting a string.    forums.oracle.com