jar « derby « Java Database Q&A

1. Use different version of derby.jar then the one included with WebSphere?    stackoverflow.com

I’m trying to use an imbedded Derby database from within a war file deployed on WebSphere for Z/OS. When I use code like the following to create a database I wind ...

2. How can I detect what version of JavaDB/Derby I'm using?    stackoverflow.com

I use JavaDB (Derby) as an embedded database in my Java Swing application. I would like to detect and print the version of JavaDB I'm using. I have included derby.jar in ...

3. Can't connect to Derby database if derby.jar is in Eclipse workspace    stackoverflow.com

I've been trying to create a Derby DB via Eclipse Data Tools Platform and at the beginning I couldn't manage to get it to work.. no matter what I did, I ...

4. Java: can't understand error when executing .jar    stackoverflow.com

I've been writing a small project in Eclipse which runs perfectly within the IDE. Then I've build a runnable .jar file through Eclipse (which should include every dependency library inside the ...

5. Is there any way to save embbeded apache derby database files in jar    stackoverflow.com

In my project when i clicked the jar file it extracts embedded database files to near it self. Is there any way to make them stay in the jar file?

6. Java resources after export project    stackoverflow.com

I've done a java aplication that have some images as resources like this:

->src ->resources ->images
For accessing this ...

7. Accessing derby inside the jar    bytes.com

Hi, For our swing application we are using derby database. Since its desktoop application, we are providing the application as jar to the clients. But issue is in finding the database. ...

8. How to build a derby database in a jar    coderanch.com

You don't have to... Derby comes in a jar as it is. But if you want to pack the actual database files in a jar, that is possible to. Just follow this "recipe". 1. Populates your database. Remember to do a proper shutdown of this database. This ensures that the database is checkpointed (see the Derby Reference Manual under the shutdown=true ...

9. understanding jar files and derby    java-forums.org

O.K. I've made some progress in deploying my Derby-based application in a .jar file. A new problem, however, has cropped up. I want to package the necessary driver (lib/derby.jar) and database (flashdb) along with my application (flash) in a .jar file (Flash.jar). To this end, I used the following command: jar cvfm Flash.jar Manifest.txt *class lib/* flashdb/* where the manifest contains ...

10. Derby.jar    java-forums.org

Hi, In Eclipse I have set the classpath to my $DERBY_HOME directory. Even so .. when I try and compile my simple code (which references the driver class: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver) I am faced with a ClassNotFound exception. The only way I can get the code to compile within the Eclipse IDE (works fine from my terminal) is if I include a reference ...

11. derby.jar    forums.oracle.com

StevanL wrote: Thanks for your reply. I've double-ckecked the directory location of derby.jar, and that it matches up with the filepath found in classpath (in enviornment variables). They are both fine. Check again Why wouldn't the derby.jar file contain class org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver? Does it not contain this class by default? Usually. Double-check by unzipping derby.jar and looking for it There are four ...

12. executable jar - derby aplication    forums.oracle.com

Dear all, I've build an derby aplication in netbeans 5.5. The whole aplication is working in netbeans. BUT If I start de aplication with the executable jar, the derby server doesn't start automaticaly. Is there a standard method to start the derby server? How can I use the aplication without netbeans IDE. With kind regard, Roy de Kleijn the netherlands