Table 3 « Table « Java Database Q&A

1. Newbie: need help comparing two tables from different databases.

I'm working through a similar problem and the approach that I am investigating assumes that both results can be sorted and that the table contents are exactly the same. In that case one need only walk the two result sets in order until a mismatch occurs. But even when there is mismatch, if you wanted to count the number of mismatches ...

2. to listen database table by java

5. Database in table problem

Scenario: i have a table name children, fields are (PK,IDnumber,nameOfChild) - idnumber there is a foreign key. for example idnumber = 222, which has 3 children. named lets say a,b,c so this is the table look like children PK IDnumber nameOfChild 1 222 a 2 222 b 3 222 c in java i make a class Children with fields pk,idnumber,name when ...

6. count number of coulmns in table?

7. How to store Database tables in Cache

8. A question related to database table design

Hi , I am having a Query , in providing a boolean value inside a Database Table design There is a requirement in our Application as we need to store a boolean value aganist customer Id . For Example CustId : 123456 status : Either it should store false / true Will it be a good approach if we use directly ...

9. performancr tunning in traversing through a resulset (to form a table model)

Hi All, I am new to swing and debugging an existing code for a performance tunning perspective. I have a resulset to display in a TableModel. Each row is having size of the resulset and to get that i used - Resulset tableRows = rs.getInt(1);Below is the code of my DatabaseTableModel class. public class DatabaseTableModel extends AbstractTableModel { private static final ...

11. help using table of number

Hello. In my package spec I have a global variable declared like this: g_web_txn_history_temp NUMBERTABLE := NULL; NUMBERTABLE is a type I have declared as a TABLE OF NUMBER; Then in the body I am trying to use that global variable in a FOR LOOP: FOR i IN 1 .. l_header_info.COUNT LOOP ... g_web_txn_history_temp(i) := some_number; But the code is having ...

12. Need to hold a set of numbers between package calls (preferrably without a table)

I have some numbers generated in a sql package. I need these numbers to be held by some kind of object that is available to the entire package. The package makes calls to other packages, so my attempts to use a global variable that is a type table of number does not work because that gets reset when calls are made ...

13. problem in copying table

14. Linking two tables in JDBC

Got a Java program that has two tables in MS Access DB. It's a Customers database with a Customers table and a Orders table. Customers: CustomerName, CustomerID, Address, City, State, Zip, PhoneNumber. / Orders: ID, ProductName, OrderNumber, Quantity, UnitCost. In my program I need to be able to pull up a users ID with their Personal Information and also their Order ...

15. Searching Database Tables

Need some Hints. I would like to create a search engine type stuff where user will enter ID and press enter which then will go all the available tables into the database one by one, search of that ID and if found then present all the related information of that ID along with the Table name. Now important point to note ...

17. Create FoxPro table via ODBC/JDBC

import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.Statement; public class FoxProOdbc { public static void main(String[] args) { Connection conn = null; Statement stmnt = null; try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:FoxProTest", "", ""); stmnt = conn.createStatement(); String sql = "Create TABLE testtable (testme char(10))"; stmnt.executeUpdate(sql); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try {if (stmnt != null) stmnt.close();} catch ...

18. How to create a DB table from legacy Java code?

I was handed a legacy Java application's source code that does some DB operations. However, I did not get the DB tables/structures/SQL scripts. I know which Java file contains the fields that map to fields in the DB. It's just a class with member variables like so: view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. public class DBRecord 2. { 3. public String A; ...

19. web access to DB tables

Hello folks, I have a small set of DB tables (TimesTen). I need to put together a quick and dirty solution to provide web access to these tables to perform operations. TimesTen has a JDBC driver. Is there any tool out there that would allow me to generate java applets or similar solution that would allo to manipulate these tables (inserts/updates).? ...

20. cant view table

hi guys..ive set up my table in database(microsoft access) but i cant seem to view the label n text field are there. pls help ya import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class StudentExam { JFrame SExam=new JFrame("Student Examination Results"); //Container private Container ExamContainer=SExam.getContentPane(); //Labels private JLabel name=new JLabel(" Name :"); private ...

21. [SOLVED] how to use groupby with 2 tables

Um, I believe you would also have to group by name (as well as register number). That field is neither an aggregate (i.e. sum, max, min, somethingLikeThat), nor are you grouping over it, which would cause this sort of error. I know, that you probably only have one name per reister number, but you still need to do something with that ...

22. How to convert a table

23. How to create a DB table from legacy Java code?

I was handed a legacy Java application's source code that does some DB operations. However, I did not get the DB tables/structures/SQL scripts. I know which Java file contains the fields that map to fields in the DB. It's just a class with member variables like so: view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. public class DBRecord 2. { 3. public String A; ...

24. Conveting a Text File to a Table

hi, I am trying to extract a bunch of data from a text file and insert it into a table. To do this i am using MySQL and java (netbeans). I have the code and it works but only for some entries from the text file. The entries it does not work for are the ones that have a space in ...

25. Cant print the contents of a table

Hi guys So a few weeks ago i posted on here about converting a text file to a sql table and i received some great help so i thought i would post again with a different problem. Im still adding the same text file to the table but this time i need to split the title into three parts, the title, ...

