hive « hbase « Java Database Q&A

1. How does Hive compare to HBase?

I'm interested in finding out how the recently-released ( Hive compares to HBase in terms of performance. The SQL-like interface used by Hive is very much preferable to the ...

2. 20 Billion Rows/Month - Hbase / Hive / Greenplum / What?

I'd like to use your wisdom for picking up the right solution for a data-warehouse system. Here are some details to better understand the problem: Data is organized in a star schema structure ...

3. What is the advantage of integrating Hbase and Hive

Recently, I came across a blog where the author mentioned about integrating Hbase and Hive. Will this be possible and if so what is the advantage of using both(in terms of ...

4. In Hive, does "Load data local inpath" overwrite existing data or append?

I am hoping to run an import into Hive on a cron, and was hoping just using "load data local inpath '/tmp/data/x' into table X" into a table would be ...

5. Cannot start HBASE-MASTER in standalone mode

I installed hbase and hbase-master on my Ubuntu machine with help of these URLs:

Installation has been done. Then I tried to star hadoop-hbase master through ...

7. Hive: how to retrieve data by row timestamp

I am using hive to run select queries on HBase tables. I want to retrieve all rows where with timestamp value lower then X. My question is how to created select query like ...

8. realtime querying/aggregating millions of records - hadoop? hbase? cassandra?

I have a solution that can be parallelized, but I don't (yet) have experience with hadoop/nosql, and I'm not sure which solution is best for my needs. In theory, if ...

9. Configuring Hive with Hbase

I need to execute queries on HBase using hive. i have downloaded the HBase and hive my HMaster is running fine, i need to know what configuration changes i need to ...