permutation « string « Java Data Type Q&A

1. fixed-length permutations of a string

I'm trying to take a seven-character string and generate all the possible 3- and 4-letter permutations of it. This seems like something that recursion would be handy for (most all permutation ...

2. permutation(orderings) of a string of words but separated by a comma in between

I'm having some difficulty having this code generate a number of permutations(orderings) on a string separated by commas ...I can do just a regular string and have the permutations work on ...

3. String Permutation with a few conditions

I need a Java algorithm for a String permutation with a few conditions:

  1. Every letter just once per word
  2. The word has to end with a certain String
  3. Only words that have a certain ...

4. Challenging permutation - combination of strings

Hey guys, here is some real brain twisting tough one...tough for me atleast.... If i have a set of values, say, ABCDE GHIJKL MNOPQR each line stored as an array of Strings, where the number of rows and colunmns can be dynamic and much larger. I need to get the following output, for a permutation of data of "3 element combinations" ...

5. String combinations & permutations

I don't seem to grasp the concept of recursion. Any help is much appreciated. There are two parts to any recursive algorithm. The first part is that the algorithm should do part of the work, which results in nearly the same problem, but closer to the solution. For example, you do the 1st character of the string permutation, but you depend ...

6. help with permutations of a string

public class Scramble { public static void main(String args[]) { permuteString("", "it"); } public static void permuteString(String beginningString, String endingString) { if (endingString.length() <= 1) System.out.println(beginningString + endingString); else for (int i = 0; i < endingString.length(); i++) { String newString = endingString.substring(0, i) + endingString.substring(i + 1); permuteString(beginningString + endingString.charAt(i), newString); } } }

7. string permutation

peace1 wrote: thnks i will read the article. my question was, is there a way that i can use, insted of what i used in the main method. {code}String one = permutation.oneLetterPermutation("c", "a", "r", "b", "o", "n");... You need to give a little more. What specifically happens, when you use this line? What error message do you see? And yes, I ...