string « JDBC « Java Database Q&A

1. Passing string array to a prepared statement

Possible Duplicate:
java PreparedStatement
Can I make the prepared statement
Given ...

2. how to set arrayList with string objects to a prepared statement

I have a java ArrayList of a datastructure (string name, string email). The task is, to save the list in the database. I have an approach in my mind to use ...

3. How to resolve FindBugs Warning "A prepared statement is generated from a nonconstant String"?

I have the following code where FindBugs is complaining that "A prepared statement is generated from a nonconstant String at .." at the second line. I tried declaring "sqlNew" as final ...

4. Is it possible to get a string representation of a PreparedStatement?

Yeah, looks like you're right. Therefore, I took matters into my own hands and created my own class named DynamicStatement. It's very similar to PreparedStatement in that you have access to most of the frequently used set() methods, such as setInt(), setString(), and setDate(). My class also gives the user the ability to append to the statement. So if the user ...

5. Class.forName(String class) not in jdk1.4?

Hello world, I am trying to connect to a Microsoft Access Data base using the below syntax. The problem is it works fine with jdk1.3 but it gives a compilation error with jdk1.4. Could you please let me know what I have to do to overcome this. A correct code would be much appriciated. Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); The error is this ; ...

7. Find bug issue - A prepared statement is generated from a nonconstant String

Hi all, I have a method in the following nature public String getNameForCustomer(final String customerCode) throws MYException{ // name string String name = null; // The select query to get the public key final String selectQuery = MYConstants.SQL_SELECT_NAME_FROM_CUSTOMER_WHERE_CUSTOMER_NAME+ customerCode + "'"; // Declare variables Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { // Get connection ...

9. Unable to set string in prepared statement

But all that aside, are you attemtping to use a String to set an "IN" list of integer ids? If, so, I don't believe that this can be done, and find it hard to believe that using the literal String produced the correct results (at least not in a PreparedStatement, in a normal Statement, yes, but as an argument in a ...