Error 4 « Exception « Java Database Q&A

1. How to control Ora errors in program

2. please help me to corect the error

3. Prepared statment executeQuery() error.

Hi, I have the following query in a class, and when this class hits the line ps.executeQuery() I get an exception which says " ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist " public class ReportDAO { PreparedStatement ps; String sqlQuery = " select " + "LKP.A," + "SUM ( CASE " + " WHEN INPUT_DATES.FIRST_DAY >= TRUNC(XYZ.close_dt,'MM' " + " THEN 1 ...

5. ORA-17041: (no message for error) 1

PreparedStatement ps = null; BigInteger account = null; java.sql.Date billD = null; String randomNo = "234dffwerwe"; String sql = "UPDATE BILL set (CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER, LAST_VIEWED) = ( select " + randomNo + ", sysdate from dual) where ACCOUNT_NO = ? and BILL_DATE = ?"; ps = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setInt(1, account.intValue()); ps.setDate(2, billD); int result = ps.executeUpdate();

6. SQLException caught: ORA-17041: (no message for error) 1

hi all, i get this error intermittently. am not sure why this happens. heres my code java.sql.Date bill_Date = null; String billDate = "17/12/2009"; String accountNo = "134343"; String sql = "select ID from BILL where ACCOUNT_NO = ? and BILL_DATE = ? "; ps = this.conn.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setString(1, accountNo.trim()); if (billDate.length() != 0) { try { java.util.Date day = dateFormat.parse(val); bill_Date ...

7. Error Type Mismatch

Hello i m tring to retrive data From Stored Procedure Using Jsp i hv Error : Type mismatch: cannot convert from ResultSet to CallableStatement Code : In Jsp Page <% DataBean db = new DataBean(); /*Create Connection Obj */ String str="",color="",status=""; ResultSet rs=null; CallableStatement cstmt=null; int i=0,cnt=0; try { if(db.makeConnection()) { cstmt = db.prepareCall("{call payment()}"); /* System.out.print("Name iS "+name); str="select name,rollno,course,coursefee,email,ledgerno ...

8. upgrade database error- sqlstate-55032

hi all, I needed to upgrade a database d1 fro which I wrote the following but there was an error. ------------------------------ Commands Entered ------------------------------ upgrade database d1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ upgrade database d1 SQL1224N The database manager is not able to accept new requests, has terminated all requests in progress, or has terminated the specified request because of an error or a forced ...


11. Java DB Error

12. COUNT+PSTMT error?

Dear, Im trying to find the count of rows who has Pmax . and I need to use PSTMT. but it throws me an error: here is the code snippet: Connection con = getConnection(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder() ; query.append("select count(Pmax) as rowcount from tseller").append(" where manfac=?").append(" and name=?"); String update = query.toString(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(update); pstmt.setString(1,Name); pstmt.setString(2,Manfac); ResultSet row=pstmt.executeQuery(); ...

13. adding foreingkey is error?

MySQL contains a bunch of different database storage engines you can use (e.g. MyISAM, InnoDB etc.). These have different features; the MyISAM database engine for example doesn't implement relational constraints. This is just a guess, but your GUI tool might be clever enough to spot you are using the MyISAM engine (if you are) and not applying the constraint because it ...

14. An unexpected error of Java Runtime Environment:

I hava a two classes MainDataBase(parent) and SignUpDatabase.When i call methods of SignUpDatabase seperately,its working fine and when i call two methods same time it shows error. My classes are : Parent Class is import java.sql.*; public class MainDateBase { protected Connection con; protected Statement st; protected PreparedStatement ps; public boolean createConnection() { if (con == null) { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); ...

15. error message

16. Error Message

Hello All I have made a service which connects to jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver and Process some tasks. The service connects to database after every 10 min and process my code.All goes well. But If the service is kept running for say 24 hrs it gives me error [ [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Connection reset by peer: socket write error] The error is random ...

