insert 2 « Operation « Java Database Q&A

1. insert command is not working.

It is very good that executeUpdate returns 1. Now, try putting con.commit() before closing statement object, as I have suggested before. Looks like, connections are not set to autocommit on your database and you do have to do it as part of your program. You may talk to your DBA (or look for documentation to see how if you are DBA ...

2. how to insert a picture in database

As per my experience never store picture on Database,Better to store Images on the folder I disagree. Storing images in a database is not necessarily a bad idea. The problem with storing the images on a file system is that it can become out of sync with the database. You can't enforce referential integrity between a table and filesystem. Permissions are ...

3. can we get the preset auto-increment number before any insertion

Not really. MySQL has the neat feature that it keeps auto-incrementing from the last insert even if you wipe the entire table. This is one of the reasons primary key management is often set as an external service in more advanced systems instead of using database features. You could run your cod as a transaction so that you can read the ...

4. Inserting values in database

5. Get or Insert

I am trying to create a method that either gets and Id or inserts the a new row, what i have works some of the time but not all the time. sometimes i get a Duplicate Key message back. The table is keyed on the combination of identifierref and object_type_id, can anyone recommend a better more stable way, This is using ...

6. Multiple repeat insert

I need to repeat an insert as below insert into NEW_TABLE (COLUMN_A, COLUMN_B) select COLUMN_1, COLUMN_2 from OLD_TABLE where COLUMN_3 like 'variable%'; COLUMN_3 is VARCHAR2 type. I want to loop through the above SQL with a different variable each time. How do I create a list of the variables and set a for or while loop to go through it? The ...

7. problem with my insert data page

<%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> Untitled <% try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); } catch (Exception E) { out.println("Unable to load driver."); E.printStackTrace(); } try{ Connection C = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/attendance","root",""); Statement S = C.createStatement(); //ResultSet rs = S.executeQuery("SELECT count(student_id) as attendDay,tsubject,name,email,course_desc from attend group by tsubject,student_id;"); ResultSet rs=S.executeQuery("SELECT (t.maxClass*70/100) as barClass,count(a.student_id) ...

8. Values from ListBox to be inserted

9. DB2DBException on insert

It's an error message that tells you that the insert statement failed, and provides some cryptic reasons why it failed. From the classname ("ca.kraft...") I guess you are not the person who is solely responsible for DB2 there. It would be best if you found a database administrator and discussed this message with them.

10. insert query not executing..

hello! in my project i use an insert query .. i dont get any exceptions and the project runs normally but when i check my database the new data hasnt been added! what could go wrong? here is my code: String SQL_QUERY = "insert into my_table (USER_ID, "+column+")values (?, 1)"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; Connection connection = null; try { connection ...

11. insertion jdbc by applet

12. How to insert autoincrement value?

13. forum regarding insert data

14. inserting values in database after calculation

Originally posted by Divya Gehlot: Hi, I have one table having coulmns id,Startdate,enddate,duration. I am taking above three values id,StartDate,endDate from other table and at the same time I have to insert values in column duration according to id and duration will be number of days between startdate and endate for that I have already one function in java but I ...

15. Simultanious Inserting Data

Hi All, I am using basic java1.4 and db2 version 9 I have 4 java classes , all having main methods. These 4 java classes are run from Unix. They can either be scheduled to execute at same time or at different times. The 4 java classes read 4 different text files. The data in the 4 text files are different ...

16. Unable to insert foreign key values..

Hai All, I have created two tables as below.collegeid column in department_details table references collegeid column of college_details. college_details Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------- COLLEGENAME VARCHAR2(25) COLLEGEID NOT NULL VARCHAR2(20) Department_details Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------- DEPTNAME VARCHAR2(20) COLLEGEID VARCHAR2(20) Coming to JSP portion. Below I am sending you the Jspcode,I am trying to insert first table data from ...

17. not able to insert values

18. Inserting a 'weird' sentence into database

Hello friends, Consider this code snippet of mine: String sentence = "My name is nameless aka 'anonymous' or \"anonymous\" ('did I hear that? Maybe!! now where were we?') -\"yawn! Am bored..."; PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("insert into tenonly(name) values('" + sentence + "')"); statement.executeUpdate(); // THIS IS LINE 38 Also consider this stack trace: init: deps-jar: Compiling 1 source file to /home/arthur/portal/MaintainTenEntries/build/classes ...

