parameter « Operation « Java Database Q&A

1. JDBC - how to escape user-supplied parameters with a sql query?

Trying to get started with jdbc (using jetty + mysql). I'm not sure how to escape user-supplied parameters in a sql statement. Example:

String username = getDangerousValueFromUser();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
stmt.execute("some statement where ...

2. Java method as parameter in function with nested method calls (UPDATE)

I have a function to get JDBC metadata through clojure-sql

(ns relink
      [clojure.contrib.sql :as sql]
      [clojure.string :as ...

3. How can I make an iBatis parameter mapping for a query with multiple series of various paramaters?

I need to map a sql statement of this general form:

FROM x, y, z
WHERE ( = #x1# OR = #x2# OR ... ) 
  AND ( ...

5. (new user)Issue with using result of Sql query as parameter to HTTP request

I am a new user to Jmeter. I needed to run a SQL query against a database .The result of this query is to be used in another query against different database. The result returned from the second query ,I need to pass as a parameter to a HTTP sampler request. The flow at run ...

6. using sql query as a request parameter value

Hi, I am creating a test plan that needs some value from database to execute a request. is there any way to execute sql query in a request parameter. I have used random function to create send unique names in request parameter but unable to find a way hot to execute a sql query. Any ...

7. Queries with string parameters

Jason, Have you tried running the SQL statement at the command line? This will help narrow down the problem and may give you a clearer error message. You should also consider using a prepared statement. SELECT * FROM book WHERE active = 1 AND author = ? This protects you from the user entering "Jason's Text" as an author name, which ...

8. parameter based query using sun java studio creator

Dear all, can somebody please explain step by step on writing a sql query that gives results when user enters a parameter in textbox and submits. using WHERE or LIKE in sql, prepared statement or any other will be helpful. results could either be displayed in same page or in new page. database - MySQL development tool - sun java studio ...

9. parameter based query using sun java studio creator

Dear all, can somebody please explain step by step on writing a sql query that gives results when user enters a parameter in textbox and submits. using WHERE or LIKE in sql, prepared statement or any other will be helpful. results could either be displayed in same page or in new page. database - MySQL development tool - sun java studio ...

10. sql query based on variable number of input parameters

Hi all I have a form with 8 fields and based on the values entered in them I have have to fetch the records from the DataBase. Now the problem is out of the 8 fields the user may fill any number of fields and that too in any order for example the user may fill fields 1,4 and 6 or ...

11. Error Setting parameters in a Update preparedstatments

Hey guys I have been working on making a form that updates a Microsoft Access database and I cannot seem to figure out the root of this error I continue to receive. My edit form upon loading displays the information for a selected item. There is a submit button that updates the database with all changes. I have been using preparedStatements ...

12. i want query for inserting two input parameters and remaining fields from other table in single quer

i want query for inserting two input parameters and remaining fields from other table in single query. example : INSERT INTO Members ( memberName, userID) VALUES('MYNAME', (SELECT userID FROM USERS WHERE userUNIQUEID = '123')); i need to insert a row into member table. i want to pass 'MYNAME' as parameter and UserId will be from select statement. can any one please ...