jboss7 « JBoss « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to start jboss AS 7?    stackoverflow.com

I run the standalone.bat I encounter a page 404 error when accessing May i know what is wrong? Below is the server startup logs

Config file not found C:\software\JBoss\bin\standalone.conf.bat

  JBoss Bootstrap Environment


2. jboss 7 configuration    stackoverflow.com

I downloaded jboss 7 and trying to run my application in it. But I couldn't find server.xml to change settings. Previously I used jboss4.2.2 and have server.xml in \server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer. Can anyone ...

3. ViewExpiredException after upgrading to JBoss AS 7    stackoverflow.com

after upgrading to JBoss AS 7, suddenly the POST request of the first login page of our application results in a ViewExpiredException. Everything worked fine under JBoss AS 6. Since the classloading ...

4. Problems deploying application on JBoss 7 Final    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to migrate my business application which is running on JBoss 5.1 GA to JBoss 7. I am confronted with different errors and I can't find a way to ...

5. server.xml equivalent in JBoss AS 7    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to run my application in jboss 7 from jboss 4. In jboss 4 we changed server.xml to configure keystoreFile and keystorePass etc. Can any one help me where ...

6. Form based authentication in JBoss successful but throws 408 error page    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to migrate my java application from JBoss 5.1 to JBoss 7.0. I am able to deploy the application, but if I want to login (form based authentication), I ...

7. How to run jBoss AS 7 with eclipse 3.6(helios)?    stackoverflow.com

For some reason, I need to upgrade my JBOSS server to JBOSS AS 7, but I found that that default latest adapter is just for AS 5. Any Suggestions? Right now ...

8. Deploying Datanucleus on jboss AS 7    stackoverflow.com

I need to deploy datanucleus using JCA. My application is built on ejb3 and CDI. I am not able to proceed after this error. 21:29:38,789 SEVERE [DataNucleus.Datastore.Schema] (http-- Failed initialising database.: org.datanucleus.exceptions. NucleusDataStoreException: ...

9. Binding jboss as7 to all interfaces    stackoverflow.com

I'm running JBoss AS7 in a standalone mode using ./standalone.sh. This binds JBOSS to only localhost. Is there a way to bind it to all the hosts, i mean The ...

10. Jboss 7 and eclipse indigo plug in giving error while starting server?    stackoverflow.com

I installed Eclipse indigo and jboss 7 server and jboss server plugins installed for struts2 application. I created simple application with jsp page and deployed in to jboss7 server ( ...

11. Start JBoss 7 as a service on Linux    stackoverflow.com

Previous versions of JBoss included a scripts (like jboss_init_redhat.sh) that could be copied to /etc/init.d in order to add it as a service - so it would start on boot up. ...

12. How to manage the life cycle of JCA ManagedConnectionFactory?    stackoverflow.com

I deploy the rar file by placing it in the deployment folder in jboss as 7. Later deploy my war file. This connector in bound to a JNDI location by definition inside ...

13. How to measure the startup time of JBOSS 7 server?    stackoverflow.com

I want to compare JBOSS 5 with 7. The documentation says that JBOSS 7 is much quicker. How do I proceed? Edit1: I don't have any app. Just want to dry test it. Edit2:


14. How to deploy a war file in JBOSS 7?    stackoverflow.com

I downloaded JBOSS 5 and successfully deployed a war file. I copypasted the Hello.war which has a simple index.jsp file into \jboss-5.1.0.GA-jdk6\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deploy and it worked fine. However when I used JBOSS 7 and ...

15. jboss 7, how to set thread pool size for http connector    stackoverflow.com

In jboss7, how to set the thread pool size for the http and https connectors. I am using standalone.xml for setting changes. Can anyone help me. Thanks in Advance.

16. NoClassDefFoundError when class is in JBoss AS7 WAR WEB-INF/classes folder    stackoverflow.com

I'm using JBoss AS7. I get a ClassNotFoundException when attempting to deploy my app - looks like it's not finding JMSException

09:54:53,166 ERROR [org.jboss.msc.service.fail] (MSC service thread 1-7) MSC00001: Failed to ...

17. Interactive Application Deployment on JBoss    stackoverflow.com

In JBoss AS 7, is there a way to interactively deploy an application? In other words, rather than manually creating JBoss deployment descriptors prior to deployment (e.g. jboss-web.xml), is there a ...

18. class loading of an inbound resource adapter on JBoss 7.0.1?    stackoverflow.com

I use the JBoss AS 7.0.1 and have written a simple inbound resource adapter that acts as an UDP-Listener. When I deploy my RA, the container calls the ResourceAdapter.start(BootstrapContext ctx) method ...

19. How to load APR Connector (Native) in JBoss 7    stackoverflow.com

I want to use Atmosphere XMPP but i need to load native connector APR. I am not very familiar as of yet with JBoss 7 so i was wondering if anyone ...

20. JBoss AS7 *.dodeploy files    stackoverflow.com

We package our application as a .war file, we advertise support for JBoss AS5 and instruct our clients to copy the .war into their JBoss 'deploy' directory, and start up their ...