17. java desktop application error please help please

HI am new to jdbc , am trying to run the java desktop application using "net beans","java 1.6","mysql server 5.0" which tutorial is available on netbeans website[ url=]HERE[/url] its working good on my system but when I am trying to run in another system its showing lots of error run: [TopLink Info]: 2010.03.02 12:22:37.812--ServerSession(14886914)--TopLink, version: Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build ...

18. General Error SQLException

Wish I could have left it up, but the information on the post was pertinent to work and I don't think I should leave code I do at work online anywhere. As for the problem, my code was fine, I was just trying to insert values into an access DB when I had accidentally left the first column as the primary ...

19. Error while executing the jdbc code

20. Error while callling stored procedure : Non supported SQL92 token

Hi, I'm trying to call a stored procedure from Java and getting an error while trying to do so. The stored procedure accepts 1 String parameter as input and outputs 3 parameters as VARCHAR (i.e. String). I'm able to run the stored procedure separately and it gives the expected result. So, there might not be any issues in the stored procedure. ...

21. Error in jdbc while executing procedure

22. error with auto-generated keys

ROWID is what is referred to a pseudo-column. It is not data in the database or table so much as it is a mapping of the location, in a specific datafile of the physical location of a row of data. Since rows can migrate from location-to-location when they are updated ROWID should never be stored an never be counted on to ...

23. cpanel error

25. Errors in Executing first jdbc program

26. how to fix error: Communications link failure ?

Dear Friends, My program is running well but after some rounds throws me below error: Can you tell me what could be the problem and how can I fix this? SQLException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception: java.lang.NullPointerException ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** MESSAGE: Can not read response from server. Expected to read 4 bytes, read 0 bytes before ...


Hello guys, I'm trying to import an application project from a PC using Websphre to another one using Eclipse. With Websphere, i have no problem. The application runs like a charm (old application). Now with Eclipse, when i run it, i have my login popup coming. If i enter wrong information, oracle reject me and i'm invited to try again. Once ...

28. Simple jdbc program error

29. JasperException error help (exception report)

Hello, I am using tomcat 6.0.14 trying to compile a JSP and I keep getting an exception report. I am fairly new to web development and am kinda lost with this error. I have called and closed with the useBean, but i am not understanding this exception error report problem. Here is the code telling the jsp to call this line ...

30. Syntax error

31. SQLException error in my code

33. OutofMemory Error.. Due to Pooling?

Hi friends, We are using JNDI with Struts for DS and Connection Pooling. The issue is we very often getting this 'OutOfMemoryError'. And after a server restart only we can able to use the application. Currently we dont have much data's say around 5000, but after implementation, it'll go upto 1lakh. My question is , is there any way to find ...

34. Error while retrieving column from database

I have set an attribute named USER, whose values are retrieved through a html, depending upon the user. In this jsp i need to change the password. 't1','t2','t3' are getting old password, new password & confirm password field from html. First i am checking whether old password field and password column in database has same value. For updating the password i ...

35. How to fix this error exception error ?

try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bbtestproject", "snmt", "asdsadagvfd"); stmt = con.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM members"); String nameLogin = rs.getString("user"); String passWordLogin = rs.getString("pass"); if (nameInput.equals(nameLogin) && passwordInput.equals(passWordLogin)) { out.println("Welcome: "); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } finally { try { if (rs != null) { rs.close(); out.println("rs ...

36. Stored Procedure java code error

Hi I am new to java. I am trying to call data from Oracle using java code but got few errors. Can you please help me where I am going wrong. Thanks in advance. Code: package; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class EmpDAO { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) ...

37. Error in JDBC

Hello, Could you please advise me on the below issue :- I'm trying to connect to the Oracle xe database on my machine. This is in the code : static String userid="hr" , password = "hr"; static String url = "jdbc:odbc:pramod"; --- - -- -- -- - -- -- The problem is with this part of the code : try{ Connection ...

38. JDBC wierd error HELP PLEASE

39. OracleTypes error while Migrating app in Java 6 with Weblogic 10.3.4 server

Hi, We have an application that is running fine in production with java version 1.5 and weblogic server 9.2.0. Now we are migrating the same application to Java version 6 and weblogic server 10.3.4. We have integrated our application using eclipse IDE and its working fine. But when I am trying to build the ear using ant script, I am getting ...

