resultset « sqlite « Java Database Q&A

1. SQLite 3 - JDBC driver throws "ResultsSet Closed" exception on empty resultset

I a problem in JDBC driver for SQLite. I am executing a query with SELECT statement. If I get an empty resultset (0 rows) then I see a "Closed ResultSet" exception thrown when ...

2. ant sql task throws "no ResultSet available" with org.sqlite.JDBC driver

I'm trying to use org.sqlite.JDBC to create and update a sqlite database in ant. The sqlitejdbc-v056.jar comes from and is the latest version (056) This is my build.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<project ...

3. Is there any tool or technique to identify opened ResultSet

In the context of a java application using SQLIte to persist data I am using the Zentus JDBC driver. Thus I am using the java.sql ...