drawString « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Problems with newline in Graphics2D.drawString    stackoverflow.com

g2 is an instance of the class Graphics2D. I'd like to be able to draw multi-line text, but that requires a newline character. The following code renders in one line.

String newline ...

2. What is the correct syntax for changing fonts and drawing strings in Java?    stackoverflow.com

Can someone check my syntax here? I am passing "Times New Roman","Arial","Verdana" to fontName and using 8,12,15 etc. for fontSize. It never changes the font here. I am doing this to ...

3. My drawString won't work    stackoverflow.com

Im somewhat new in java, been programming for about a year now and im currently working on a project that lets the user choose a map (worldmap for example) and add ...

4. How to draw a String inside a filled rectangle?    stackoverflow.com

I just want to display my String inside a rectangle filled with black. Thanks for the help!

5. drawString method only draws first string    coderanch.com

Hi, I searched through the site for drawString discussions and none of them gave a clarification to the problem I am experiencing. I am creating a graphics pane in my servlet and then eventually write the graphics pane into a JPEG. Can you please tell me what I have to do to get the remainder of my tile's labels to display? ...