40. cvc-complex-type.2.1: Element 'soap:address'... WSDL Error in Eclipse

Hi All, I am integrating my exsting workspace in Eclipse 3.6. This workspace was originally created using BEA Workshop 10.3 and weblogic 9.2 server and was working fine. Now I am using JDK 6 and weblogic 10.3.4 server along with Eclipse. But when I imported this workspace in Ecipse, I am getting below error: Error 1: Description Resource Path Location Type ...

41. count field incorrect error

I have created an Access database, with a "Users" table with fields: "personname", "surname", "email", "username", "password", "secretQuestion", "answer". I am getting a count field incorrect error when i process this: String name1 = nameField.getText(); String surname1 = surnameField.getText(); String email1 = emailField.getText(); String username1 = usernameField.getText(); char[] password1 = passField1.getPassword(); String passString = new String(password1); String question1 = (String)secQCombo.getSelectedItem(); String ...

42. error involving 64-bit windows 7, can't figure it out

Hello all, I've been working on a program for one of my classes, and I keep running into this same error. After doing some research I found that the problem lays in my OS's initial compatibility with Microsoft Access. Here is the error: java.sql.SQLException:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and the Application Now, I've ...

43. Error Numeric Overflow-oracle

I'm using oracle 10g. I am trying to get the sum of count of a column based on some collection column which is passed at run time using preparedStatement. here is my code. The query works fine in sqldeveloper. public int publishCcollectionCountOfRelationship(List collections) {int temp=0; List count= new ArrayList(); List date= new ArrayList(); List collection1= new ArrayList(); try{ Driver d1 = ...

44. Error in Procedure

45. JDBC Error

46. java -jar [error] unable to access jarfile postgresql-8.4-702.jdbc.3.jar

I cannot seem to load the jar files publlished by Postgre, and, as shown in the second part of this question, I have, thus a problem Java not being able to load and connect the database driver, cannot connect. 1. Using java -jar to load the .jar file C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL>cd pgJDBC C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\pgJDBC>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume ...

47. JVM is hang and throughing HTTP 500 Error [Locking]

Vijitha , Steps like this 1) I am using Oracle 10g Application server 2) My application have 4jvm and using with connection pooling.(Each JVM min 10 to 30 Conn) 3) I am inserting data into table, but that table using some other[was already inserting other] activity(EOD) 4) So My application is going to use that table then my connection gone for ...

48. Records are visible but not accessible error

Hi, I have developed one application and running through tomcat 7.0. I'm accessing my database using premiumsofts Navicat for mysql. Records are visible but not accesible for the user table. especially when i create new user in register page.It showing database is updated message and could find the updated reocords in Navicat user table.But i can login with the updated user ...

49. class not found error

50. how to fix this error ? please help

hi till yesterday my sql server was running fine but at night i have tried to do certern thing to make ms sql driver 3.0 works but it didnt and i have to continue with jdbcodbc driver in morning i have restored all the changes that i have made but and when i try to run the database code from my ...

52. ojdbc thin client - eclipse error in debug mode

Hello, I am going through a strange error with oracle thin client in debug mode. I will very appreciate your involvement to go through the error and reply back a solution or suggestion. Thanks in advance for your involvement. Database queries to oracle server from java using ojdbc thin client (jdbc:oracle:thin) are fetching data in eclipse "Run As" mode. But the ...

53. COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

Hi, when I run my servlet, I am getting the error " java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error". My servlet, database table code and all the necessary things are below. Form.html Untitled Document

Employee First ...

54. Error in output

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { Connection con; Statement stm; String str1=jTextField1.getText(); String str2=jPasswordField1.getText(); try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } try { con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:logindetails","sa","sigma"); stm=con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=stm.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM loginform"); stm.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO loginform VALUES('"+str1+"','"+str2+"')"); rs=stm.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM loginform"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(f,"submitted successfully");; } catch(SQLException ex) { System.out.println("SQL EXCEPTION:"+ex.getMessage()); } i created login form. the above code is for jButton1(submit) button.I ...

