cursor « oracle « Java Database Q&A

1. How to set Cursor type in JDBC?

I'm running tomcat and have some jsp pages that display a subset of a table. I show 20 rows at a time on a single page. When the table ...

2. Using Oracle ref cursor in Java without Oracle dependency

According to google and some other sources (e.g.,, if I want to call a stored-function that returns a ref cursor, I need to write something like this in ...

3. Does Oracle support Server-Side Scrollable Cursors via JDBC?

Currently working in the deployment of an OFBiz based ERP, we've come to the following problem: some of the code of the framework calls the resultSet.last() to know the total rows ...

4. "Cursor is closed" error - when trying to execute an Oracle SP using JDBC

The Oracle version of our database is 10g. The stored procedure selects all the elements in a table and returns a REF CURSOR type as follows: create or replace

  test_OUT ...

5. Problem with java not releasing oracle cursors

I'm working on the following code below, (edited for clarity), that is giving me a few problems with open cursors in Oracle. Basically I am trying to select data from the DB ...

6. iBatis mapping for oracle cursor

I have the following iBatis mapping for an Oracle Stored Procedure that returns a true/false value.

  <resultMap id="isAuthorizedResult" class="java.lang.Boolean">
    <result property="isAuthorized" column="isAuthorized"/>
  <parameterMap ...

7. clarification of cursors in oracle with jdbc

I have situation where a 3rd party open source product I am using is running out of cursors in Oracle and receiving the error: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded My maximum ...

8. Is there an Oracle Open Cursor (ORA-01000) leak in ColdFusion?

using CFMX7 and Oracle 10g ent on a query-intensive and active web site, I'm having a problem that some of the Oracle connections in my web server connection pool are accumulating ...

9. Java: ResultSet closing strategy, apart from closing it in finally

I am facing ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded although I am closing the resultsets in finally block. But I suspect there is some trouble with my legacy code, below is my ...

10. Oracle doesn't remove cursors after closing result set

Note: we reuse single connection.

public Connection connection() {        
       try {
           if ((connection == null) || (connection.isClosed()))

11. Working with Oracle ref cursor using iBatis

While using JDBC, we can work with oracle ref cursors using CallableStatement. Can I have such functionality using iBatis?

12. oracle open cursor

We are using the ORACLE A.S 10g and D.B 10g (10.0.1). We maintain a pool of D.B connection on A.S. Our application is web based. We are properly closing ...

13. MyBatis - how use a REF CURSOR in MyBatis?

Can anyone give an example of the use of REF CURSOR from Oracle using myBatis?

14. from java how to call a stored procedure passing an oracle cursor as an argument

I am using Java + iBatis and have a need to call an Oracle Stored Procedure that takes a cursor as an argument. Google didn't help me much in finding ...

15. Ref Cursor and Resultset

I am calling a store procedure from my java class that returns me a ref cursor, I am extracting out the result set from the cursor and iterating the result set ...

16. Multiple Return Cursors from Oracle Stored Procedure

Hi I have a situation, where I need to handle 6 returns from an Oracle 11g R2 Stored procedure, out of which three are Oracle cursors. I am using Groovy / ...

17. what is the equivalent data type for Oracle Cursor.

Hi, I am using Oracle 8i as my BackEnd. I am using a Stored Procedure present in Oracle, which takes two IN parameter and one OUT parameter. Say the proc. will look something like this. " testProc(intVar1 IN Integer, strVar2 IN varchar, cusrRec OUT curdsor_reference) " Now how can I pass my OUT variable as a CURSOR to my Procedure when ...

18. Rogue Cursors in Oracle

We are calling a variety of Stored procedures from a servlet running on WebLogic. We are periodically receiving Max cursor open errors during our testing, even though we are the only client accessing the server. We have placed all of the relevant close calls (ResultSets, Statements and Connnections) in finally clauses for the relevant methods and we are sure they are ...

19. Calling Oracle Stored Procedure which has parameter as CURSOR

Hi, I would like to know,how to get more than 1 record from oracle db(by calling stored procedure) in Java.What I did is I created a Stored Procedure in oracle as : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getControlData(seqNum OUT seqPack.seqCur) AS BEGIN OPEN seqNum FOR SELECT SEQ_NO FROM CONTROL_M; END; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE seqPack AS TYPE seqCur IS REF CURSOR; END ...