21. Case in-sensitive Jboss 7 web application context root    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to make web application context case in-sensitive? Basically i'm doing the following in jboss-web.xml

I'm able to access the app via localhost:8080/cap, but trying to ...

22. SLF4J + logback + JBoss 7?    stackoverflow.com

Has anyone got SLF4J / logback to work with JBoss 7? Previously, I was able to get my app to work in JBoss 5.1 by putting my "logback.groovy" in [server]/conf, and the ...

23. How to use WebSockets against JBoss AS7?    stackoverflow.com

JBoss 7.0.1. Google Chrome. This test client code (using https://github.com/jmesnil/stomp-websocket):

var client = Stomp.client("ws://");
client.connect("guest", "guest", function() {
    client.send("/queue/test", {priority: 9}, "Hello world!");

client.subscribe("/queue/test", function(message) {
But ...

24. Unable to access a deployed HelloWorld application in JBoss AS7    stackoverflow.com

I am trying out JBoss AS 7 with a simple HelloWorld application.

  • The HelloWorld application folder has a simple hello.jsp file.
  • The deploy copies the HelloWorld.war to the jboss7.0.1\standalone\deployments folder.
  • After ...

25. Problem about pluging in Jboss 7 to eclipse Ubuntu operating system    stackoverflow.com

Hi everyone I think I have a dumb question, which I forget how to install the jboss7 to eclipse. I downloaded the tar.gz file and extracted, then what should I do? Weakly ...

26. ExtendedFormAuthenticator in JBoss 7    stackoverflow.com

I'm porting a legacy application from JBoss 4.2.3 to JBoss 7 (the web profile version). They used a custom login module and used a valve to capture the login failure reason ...

27. JBoss 7 application, start/stop from ui?    stackoverflow.com

I am running an application on a Jboss 6 server and using mbeans to start/stop my app without redeploying/restarting server. I was testing on JBoss 7 and saw that there were ...

28. Is transactional @observes working for fired events on JBoss AS 7?    stackoverflow.com

In order to use events only listened if a transaction succeeds or fails, I'm following the given doc about transactional observers : http://docs.jboss.org/weld/reference/1.1.0.Final/en-US/html_single/#d0e4075 ... but cannot manage to make my code ...

29. JBoss 7 NOT Java EE6 Certified    stackoverflow.com

I am really wonder what this actually means? Can I use JBoss 7 in development and also in production with all EE 6 features (I need JMS, EJB 3.1, JSF 2.1, CDI...) ...

30. How does JBoss domain controller discover the slave host controllers in different physical machines    stackoverflow.com

I was trying to setup the domain controller feature which is new in JBoss AS7. When the servers and the host controller are running from the same folder of JBoss then ...

31. Is JBoss 7 a JAX-RS compliant Application Server?    stackoverflow.com

JBoss 7 Application Server is compliant with J2EE 6 Specification. I just want to know whether JBoss 7 supports JAX-RS implementation or not?

32. JBoss AS7: logging with logback    stackoverflow.com

I would like to use slf4j+logback for logging on an JBossAS7. Additionaly I have to solve the following requirements:

  • I need to share one logback configuration / context within multiple deployed applications/EARs
  • I need ...

33. Linking libraries from JBoss 7 AS modules directory    stackoverflow.com

If there is a library present in JBoss AS 7 under the /modules directory, what is the best way to go about referencing it in my project? I'm working on a project ...

34. How do I configure a static context path in jboss7?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to find a way to configure a static context path i jboss7. We are upgrading from jboss4.2 and in that version we had a config element in server.xml ...

35. How can I get web request statistics in JBoss 6 or 7?    stackoverflow.com

Does the JMX interface in JBoss AS 6.1 or 7, or a web admin console area, offer some basic values like total request count? Or is there logging of HTTP requests ...

36. setting up SSL in JBoss 7    stackoverflow.com

I am attempting to get SSL set up in JBoss 7. I want http and https so I added

<connector name="https" scheme="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" secure ="true" socket-   binding="https"/>
I created a ...

37. Relative paths in JBoss Application Server 7    stackoverflow.com

I would like to specify file paths using the JBoss provided substitutions, e.g. ${jboss.server.log.dir}. I see that there are entries in standalone.xml such as

<file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="server.log"/>
but I don't think I can ...

38. @Inject seem not to work in JBoss AS 7    stackoverflow.com

I have installed the latest JBoss AS 7 (7.0.2) and installed the eclipse tools to connect it with WTP. I created a "Dynamic Web Project" (without maven). I try to get ...

39. TLD Parse error on deploying EAR to JBoss AS7    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to deploy a EAR which runs on Websphere6.1 on JBoss AS7 but i'm getting this error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.BodyContentType.None

40. Using Netty inside JBoss 7 AS    stackoverflow.com

I want to implement simple socket client using ChannelPipelineFactory inside JBoss 7.0.2 AS. So I added org.jboss.netty module in standalone.xml file but deploying my war file causes java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/netty/channel/ChannelPipelineFactory exception! How can ...