55. Java DB Error

58. jdbc error

jdbc error I EXECUTE: java getIfxMetaData website 1533 maq website maq password I GOT ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: Database not found or no system permission. at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.addException(IfxSqli.jav a, Compiled Code) at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveError(IfxSqli.jav a, Compiled Code) at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.dispatchMsg( , Compiled Code) at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.receiveMessage(IfxSqli.j ava, Compiled Code) at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqli.executeOpenDatabase(IfxS, Compiled Code) at com.informix.jdbc.IfxSqliConnect.(IfxSqliCon, Compiled Code) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Native Method) at com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver.connect( , Compiled Code) ...

59. Conversion error on host variable or parameter *N

I have been using Ibatis through Spring to acccessing data from DB2 to java. Since one and half year,I have never seen the problem which I am facing now a days. which I have never received earlier.we have used this queries so many times and after few minuts its working fine again,means I m not able to replicate it. while updating ...

60. I have 3 errors after compiling

package mysql; import java.sql.*; public class Hello { Connection connection; private void displaySQLErrors(SQLException e) { System.out.println("SQLException: " + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("SQLState: " + e.getSQLState()); System.out.println("VendorError: " + e.getErrorCode()); } public Hello() { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); } catch(SQLException e) { System.err.println("Unable to find and load driver"); System.exit(1); } } public void connectToDB() { try { connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/accounts?user=&password="); } catch(SQLException e) { displaySQLErrors(e); ...

61. applicaiton error when trying to select/rerieve a lot of data

Hi All, I got this error message "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" when i'm trying to select/retrieve a total 80000 record from one table my code is: ResultSet rstx = statement.executeQuery("select * from employee"); after i'm doing some testing, it appears that the class ResultSet only able to receive a total data <=2800 record anything beyond that number ...

62. error message

i have a question i made a database using ms.access and i want to update this database from JFrame form on netbeans when i call the data use jTextfield1focuslost then i have an error message there is the message : java.sql.SQLException:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified and there is sorce code im using : ...

63. SQLException errors - need help!

I have a program that I am trying to run that takes in text from an online .csv file and attempts to place that result into an Access database file. When the statement is executed to insert the values I get an error: SQL Error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression. SQL State: 22005 SQL Error Code: ...

64. Next Button Error

Hi Friends! I have encountered error with my code. I have a "next" button in my application. But when i try to run a code on its click, for first time it runs perfectly fine but for next attempt it throws a NullPointerException and also the button remains pressed. Please Help. The button click code is as follows: if(s.equals("Next")) { try ...

65. Error retrieving serialized data from database

Hello all, I am trying to write a Vector of String's to my database, my write code seems to be working correctly (no exceptions being thrown): Vector vector = new Vector(); vector.add("one"); vector.add("two"); try { String insertionString = "INSERT INTO test SET testField = ?"; PreparedStatement ps = dbConn.prepareStatement(insertionString); ps.setObject(1, vector); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); System.out.println("Insert successful"); } catch (SQLException e) { ...

66. Database error

Hi all, I've connected my program up to a database. When i issue one statement against the DB it works fine but if i issue more then one, i get an error. heres the partial code i have: Java Code: private Statement rsStatement; private ResultSet rsDistricts; private ResultSet rsCountDistricts; private Connection conn; .... public void SetUpTree(){ try { getRS("SELECT * FROM ...

67. Error: illegal start of expression

Hai i am develop program which are connected to database. For database i am using mAccess .In my program i am try to insert data. For you info the connection to database is ok . I think may be my code having a probleam. I need you advice is my code and i also highlight which line cause this error.Please ...

68. Error: reached end of file while parsing

hai , i am developed a program with database connection. In my code i am try to insert data. For database connection is no probleam but i have probleam with my code which i got an error reached end of file parsing . Please correct my code please cause i can identify what is the probleam is. I also highlight line ...