19. getting problem while inserting data into database by using executebatch

hi iam using beans here iam storing the data in arrayList object and iterating it. code: while(xldataiterator.hasNext()){ pstmt = myConnection.prepareStatement("insert into xxxx values(?,?,?,?)"); pstmt.setString(1, xlformdataget.getEmail()); ------ ----- ----- pstmt.addBatch(); ///adding to batch } int[] updateCounts = pstmt.executeBatch(); processUpdateCounts(updateCounts); } public static void processUpdateCounts(int[] updateCounts) { for (int i=0; i= 0) s.o.p("Successfully executed; the number represents number ...

20. how to insert multiple value in database

Hai ..... i am doing shopping cart project the project is almost done but i have little proble after selecting the item the user's information and item information should be submit in database how can i submit it in database database is like that .. user information name,allthose thing and product informtaion is like productId booksname,Qu,Price like that if user purchased ...

21. Insertion in MS-EXCEL using JDBC

22. problem while inserting values

superssn is the foreign key so am not able to insert any values when i try to insert values it will not the superssn value for example say ssn is 1 and superssn is 2 in the first insert .then since 2 is not available at that point . it shows error. but how do i solve this. some values has ...

23. Insert Quert return value

Hello, I am trying upload file from a JSPfile using MiltipartUpload API. When the user selects the file and clicks the upload button, the request goes to a servlet where i am inserting the image file name into the db and writing the file to the disk. I am using MySQL 5.0.24 It is taking atleast 2 minutes for the servlet ...

24. Database insert object

The short answer is if it is working as it is required to work for you, then it is the right way. I would speculate that having the handler that does the insert is not as important if it is static or in an object each invocation, so much as how this handler internally works with the getting of the database ...

25. Inserts using java or plsql

Hi, I have an input file full of records. I need to perform some validation on data in this file and then load the data into the table 1 and then from table 1 to table 2. Later the data from table 1 gets deleted. Java program loads the file into table 1. Then plsql loads table 2 from table 1. ...

26. Help regarding insertion in the database

I am using DB2 as my database manager. The problem I am facing is that I cannot insert data into multiple tables at the same time. The code is given below: Connection conn = null; Statement stmt=null; try { //Register driver. InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/MyDataSource"); conn = ds.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); String cType=ct; String cDate=c+"/"+a+"/"+b; String cTime=d+":"+e+":00"; ...

27. inserting values in database....

28. while inserting into database

29. Inserting form data into database?

Hi all, i am trying to call the bean's method that inserts data into database but get an error "Invalid expression statement. String int = insertBean.recordIssues(); ';' expected." The ; is there. I don't understand how to call the bean's method.If i remove that statement then i can see the jsp page (thats supposed to show the data) without any data. ...

30. How to insert data in multiple database.

Hi According to the usecase whenever update happen it should update all the dbs in remote place.which are in different geographical locations.Whatever i understood about distributed transaction is: 1.I can configure the Datasource in application server which support global transaction. 2.In my code i need to get the datasource. 3.get a connection. 4.begin transaction. 5.update db 6.end transaction. But my doubt ...

32. Locking on multiple simultaneous inserts

I am reading messages from a JMS queue. Each message from the queue translates to an insert on a table that has no index and no PK. My problem is that the inserts are getting serialized resulting in messages being consumed very slowly. (While messages are put into the queue much faster) So are inserts on a table always serialized or ...

33. Efficient insert?

I am using the below to insert a clob into Oracle 9i using ojdbc14.jar. It works great and was wondering if there could be any future issues with how I am doing it with CLOB createTemporary and CLOB.DURATION_CALL? DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:1521:sid", "uid", "pwd"); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO CLOBTABLE (myLargeField) VALUES (?)"); oracle.sql.CLOB newClob = oracle.sql.CLOB.createTemporary(conn, ...

34. Retry Failed Insert Attempt?

I am working on an application that sends large quantities of data over the Internet to a remote Mysql database. When I wrote the application and tested locally, everything worked fine & dandy, but when I ran it on remote database I began getting lots of "Communications link failure" errors. I have managed to compensate for the vast majority of these ...

35. Insert into database with Java

As part of eliminating the need to run the sql scripts manually in order to update existing database, im going to develop a system which can take the scripts from certain classes, and run the scripts from there, sometimes the amount of sql scripts may get huge, and im concerning the performace regarding this action. So i need some consultation, help, ...

36. Inserting values from textbox into database

I am trying to insert the values from the textfields into the database.this is the code.

The below file is chacha.jsp <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <% Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); %> <%String ui=request.getParameter("suj"); String u=request.getParameter("ksh"); String i=request.getParameter("pari"); %> <% Connection connection ...

