select « SQL « Java Database Q&A

1. How to SELECT items from from an array (IN clause details)?

I would like to do something in Java (using iBatis, JDBC, etc., really in SQL) like:

SELECT SUM(rowName) FROM myTable WHERE id = [myArrayOfIds]
Where myArrayOfIds can be almost any length. Now I ...

2. select in batch mode jdbc sql

Hallo, why is there no batchSelect in JDBC? IS there some good way to handle select for multiple keys od ids? Creating a query matching the length of all possible keys seem silly, ...

3. EoD sql 2.2 map Select result to HashMap

I am trying to get a query like this

SELECT col1_string, col2_int FROM table
to be mapped into a HashMap The method looks like this
@Select(sql="SELECT col1_string, col2_int FROM table",resultSetBinding=MapDataObjectBinding.class)
public Map<String,Object> getMap();
But I assume that ...

4. implement SQL like select in Java

In general I want to know how SQL select is implemented in the lower level, it looks like the algorithm they using is close to O(1)..... in Java you can only achieve ...

5. using SQL select results as a Variable

Hi All, I am new to jmeter, and new to development so i am sorry if this is a simple question, i am unfortunatly finding it a little hard to sus out. I would like to use the results of a MySQL statement as a variable to later call in a HTTP post Request. The basic test is this: As part ...

6. SQL: Select the first of each set

I have a table like this. It's a ledger. Each entry is associated with an invoice number, and there is a transaction type and a description. The table is sorted by invoice and transaction type: Transaction Invoice Type Description 1 FEE Work done 1 PAY Jan payment 2 IVA VAT Tax 3 PAY Feb Payment 3 PAY Supplement I need to ...

7. Is it possible to use batch for SQL select statment

Is it possible to use batch for SQL select statment? I m using prepared statement-which is setting one argument and then immedietely it fires a SQL select query to fetch the data. This way it's not very effient as i keep on getting this argument in bulk and they are grouped in certain manner. What i want to know whether i ...

8. Question about SQL select - Performance

Hello Everyone I just have a simple question. I have two ways to do this task and I want to know which is the best way. So just let me know which is the best way to do this. As I'm new to this, I dont know performance wise which is better.... For simplification purpose, I'm just showing two fields in ...

9. SQL Select: GROUP BY Having Count

Hey everyone, I'm having difficulty resolving a query in Oracle 8i... I have the following table: CREATE TABLE COMPANY_EMPLOYEES ( COMPANY_ID INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, EMPLOYEE_ID INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, MODULE_TYPE INTEGER ) The primary key is a combination of all 3 columns. The module_type column can be one of four values: 4, 5, 6 or 7. I'm attempting to select those employee_ids ...

10. SQL Where Select

Hello all, My questions is how do you limit a result set based upon an entry that your passing. If it was java I would do a simple if statment but I think a case statement will have to do. I can ONLY do this in SQL. What I am working in cannot handel any operation to limit the result set. ...

11. SQL Select Help

Hoping someone can help me out here . . . I have a table that contains a number of records. It has two fields, "Starter" and "Main Course". Typical data would look like this. . . StarterMain Soup, Beef Soup, Chicken Salad, Pork Soup, Beef Salad, Chicken Soup, Beef Salad, Pork etc . . . I need to try and select ...

12. Basic question about a sql select

Hi Julien, I think you need to display the Data in the format you had shown. Create a Model in java like this, public class Order{ private String strName ; private String strId; private List lst OrderDetails; public class OrderDetails{ private String strOrderId; private String strAmount; //Corresponding Set Get Methods } //Corresponding Set get Methods } 1. Write an DAO Class ...


14. SQL Select Count

The following is sql code which checks for multiple titles with the same value (less than or equal to 3) "SELECT count(*)<=3 FROM module WHERE title='?'". I am trying to write a snippet of code that does a select count(*) from module where title=? (above code), and then if the result of that is 3=3 then do the INSERT (following code) ...

15. Problem with SQL select

Hi, Here is a portion of my code: String str= "("+"'"+request.getParameter("username")+"'"+","+ "'"+request.getParameter("password")+"'"+","+ "'"+request.getParameter("rpassword")+"'"+","+ "'"+request.getParameter("emailid")+"'"+")"; String findKey=request.getParameter("username"); out.println(request.getParameter("username")); // Check whether the user name already exists ResultSet r=s.executeQuery("SELECT user_Name FROM user_Details WHERE user_Name = *******"); out.println(r.getString("user_Name")); if (!= false) { out.println(" UserName already exists !!! "); } else { s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user_Details VALUES "+str); out.println(" 1 row inserted ..........&&&&&"); } In the ...

16. Select Particular Column values in sql without know the column name

I want to get particular column values in sql table.For example if table has 10 columns i want to select the values of 4 to 10 column values. Here i dont know the column names because all columns are generated at a run time. i need help as soon as possible. I have searched in lot but i could not find ...

17. SQL for monthly report with each month must be selected even if there is no data

I have one requirement: I want to generate a monthly report for a period but the catch is that each month must be selected. So if the period is say 12 months, it must return 12 rows no matter whether data is there or not for those months. I have given the sample which I am using currently but I need ...

18. SQL How to not select the record

I don't know how to ask the question, so I'll set up an example. I just need a snippet of the sql. The table contains the following: ID_NUMBER PARTY_CD 1001 00 1001 10 1001 99 1002 00 1002 10 1002 30 1003 00 1003 10 I don't want the sql to return any row for ID_NUMBER 1001 because it contains the ...

19. java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword

HI i am getting an error like below when i run my web project "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00928: missing SELECT keyword " . i have written code as fallows.......... can any one help me over here..........?????????? Connection con=null; PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("text/html"); String name = request.getParameter("name"); int age = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("age")); int sal = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("sal")); PreparedStatement pstmt= null; Statement stmt=null; try{ Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); System.out.println("class found"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger"); ...

20. SQL SELECT result

Why would you guess when you can just look at the API documentation? (Which specifically says the executeQuery() method never returns null.) If the SQL statement returns zero rows, you get a ResultSet that contains zero rows. Does that seem peculiar to you? In that case calling "" returns false because there are zero rows.