classpath « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. modifying Jboss classpath

I have a jar file named "xyz.jar" that have the file "abc.xml" and I have one more file with same name "abc.xml" not bundled with "xyz.jar" . I would like to ...

2. dependencies of jar with no manifest in ear (JBoss deployment)

I have a signed jar bundled in an ear that searches for a configuration file of off the classpath. The configuration file is in the ear's manifest and is located ...

3. JBOSS applications not finding packaged libraries

I am trying to deploy an EAR file under JBOSS 6.0 M2. I have the following setup:

  • Main_app.ear
    • lib
      • axis.jar ... other webservice related jars
    • META-INF
      • application.xml
    • My_EJB.jar
      • package
      • META-INF
        • MANIFEST.MF
        • ejb-jar.xml
    • JSF_WEB.war
      • META-INF
        • MANIFEST.MF
      • pages
        • pages
      • templates
        • pages
      • WEB-INF
        • faces-config.xml
        • .faces-config.xml.jsfdia
        • web.xml
      • classes
        • classes
      • lib
        • jsf and richfaces libs
    • Webservice_stuff.war
      • META-INF
        • MANIFEST.MF
      • WEB-INF
        • classes
          • packages
        • lib
          • axis, saaj, etc. libs

4. Adding deploy folders to the JBoss 5.1.0 classpath

In JBoss 5.1.0 there are the following files:

Folders into which wars/ears/deployables can be dropped should be specified in the profile.xml file's applicationURI section (where deploy is specified by default). Other folders ...

5. How to prevent JBoss inter web application classpath?

I have two web application deployed in JBoss within same server. I have observed classpath is shared between this two web applications. So how do I prevent classpath saring between applications. I ...

6. JBoss: How do you read a resource from the root of an exploded webapp?

I have a localhost JBoss 6 setup with JBoss Tools and Eclipse doing the hot deploy of an exploded webapp. I used to launch my webapp via shell using main class ...

7. JBOSS ordering of contents of WEB-INF/lib

I have an ear file, containing a war file. The war contains a number of jars in its WEB-INF/lib directory. Some of these jars contain confilicting (or at least different ) ...

8. How can I specify an external dependency in JBoss 5

OK so I have a couple of jars that I need for my JBoss application to run. Under normal circumstances, I would just copy these jars into my apps WEB-INF/lib ...

9. How to share libs between web applications with JBoss

I have 10 web applications deployed on JBoss. Each one has about 20 jars in web-inf/lib ... most of which are the same in each web application. It's tedious to add all ...

10. classpath of jboss in netbeans 6.5

hey !! hello everybody, i need to know how to make the classpath of jboss 5.0.1 point to another folder, does netbeans alow me to do that?? if not any suggestion?(i ...

11. Classpath problem when deploying a persistence unit (in JBoss)

Hello, I have a JAR file containing an EJB with a persistence.xml file. I also have another JAR project containing a persistent annotated POJO class that the persistence unit is supposed to map. I defined the class in the persistence unit using a class XML element, but because it's in another JAR, the persistence unit implementation cannot find it. I tried ...

12. JBoss 5 classpath

Hello, I want to arrange all the JAR files that are found in the common/lib directory in subdirectories by subject (e.g all the hibernate files in the same subfolder). Will JBoss still be able to find the files or do I need to change the classpath to include all the subfolders? If I have to change the classpath, how can I ...