37. JDBC insert too slow

Open a connection. Read the record from a .txt file inside a loop. Issue executeUpdate to insert the record. Commit after every 10 records. (Tried autocommitting or commiting after x records; where x were different combinations) Outside the loop, when all the input have been read; i close the connection and file reader, Buffered reader objects. In the finally block, i ...

38. problem in inserting data

Hi every body i am having problem in executing an insert query through JDBC my table is USER EMP_ID(Int)(PK) FIRST_NAME( VarChar2(20) ) LAST_NAME( VarChar2(20) ) USER_STATUS(int) PASSWORD( Varchar2(10) ) CREATED_BY( Int )--->User.EMP_ID CREATED_DATE( DATE ) LAST_UPDATED_BY( Int )-->User.EMP_ID LAST_UPDATED_DATE( DATE ) my code of execution is private void insertToDb(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { System.out.println("hi hello2"); int empNumber=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("empNumber")); String ...

39. How to perform optimal massive insert operation

Hi experts.. sorry if i am asking a question that has been answered scores'f times! i target to upload as many as 1million records into an oracle table. the table has 6 columns (if this has got something to impact optimization) and alas! doesn't have a primary key or indexing..the table is truncated for every new process (use all data and ...

40. Problem with trying to Insert values into User

So, that SQL was what Hibernate output to the console after running the Java code given for creating Users. It looks like you need to strip a few single quotes out of there to get it to run in the MySQL editor. Here's a single line that can be put into the MySQL query window and work as is: INSERT INTO ...

42. Inserting Large objects into Database

I need to insert a PDF of size 800 kb into oracle data base, using Java I tried set Bytes and set Binary stream. It seems both of them do not support this size of 800 kb. When i get a blob and try to use SetBytes(), I am getting this exception: "java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature" Please help..

43. Multiple Insert Querry.....

44. how to do multiple insert

45. can not insert to DB after a while!

Dear, I have a method which every time it runs, it will add 10 row to my DB but after 3 or 4 times running this file it doesn't add anything to my db. and even it does not throw me any thing like error or ... . I dont know why cuz it works very well for first 3 or ...

46. inserting single quotes into database

47. Unable to execute insertion!

What is wrong with my project? ;-) ---> Unable to execute insertion! Database Insertion Form


 Surname:  Forenames:  Phone number:  

package test; import; import; ...

48. insert to database...

The driver is simply saying that the table doesn't have columns named sprt, sop, msc, or kid. That's what you told it to insert, data from those columns. It doesn't know anything about those variables in your Java code which happen to have the same names, nor should it. Here's what you should do instead: PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("insert into tv_program ...

49. Insert to a database using httpclient webservices

Hi, I need to try a sample program by which I have to insert data into a table in oracle database using webservices. I need to use apache httpclient to achieve this. I am a new bee to Webservices.Kindly someone share or give the reference of the code to do this.. Thank you

50. how to remove whitespace before inserting

Hi, am trying to insert values into database, which contains a foreign key... "ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SCOTT.FK_EXPTYPE) violated - parent key not found" am sure, the values are exactly same, because am getting database primary key table values in javascript and inserting them into foreign key table in submit.jsp When I try to print the values.. it shows a lot of ...

51. could not insert

I am Implementing a MadelDriven interface with its getModel() mehtod in Action class and passing an object of an bean(POJO) class to save the bean boject but it thrown an Exception like that javax.servlet.ServletException: could not insert: [beans.CapabilityBuildingDTO] org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.serviceAction( org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher.doFilter( root cause org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not insert: [beans.CapabilityBuildingDTO] org.hibernate.exception.ErrorCodeConverter.convert( org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper.convert( org.hibernate.persister.entity.BasicEntityPersister.insert( org.hibernate.persister.entity.BasicEntityPersister.insert( org.hibernate.action.EntityIdentityInsertAction.execute( org.hibernate.engine.ActionQueue.execute( org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.performSaveOrReplicate( org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.performSave( org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedId( org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId( org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveEventListener.saveWithGeneratedOrRequestedId( org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.entityIsTransient( org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveEventListener.performSaveOrUpdate( org.hibernate.event.def.DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener.onSaveOrUpdate( ...

52. My After Insert Trigger is not firing

Hi i have written an After Insert Trigger as below and it is not updating the value as expected for the current record/row when i try to insert a row from the application. can anyone help me on this. TBL has two columns COLUMN1 and COLUMN2 CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER TRIGGER_AFTER_TBL AFTER INSERT ON TBL DECLARE BEGIN UPDATE TBL SET COLUMN2 ...