26. Calling Inline Table Valued function through JDBC-ODBC

Hy, Any help me in that how to call a table valued function ?? Problem is that table valued function return TABLE, but there is not type which accept type TABLE like int return we register cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER ); for TABLE return what we do ?? Please ponder on my problem . . . Thanks

27. table

28. Error in table creation

CREATE TABLE `tolltaxsystem1.2`.`vehicle`( `vehicle_type` ENUM('LMV','LCV','BUS','TRUCK','MAV') NOT NULL , `vehicle_num` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL , `journey` ENUM('SJ','CR','EX') NOT NULL , `exempted_type` VARCHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NA' , `material` ENUM('O','ME','MG','AG') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'O' , `amount` DOUBLE(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.0' , `booth_num` ENUM('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') NOT NULL , `lane_num` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `passed_at` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), `image` BLOB )

29. How to develop pivot table in java?

Hi, I am developing a tool that is to replace a rather large Excel Workbook and I am trying to minimise the development effort. In order to do so - I am looking for Java Components that do similar things to what excel does. The primary functionality that I am looking to implement is the following: a) A table that can ...

30. caching the tables

31. how to display the alerts in table

32. DataBase table Design

Well, depends on wether you are trying to connect to an actual database (MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, etc...) or are just kinda 'making your own'. If the first case, you can use one of the java database connectors, but you will need to have the database up and running first. In the second case, there are MANY ways to do this. This ...

34. How to write database table to text file

while ( ) { } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } ==> Look up the Java ResultSet object and the ResultSet.getString(ColumnName) method. ==> And to write to a stream file, use the OutputStreamWriter from String file = "C:\File.txt"; OutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(file); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fout, "UTF-8");

35. Can i use hash maps instead of database tables.

Hi all I have a file from which i read the data and another data from some other file, the data from both the files are mapped to relate them which is also to be stored and then i have to match data from both the tables. I am thinking of using hash Maps for storing the data instead of using ...

36. Can not view database table in NetBeans 5.5

37. Database tables invisible

Hello, I am trying to develop JSP application with Visual Web Pack in Netbeans 5.5. I am trying to connect to MySql database. It was going all well and with some minor problems I was able to make my database appear in the Databases in the Runtime list. I can connect to my database and I can create a table (I ...

38. Does a table held in cache out perform database tables?

I am a Microsoft SQL Server DBA and have no experience of JAVA. However I find myself supporting a JAVA developer who is reading data from my database server and holding the results in cache on the application server. My issue is that that he is de-normalizing 18 tables in one select statement and creating a table that is 330000 rows ...

39. Database table to pdf document

40. retrieiving hashmap which contains database tables in it

Hi, I am new to java and i am struggling on this issue. I have an xml file which has readers and publishers. I am writing some queries in each reader and trying publish that in publisher class. I have recordset for each query in publisher as property. as shown below My problem is i am writing a generic publisher class ...

41. Table not found (SQLException)

Hi All, I know this is not the right forum to ask the question. But still posting the question after looking for it over the net for long and not getting answers. I am trying Spring as well as trying my hands to DB connection things after a long time. I have created a sample app. From my Java code i ...

43. Java classes representing DB tables

In the above example, you create Student, Unit, Register and Assignment classes which confirms the javabean specification (having private properties and public getters/setters). For foreign key references you just use the desired class as a property of the another class. So for example the Register class can have Student and Unit properties.

44. how many database tables have to be created for this java application

hi , can any body help me regading this task. in my project i have to develop a web application in which it has to be. like.. is related to product related consumer action. where it has to show first the home category homepage of the product,subcaterories of the products,model of the prodcuct . example like if the home category is ...

45. How to Upload CSV file into Ms-Access Database table

Where are you coming from pgm'g wize? How much Java pgm'g have you done? What type of application is this to be? ... class assignment? JSP? background job? You will need JDBC for the DB work. And you already know you need to split up the rows of the .csv file. You could use either a BufferedReader or a Scanner for ...

46. thread pool and use database table as queue

cometta wrote: is this possible to use database table as queue rather than using "LinkedBlockingQueue"..and store in memory ? If yes, how do i serialized the task object into table and how to retrieve the task object back when need to be execute by executorservice..? From the sound of this I think BDLH is on the right track. I would think ...

47. comparing 2 tables in Db

for(int i=0; i

48. Creating Table Model with Input from Text File and Database

Greetings My task is to create a table gui that reads from a text file and a database, where columns are alphebatically sortable. I've read the tutorials for the table part and my text file is in the form [Should ignore the first line somehow when populating the table..] title1 title2 title3 ... abc def 223 asd 232 123 I figured ...

49. j2ee web-based DB table editor

If you have trouble with where to start coding then you did not work enough on designing your application. You should have well formulate business requirements that you can translate into EJB's or DAO's. Think about your requirements and model your J2EE architecture. Once you have a model to work with that covers your requirements then you can start implementing and ...

51. how many table make in database

52. how to know a database has a specific table

53. Set Array Size of Database Table

I just get the same thing dont i. its just a longer way of settin ghte array size to 10. My problem is if i set it to ten, and the table has more than 10 records, i get an error. also if it has less than ten. then the rest appear as NULL. So i need it to check the ...

54. compare and upadte two database tables..

hi, I have two idetical database tables tableA and tableB. tabelA has 5columns and tableB has 7 coulumns. the first 5 coulmns in tableB are same as in tableA. Now my problem is tableA is having the updated data. I have to compare the tableB's data with tableA's data and upadate the tableB with the new data of tableA. any code ...

55. Database to table problem

56. [JDBC] How to refresh DatabaseMetaData after "drop table" or similar

I create connection with database using JDBC. My application needs correct list of tables in my account. I use getTable() method. Everything looks easy, but I have problem with some sql updates, for example: "drop table" or "create table". After drop or create, table list may change, but I don't know how can I refresh DatabaseMetaData without reconnection with database. Any ...

57. Compare database tables

I want to compare data in 2 tables in database. It contains approximately 70000 records or more. The fields in two tables are different in name. I have written a java program using queries. But it is taking a large amount of time. Is there any other solution to make the process faster.