69. After End Of Result set error?

public String getonlineplayer(int mapid,int pid){ String returnstring =""; if(mapid>0 && pid!=0){ try{ pst = con.prepareStatement("select * from players where areaid='"+mapid+"' and online='1' and ID!='"+pid+"'",ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); rs = pst.executeQuery(); if({ do{ if(rs!=null){ String uname = rs.getString("uname"); String pimage = rs.getString("playerimage"); String xpos = rs.getString("xpos"); String ypos = rs.getString("ypos"); returnstring += "username="+uname+ ",xpos="+xpos+",ypos="+ypos+",playerimage="+pimage+"#"; }else{ break; } }while(; } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } return ...

70. JDBC error

Hi All, I facing following problem. Error log is as follow. Do anybody has any clue on this? 09/01/08 13:05:11:760 IST] 00000031 SystemErr R org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException : TopLinkAccessor: encountered SQLException [Protocol violation]; nested exception is Protocol violation Protocol violation at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInsta nce0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInsta nce( Code)) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newI nstance( piled Code)) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Construc Code)) at .mapExceptionHelper( 1) ...

71. Error with axis2 and ibatis

This is my error: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error initializing class UtilSqlConfig class. Cause: Could not find resource com / cuponium / user / ibatis / SqlMapConfig.xml at com.cuponium.util.UtilSqlConfig. (UtilSqlCo 34) ... 34 more Eans that you can not find my file SqlMapConfig.xml. When I create my file. to make my web service with axis2. In eclipse I works ...

73. getting troubled with java/sql/savepoint class not found error

dear frnds im gettig the trouble with java:sql/savepoint error. im running it with the eclipse editor. i m using jdk1.4.i ve correctly specified the driver name as wellas connection parameters. i dont know whats the prob is if anybody find it pls mail me to abhihjoshi@ even if iwould find then i will post it

74. SQLException: General Error

This is all terribly, horribly wrong. 1) Never minding the usual caveats of not putting JDBC code into GUI classes you're doing this all in the Event thread? Come on man. 2) I don't like how you have fields whose names suggest dates and various number formats and yet are using setString for all those fields. That seems like an obvious ...

75. Error: COUNT field incorrect in jdbc

76. JDBC error help required

public static void createTable(String tablename,BufferedReader in,Statement stmt) throws SQLException,IOException { String line=in.readLine(); String command="CREATE TABLE " + tablename + "(" + line + ") "; stmt.executeUpdate(command); while((line=in.readLine()) !=null) { command="INSERT INTO" + tablename + "VALUES (" + line + ")"; stmt.executeUpdate(command); } } public static void showTable(String tablename,Statement stmt) throws SQLException { String query="SELECT * FROM + tablename"; ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(query); ResultSetMetaData ...

77. error in displaying database content in choice

String SQL = "SELECT Name FROM Students"; ResultSet resultset = statement.executeQuery(SQL); while ( students.addItem(resultset.getString(1)); SQL = "SELECT Grade FROM Students"; resultset = statement.executeQuery(SQL); while ( grades.addItem(resultset.getString(1)); } catch(Exception e) {} add(students); add(grades); } public static void main (String args[]) { Frame f = new jdbc(); f.setSize(300, 300); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}});; }

78. JDBC error.

When you specify an index, it is not the index in the source table from which you made the query. It is the column index in the query itself. Since you only asked for one column in the query, the index of that column HAS to be 1, regardless of where that column actually exists in the source table.

79. error while conntecting to database

public void close() throws SQLException{ dbCon.close(); } public ResultSet execSQL(String sql) throws SQLException{ Statement s = dbCon.createStatement(); ResultSet r = s.executeQuery(sql); return (r == null) ? null : r; } public int updateSQL(String sql) throws SQLException{ Statement s = dbCon.createStatement(); int r = s.executeUpdate(sql); return (r == 0) ? 0 : r; } }

80. Hello needed JDBC error

Hi everyone I am new to Java, I am trying to Connect to Oracle Server in Java, I have Oracle 10g installed on my PC and followed by some tutoril I set the CLASSPATH=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\jdbc\lib\ But I am still getting this error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ...