53. Inserting arrays into database

My DB tables (Oracle XE) create table Languages( lang_id number(14) primary key, cv_id number(14) constraint Languages_fk references Cv(cv_id), otherLangs varchar2(90)); create sequence Languages_seq start with 1 increment by 1; create or replace trigger Languages_trig before insert on Languages referencing new as new for each row begin select Languages_seq.nextval into :new.lang_id from dual; end; / create table LangProficiency( p_id number(14) primary key, ...

54. Inserting data in cells

55. Inserting data into database

56. Need help with insert values into access

I need help with this code: import java.sql.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class DBCon extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JTextField name; JButton next; JButton addnew; JPanel p; public static final String url ="jdbcdbc:"+ "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="; public static final String driver ="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; static Connection con; static ResultSet res; String path; public DBCon() { super("Our Application"); Container c ...

57. Check for duplicates in database before insert

Hi! First I would like to say I'm sory for opening new thread about this problem but I googled and also searched this site for this problem but I didn't find anything that could do job for me. So on problem... I have two mySQL tables, T_AJPES_TR_LOG_ table(with ID,Date_import and File_import) and T_AJPES_TR table that I store data from XML files. ...

58. NumberFormatException while inserting data into database

In my project, I have created a functionality which registers Editors. For this, I have used bean class, jsp, Servlet and a Dao class. package org.Cmtes.Imm.Bean; import; import java.util.Date; public class EditorBean implements Serializable { private Long id; private String username; private String password; private String address; private Long contact; private String email; private String area; private String date; ...

59. Encryption/decryption using core java and then insert into database

Hi, i want to use encryption like RSA algorithm in java. For e.g - during a registeration process in my application, whenever the user inputs a password, i want to encryp that password and pushed that encrypted key into database. During login process, user will enter his/her username and password, this password will be matched with the decrypted password(encrypted in db) ...

60. Inserting a checkbox value into database.

Hi All, Im writing a sample application involving JSP's that would insert and display from a dtabase, however im relatively new to programming and hence facing a lot of minor issues . I understand that my project would be better off using a servlet or a model class , but im trying a POC using just JSP. Im trying to fetch ...

61. how to insert multiple check box data into database

your problem seems to be pretty straight forward. Are you looking for exact code to achieve your requirements ? simple steps could be 1. define your table column as VARCHAR2 type. 2. grab the value of multple checkbox recieved from browser (variable - rval as shown in your post) 3. you can use String concentation operator to append comma between check ...

62. how to create a java program which tracks the database operations like insertion and updatation etc.

Could you use log4j to log these operations when they are called from your Java DB interface? Or you could do this via triggers on the database tables, if your RDBMS (and DBAs) will permit this. Then you can be sure these operations will be recorded, no matter where they are called from.

63. Insert if not exist

64. DB insert in a low priority thread

Hi all, I need to audit log all events that are happening in our application. These audit logs are stored in a table. One column in the table in of BLOB type. So, if I insert audit log entries into the table real-time, that would affect the performance of the original event. What approach can I take to make this insertion ...

65. How to insert HTML into database?

Hi, I am trying to insert HTML into a database but I am having a little difficulty doing this due to the illegal characters. The reason I am wanting to do this is that I am having a play around with scraping content, so I want to be able to put the full HTML into a database before I mess around ...

67. Retrieving and Inserting Chinese chars using JDBC

Hi all, When I retireve chinese data from Access database using jdbc and print it into a file,I am not seeing the Chinese characters visible in Access but instead I see a '?'inplace of each chinese character.Similarly when I try to insert chinese data into Access, I am seeing '?' characters in the database instead of chinese characters.I am sure it ...

68. is the any special issue regarding the insertion in msacess 2007

thanks for the reply i got by bug correcected i didn't close the connection so the problem arise. in ms acess2007 i set password as opened with open exclusively option and set a password 123456 my config file is import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; public class Config{ public Connection con=null; public Config(){ try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); //String filename = "D://database//Man.mdb"; String filename ...

69. how to insert data in database

Hi friends, i m making a gui application in which there is an insert button, and some textboxes, now i want as soon as i click on the insert button, all the data of the textboxes should be saved in my database. i am using Ms-access for database.. I will be thankful to you plss give me the code.. plsss Thanks... ...

