expression « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. What is the purpose of the expression "new String(...)" in Java?

While looking at online code samples, I have sometimes come across an assignment of a String constant to a String object via the use of the new operator. For example:

String s;
s = ...

2. String expression parsing tips?

I got bored during the holiday season this year and randomly decided to write a simple list comprehension/filtering library for Java (I know there are some great ones out there, I ...

3. Create a string with the result of an expression and the expression that originated the value. Is it possible?


String r = SomeThing.toExecString("new Object().toString()");
And when executed the value of r would be:
"new Object().toString() = java.lang.Object@c5e3974"
Is this even possible at all? Would it need a bunch of reflection? A built ...

4. Java String and Mathematical Expression Evaluators

We use the Jeks parser at present to evaluate expressions. I cannot see a way to evaluate string expressions with it - for example: IF( "Test 1" = "Test 2") Is there ...

5. why is this expression returning true

(pass[i]!= null) && (pass[i].getName()!= "nullnull") <--returning true when I debug it even though the value of pass[i].getName() == "nullnull" when I check it using the Expressions window in eclipse while debugging im ...

6. How can I evaluate the expression from the string?

I want to evaluate the expression from a string..

public static void main(String[] args) {

        String test = "2+3";

7. Conversion of string into an expression

Hi, I dont know whether it is proper solution for your case or not. I think you can use StringTokenizer to parse that string... So first, you create StringTokenizer object and parse that string with delimiter '*'. After that you create second StringTokenizer object and parse the first result with delimiter '+'. And now you have 3 string... 'i', '1' and ...

8. calculate a string expression

You are looking for an JavaScript-style eval function in Java - something that doesn't exist. You are not the only one asking for help like this in this forum - which makes me assume this is an assignment. In which case it could be a very difficult assignment - unless you don't have to worry about nested functions and parenthesis? If ...

9. Evaluating an expression string

Hi all In my application where in i have a string saying value = "2+3-4" . Is there any way given this string , i need the mathematical evaluation of the string inside i.e it should give me 1. I feel the implementation for this will not be that easy , but is there any third party API which has this ...

10. How to evaluate a mathematical expression , which is in String ??

It look at the java.util.regex package. You possibly have quite a bit of work to do. You'll have to check the expresion is a valid mathmatical expression and you'll also have to watch out for ordering when solving the expression - that is if the expression contains parenthesis. If expressions can be nested (i.e. (a +b * ((c/d)-9))*y) ) you might ...

11. how to convert a String into an expression

Hi, You can do it through hard work and recursive procedures ... There is no generic way to convert any string to a corresponding java expression or statement, but there is a specific way. Sun defined a way to do it. They even went so far as designing it and giving it away to the public. They even supplied a specification ...

13. Convert String into an expression.

You will need to get a compiler book, eg Aho Sethi Lam and Ullman. That explains how strings can be parsed, and shows how to convert arithmetic to postfix. There are lots of tools available; you usually use a scanner (eg lex, flex, JFlex) and a parser eg yacc, ANTLR, CUP. The problem is similar to the first stages in writing ...

14. MathML to Expression in String Form

15. how to Execute a String expression in Java 1.6

Hi All, in my project have a requirement like this. public class User{ private String userName; private String pwd; //------ getters and setters. if(userName!=null && pwd!=null){} // instead expression for this "if" will come from .xml file. } i have one .xml which will contain some expressiions (expressions are composed on User class instance variables) is nothing but ex:

17. Evaluate a string expression

Hi all, I have like crazy 20 variables and any five of them will decide how the user want the output. I would like to give a choice to the user during the input phase to specify what filtering criteria he wants. Ex: User wants a certain percentage limit + some other variable set to >=95%. How do I take that ...

20. syntax error in string in quer expression

} rs.close(); st.close(); con.close(); if(kl==0) { out.print(query); }}%> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In this line ,If I give the username directly as "joe_mark" === > "Select * from logindb where username='joe_mark'" . ===> It is working fine. but getting error message,if I use the string variable - u in the query ==> "Error in string in query expression 'username='j' " I am able to ...

22. evaluating a string expression.

no. you have to: 1/ create an interface "Criteria" with a single method "boolean parse();" defined in it 2/ for each kind of expression, create a class implementing criteria, with a string as parameter in the constructor, and implements the parse() method so as it will be able to return "true" when the result of the expression is true, and false ...

24. expression as String