81. java.SQLException - error

I keep recieving this error when i run a project. Can anybody help me pinpoint why the error is occurring. This is a tutorial project and i have the instructions in front of me, but i can not get passed this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Exception Details: org.apache.jasper.JasperException java.sql.SQLException: Dynamic parameter markers and Bind variable count mismatch. ...

83. JDBC error

84. error running java program (testing oracle-character-set-31 against )

Hi When i run my java program from eclipse , i get these errors : how to correct these errors and run the program testing oracle-character-set-31 against PASSED LOSSY testing oracle-character-set-31 against PASSED LOSSY testing oracle-character-set-31 against PASSED LOSSY testing oracle-character-set-870 against PASSED testing oracle-character-set-870 against PASSED testing oracle-character-set-870 against PASSED testing oracle-character-set-870 against ...

85. Jdbc Error

I am getting this SQL exception while running my application. In this I have jsp page from which I am connecting to the database and calling a stored procedure. java.sql.SQLException: Cursor is closed. at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CResultSetAccessor.getCursor( at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.getCursor( at org.apache.jsp.Report_jsp._jspService( at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service( at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile( at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( ...


ha ii I try to connect my database using jtds driver.Error indicate *java.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect , then i check jtds Faq then i fallow these steps Why do I get java.sql.SQLException: "Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect" when trying to get a connection? The "Connection refused" exception is thrown by jTDS when it is unable to connect ...

88. Java compiling and runtime error database???

In my experience 90% of errors could be resolved by newbs themselves if they just bothered to read the stack trace and actually engage their brains to figure out what it was telling them. When I was tutoring at college the general pattern of students was: type some crp hit compile get error message put hand up immediately Edited by: flounder ...

90. JasperReports - DB reporting Error

/** * Takes 4 parameters: databaseName, userName, password, reportFileLocation * and connects to the database and prepares and views the report. * @param databaseName holds database name, * @param userName holds user name * @param password holds password to connect the database, * @param reportFile holds the location of the Jasper Report file (.jrxml) */

91. Database Error is comming in the code

92. java jdbc error

93. programming error JDBC

Sir, I have a dabase (master file) in MSSQL 2ooo, i want to connect with my java program JDBC driver manager. But it gives error at the time of RUN, its class file have already made.I am giving its out put results as given below plz tell me how to solve this error.... C:\java>javac C:\java>java admission_merit_DB1 Exception in thread "main" ...

94. Newbie - JDBC Function Call - Casting Error

A few thing. 1) There seems to be alot of Oracle specific casting going on in your code. At the best of times you should never need any of it. Now I now Oracle has some issues (with things like Blobs) that make it so you need to in spots but you have too much of it here for sure and ...

95. SQLException Error

while ( ) { data.append(rs.getString(1)); selectData.append(rs.getString(2)); colCnt=rs.getInt(3); if (colCnt !=0) { p.print(data.toString()); } } p.println(); //print new line after printing the column names. if (colCnt !=0) { //Call the body sp for the values (body) data.setLength(0); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //error is occuring on the line below !!!!! ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery(selectData.toString());

96. SQLException error code

"unique constraint" Oracle:: 1 MySQL:: 2300 Hypersonic:: 104 Now this raises a question as to how to handle such a situation? you dont want to change the code if the underlying database changes or if you are connecting to more than one DB. In our case we use hypersonic for unit tests and Oracle for actual deployment. Does the jdbcTemplate provide ...

97. JDBC compiling error / classpath or jar problem

I was originally developing with an IDE called JDeveloper. The silly errors it gave me were an absolute waste of my time. This is my first experience using classpaths and jar files, and compiling via cli in windows. There are a lot of variables I'm not comfortable with here and I'm unsure if my actual question is java related but here ...

98. JDBC error

That error means you're using the wrong column name. So your checks were inadequate. Possibly you're connected to a database other than the one you thought you were using. Possibly the columns have different names to the ones you thought they were. Possibly you've made a typographical error in your query. Or an error constructing the query string. As the others ...