20. Returning CURSOR from ORACLE

Hi, Any one explain me, how to return CURSOR from Oracle database. I have used Oracle Driver to recieve CURSOR using OracleTypes.CURSOR. Is there any other possible way to get the Oracle CURSOR. I want to use only java.sql and javax.sql; I was tested with Oracle REF CURSOR Type. Please Explain ASAP Senthamizh

21. Calling oracle pl/sql procedure that has an in out ref cursor parameter

The procedure also needs to be called for visual basic which apparently requires an in out parameter. It doesn't matter anyway it seems the problem has something to do with trying to call the procedure across a database link. I created the procedure in my local database and could run it with the code I posted earlier no problem.

22. what is REF Cursor in oracle ??

Hi Srikanth, As far my little knowledge goes, if you are calling stored procedure from JDBC and SP needs to return multiple rows then you can choose to return either nested table or ref cursor. Ref cursor has advantage that Oracle9i free the memory space when you close the statement.Unlike nested table which oracle keep in memory until you close the ...

23. oracle connection pool setting and database cursors

I am using Oracle's connection pool for managing connections. After using a ResultSet or executing a DML statement, I close the ResultSet, Statement and also finally the connection object(logical connection obtained from pool) to free the resources. But it was noticed that in database there were several INACTIVE CURSORs and at some point they even reached the MAX number set in ...

24. Cannot get Oracle CURSOR from Oracle procedure

Hi, I need to retrieve a OracleTypes.CURSOR in the form of java ResulstSet into my JSP page from Oracle database. The JSP looks like: <%@ page import = "java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import = "oracle.jdbc.driver.*" %> ...... conn = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL, databaseUsername, databasePassword); cs = conn.prepareCall("{call FIRST(?)}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR); cs.execute(); rs = (ResultSet) cs.getObject(1); ........... Oracle procedure is: ............. TYPE ref_cursor IS ...

26. Strange problem: JDBC: Oracle Connection: Cursor hangs in ResultSet

Hi, My program connects to an oracle db and queries all records (480'000) from a table with 4 columns (of which one, Z00_DATA, is of type LONG (and on average is about 1000 chars long)). From my Windows machine, the program runs fine. From a linux box the same program doesn't: it executes the statement, but when I skim through the ...

27. JDBC Oracle Cursor Vs Array

28. Oracle JDBC and Cursor question

We have a database class that handles building a callable statement (OracleCallableStatement). We register in and out parameters. We fetch the outparameter Cursor like this: ResultSet cursor = cStmt.getCursor(i); This cursor is then added to a List like this: List out = new ArrayList(); out.add(cursor); We then close the OracleCallableStatement before we access the Cursor. This works fine, but is this ...

29. Refresh Cursor in Stored proc Oracle

I have a stored procedure in which i define a cursor in the start like so: CURSOR PB_CANCEL_CUR IS SELECT * FROM TB_PB_TRADE_FEED WHERE MATCH_ID = 0 AND ACTION_TYPE = 'C' AND ACTIVE_STATUS = 0 AND ERROR_FLAG ='N' ORDER BY TRADE_REF_NUMBER; After this, i iterate the loop and upon some conditions, i change the ACTIVE_STATUS and ERROR_FLAG to different values. Upon ...

30. Handling cursor declared in oracle in java program

I have created cursor in oracle which returns cursor. I want to handle cursor specified below in java. I tried java code given below shows error create or replace package emp_procedure as type local_emp is table of emp%rowtype index by binary_integer; procedure curex (name in varchar2,lemp out local_emp) ; end emp_procedure; create or replace package body emp_procedure as procedure curex(name in ...

31. Can a oracle Stored procedure return a cursor as a return value?

Hi, I have a doubt on Oracle Stored Procedures and Functions. What is difference between the two and can a stored procedure return a value back. Some one at my place wrote a stored procedure that he says returns a cursor. I wrote code in java using Stored Procedure in spring. But it always gives me a DB Exception. [2010-05-20 12:18:15,373] ...

32. problems while passing the parameters to an oracle procedure Ref Cursor

Hello All, I am having troubles while passing parameters to an oracle procedure and retruning the values in a ref cursor. The result set is returning a false statement and did not return any value. . I am having year, username parameters which I am passing them to the procedure. my code is <%@ page import="java.sql.*,java.util.*,javax.sql.*, oracle.jdbc.*,oracle.jsp.dbutil.ConnCacheBean"%> Connection conn=null; try{ String ...

33. Open Cursor Exceeded in Oracle

34. Cursor is closed with WebSphere5.1 & Oracle

We have an application running on two different WebSphere application servers (server A & server B) on AIX 5.3. Both systems connect a single Oracle 10G database. Both WebSphere AS s have the proper ojdbc14.jar for Oracle 10G database and the same application ear file is deployed to the servers. There is no firewall between WebSphere s and DB. The ...