table « derby « Java Database Q&A

1. Automatically create table structure in an membory based derby database (netbeans)

I have a simple program I am working on, right now I am working in netbeans and using the derby database, in memory, and have it set to create the database ...

2. How can I get the top x% of values in a database table

How can I get the top x% of values in a database table. For example, I have a log file that I loaded into a db table. I would like to throw ...

3. Should I be autocreating my DB tables in code, or pre-init during install?

I have a Java application that uses an Apache Derby database with the embedded driver. Right now, in the installation, I run the SQL create scripts out of process. So when ...

4. Browse database tables inside Netbeans with transaction type JTA

I'm currently learning about Java EE development. I've been using a persistence unit with transaction type RESOURCE_LOCAL up until now, and it was possible to browse the database tables inside Netbeans ...

5. Derby Table Not Being Created

I am trying to create a database and table from within my Java code to no avail. Here is my database code and the error I am receiving when I ...

6. Check if word exists in within a database table in Java

So I have a database, within which there is a table with two columns: rightWord and wrongWord. I wish to select the rightWord value when the wrongWord value is equal to ...

7. Java: generate CREATE TABLE code from an existing table

is there a way to generate the CREATE TABLE code from an existing table in a Derby database? Or a simple way to gather the necessary table information?

8. Add primary key field to existing Derby table

I'm new to SQL, but managed to import my CSV data into an Apache Derby DB using ij. My table contains no primary key, and no existing field is suitable, so I'd ...

9. In-line temporary tables in Derby (like DB2)

Does Derby have an equivalent syntax for in-line temporary tables such as these: (this is valid DB2 syntax):

    with data(a,b) as (values

10. how to create table if it doesnt exist using Derby Db

i am new to apache derby and i cant seem to make work

as can be achieved in MySql and all. I ...

11. NullPointerException when creating tables in Derby Embedded mode

I'm getting the error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.deanchester.minos.utils.DatabaseManager.createTables(
at com.deanchester.minos.tests.testAddContestantMethod.main(
I create a connection using this method:
private static final String driver = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver";
private static final String protocol = "jdbc:derby:";
private static final Properties ...

12. calling derby (java db) 'show tables' from jdbc

I need to enumerate the tables in a Derby (aka Java DB) database using JDBC in a Java program. All I am aware of for doing this is the SHOW ...

13. derby create table

the first one when i try to return rows from the table it says that the table does not exist connection to the database doesn't throw any errors (had classNotFoundException before) ...