70. insert vector to database

71. Problem inserting into database

Good day, I've developed an application that is reading data from a file and saving it into a database (I'm using MySql). Unfortunately I'm having problems inserting the data. Below is the relevant piece of code (I'm trying to create a table using the name of the file that my application is reading) and the SQL error I get: Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance (); ...

72. Insert interger

My Coding is Here.. Hi all.... My stage 1 and Stage 2 is ok...but my stage 3 had problem can anybody help me regarding this.... it must divide by 2 then for stage 3 output [4] 4, [5],2 [6]6 [7]0 not appear. What should i do. Here i put my coding and Output also. My Coding import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.Math; import ...

73. insert the combination values


74. Regarding Data Insertion

Hi, I have written the code for application and it compiles and i get the output also without any errors.But when i type text and click add button the values are not being inserted. Some one please help me. add.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getActionCommand()=="Add") { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc.odbc.addissue"," library","bismillah"); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT ...

75. java insert data into database problem

76. count inserted line in database

while ( { pstmt.setString(1, result.getString(1)); pstmt.setString(2, result.getString(2)); pstmt.setString(3, result.getString(3)); pstmt.setString(4, result.getString(4)); pstmt.setString(5, result.getString(5)); pstmt.setString(6, result.getString(6)); pstmt.setString(7, result.getString(7)); pstmt.setString(8, result.getString(8)); pstmt.setString(9, result.getString(9)); pstmt.setString(10, result.getString(10)); pstmt.setString(11, result.getString(11)); pstmt.setString(12, result.getString(12)); pstmt.setString(13, result.getString(13)); pstmt.setString(14, result.getString(14)); pstmt.setString(15, result.getString(15)); pstmt.setString(16, result.getString(16)); pstmt.setString(17, result.getString(17)); pstmt.setString(18, result.getString(18)); pstmt.setString(19, result.getString(19)); pstmt.setTimestamp(20, result.getTimestamp(20)); pstmt.setTimestamp(21, result.getTimestamp(21)); pstmt.executeUpdate(); } int rows = 0; rows = pstmt.executeUpdate(); connOracle.commit(); System.out.printf("%d row(s) inserted!",rows); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("Done"); ...

77. How to insert random number to database

78. why i can't insert data to database

79. database insertion

81. Database insertion problem

1. What are you expecting by putting this in a loop? pstmt.setString(2, s2[ i ]); You'll have to execute an insert for each item, it won't work by magic like this. 2. Do some simple debugging. Make your code tell you if it's even getting to that code at all. 3. Where's your catch statement? Are you completely ignoring a possible ...

82. is it possible insert a Collection into a db?

83. problem in inserting values to database

Hi friends I need ur help!! I am working in JSP and trying to insert values into database(MS-Access) through jsp page.. But the problem is that I am unable to insert those values into database as I am getting all those values at console as output. I am using netbeans IDE. Please add your valuable suggestion. Regards, Aman Aggarwal

84. inserting photos into database

85. database insertion

87. insert - database

Hello All...I have a question ...When we insert a record into the database using jdbc and if that record cannot be inserted as it violates primary key / duplicate key and throws an can we handle such situation we need to show the user that the record cannot be inserted as it already exists in the database...and if yes ...

88. database - insert

Hello All ... I have jsp that displays a table like Student Roll Subject Dave 1 Math John 2 blank the user can edit the subject or add new student I use transfer objects my question is how to insert/update to the database ...I know the SQL but I'm not able to understand how to pass the parameters to sql ...

89. insert data to database

90. insert into database

The following is not intended to be mean, it is however intended to be brutally honest. 1. The world does not, will not, care about you, or your problems or the obstacles that are in your way. 2. In the development world the only human resource you will often have is yourself. 3. You will often have to research, understand and ...

91. insert - database

Hello All... When my jsp page is submitted I have to perform 3 insert statements so as to insert records into several tables in the database.But how to make sure that all the 3 inserts are performed correctly...and how to rollback if any one of them fails... Help is greatly appreciated... Thanks, Greeshma....

93. Inserting an array of byte[ ] in a database

Hi, In my program I have to insert a bynary data in my database. To do that, I created in the database a column, called "data", and I set the type of the column to MEDIUMBLOB. I receive the data that I have to store from a serial port, so they are stored in a byte[ ] array. How can I ...

94. problem with insert database

sorry coz i just a newbie in java programming and still in learning stage... please lah So what do you expect, someone to cut-n-paste your (probably incomplete) code that you posted, try to run it (against some database they don't even have) and determine what "a problem" is, before telling you how to solve it? Oh, I know - you expect ...